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This year at Acorns, Faraz has improved his interpersonal skills,

language and communication. Faraz is now more confident in our PSED
activities and in everyday social discussions.
His ability to work in a group has improved and he tries hard to keep up
with his colleagues. He is curious and shows interest in the world around him.
Although, his willingness to share and take turns has improved, this is only
done when staff ask him to and not independently.
Faraz has learned to respect and understand the differences and
similarities between himself and others e.g. likes, dislikes, physical appearance
etc. There has been considerable improvement in his understanding of how to
form friendships and he has formed good relationships with all staff and

I have seen Farazs imaginative play with toys improve. He particularly

enjoys games involving role play but needs to allow others to be involved and
to take note of the rules of the game being played.
Faraz has started to use polite expressions e.g. please, thank you. He
manages to do most things in the nursery independently and asks for help
when he needs to.
Faraz has begun to tell staff if he is unhappy about the way other
children behave towards him and he can articulate his feelings. He talks about
family life and listens to others describe theirs.
Faraz can talk when playing with pretend objects during imaginative
play. He can also reflect upon past experience and stories.

Faraz can start conversations using new vocabulary. He listens with

enjoyment to poems, stories etc He can speak clearly and audibly and shows
awareness of the listener.
Faraz shows interest in print and illustrations around him. He also
shows interest in the way stories are structured. He holds books correctly
and turns the pages in the right direction.
Faraz can hold a pencil correctly, perform anti-clockwise movements
and trace over vertical lines.
Faraz needs to develop more interest in books in general as he shows
interest in stories being read to him but not in the books themselves.
Faraz has started showing an interest in numbers and performs well
when working with a partner. He can recognise some numbers from 1 to 5, can
talk about shapes and recognises some common shapes.

Faraz needs to learn to count and recognise all the numbers from 1 10.
Faraz can sort objects using set criteria. He can cut and join using
simple tools e.g. sellotape, scissors, glue etc with adult help.
During discussions about past events he asks and answers questions.
When describing objects he points out the features he likes and
dislikes. He enjoys moving to music from other cultures.
Faraz needs to find out about and identify features of where he lives
and the natural world.
Faraz particularly enjoys creative activities e.g. painting, collage,
sticking. He likes to experiment by mixing different colours together.

Faraz uses pencils, felt tips pens, chalk, in a variety of mark making activities.
Faraz has learned an increasing range of songs and particularly enjoys
moving expressively to music.
Faraz can express and communicate his ideas through role play,
movement and music.
Faraz can work alongside others but needs to be guided to work
Faraz moves with confidence and imagination in a variety of ways e.g.
backwards, forwards, jumping off objects safely.
Faraz performs physical activities easily e.g. actions to songs, sitting to
standing. He respects the personal space of others when playing close by.

Faraz can use a range of small and large equipment safely and
accurately. In the future, Faraz needs to learn why it is important to wash
hands etc
A good year, Faraz, well done!

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