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CQl-25 SPC Quick Start Guide 1st Edition Insigh Expertise Results The Catalyst for Peak Performance AIAG caQl-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide ABOUT AIAG Purpose Statement ounce 1982, AIAG gebaty ercanzndomnzatien whore OEMS and suppor unt 0 ares an esoWe ‘Sees atecng he wong auorave spa ean. AIAG ga rela euce coat ana comtey Bough Calsorstan improve prodsrausy, heat sey, an the ntrormars ans opts pee 9 mart eg these chan [NAG Organization AIAG i made up fa board of recto, anexpitve drei, exacts noun fom member ogists, Sssocute arecos, sltine sta and varices serng on ace leans Deca Gepatnert manages ed gan rerage dn. tet snicomte be scons aes wer he eso oe ee |AING Proaes ‘AAG promotes enecives preva by pbihing standart and fing oducasoal conferences nd ang ember companes crate etre of vurteer fo ners a AIAG nronompative, one ru hats mnded {Pablo recanenentone guasines, anaberl ractons re orl good le aust, Ang cet Poss an besos tt 2 ‘feiikeotearonetace 9 eso coe eta carorad nt un we ovr. An ‘gnats nna ar gue naan caer we gees pac To ‘ence fon AG pan sn mape psc yen om mara, mat (cag ang oc posses prlsses carne pan ‘he Pla dot ay eps marty, exp in on ay man ‘nin ec rin ir iene say ages eogares ‘a peters aa perder adr cared te es eon (snd Posse ri tras ga Fam bk basso om oreo ‘go as Prom IO al 28229) AMS ty Seva ein tin pti or eon {©2015 rs ny Aeon Gr, Ml apg a ry a a ppb 8S (sige grr fe orem spree Exar lear, soe end) Gano po fate try opin i et ra yee tana nay ty ay mana chan pase aan cranes shat te or Sipe Aas ey nC. ar wes ot ci ee Roptbenrsinor specs cal-25 eens ri page einen blank z Please donot remove FOREWORD cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide “The purpse ofthe SPC nick Start Guide (QSG) sto convey the ‘ulding blocks of SPC for tase new tothe topic o for those who have ‘only experienced SPC fiom acomputer’s perspective. Through ‘iscusson ofthe fundamenta tools and advcney of abackto-asics| ‘ppoeh, the QSG presents ihe ubjet matter a seuightorward ‘manner to benelt a majority f applications. “The QSG isnot intended to splat the AIAG SPC Maal ' but to supplement and simply its eaters when dec pplication i clled for " Daimlerchnyaler, Fard Motor Company, snd General Maas, Statiea Pracss Control (SPC), 2 Edo, AIAG: ly 208 Seal sacle AIAG ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AIAG would like to rsognize and thank the member organizations and ‘sork group members responsible fir this acumen “Ton Firestine “Toyota Motor Enginering & Manufacturing Noth “America In, Co-Chair Greg Gast. ‘Omme Ie, Co-Chai Karen Metrum Mina in Jan Tucker ASQ sim Verhanovte Neatesr Aulonotive Patrica Whit-oinson Ford Motor Company ‘Stanley Zhou FCA Group John Boulshanis ‘AIAG AIAG» sae Se a TABLE OF CONTENTS fone A Meecranes Sion Robaa—— 7 Mieco ctor stn ac : 2 imemese nna aie : 12nd Ming age Chana i "12.1 Contre Charts for DeectvesPand NP. a cae [2demaw geo vac a arate eae pear remain << 2 BEGINNING, CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT, AND NEXT STEPS. 2 Pa acoucron Be PE} 2.1 Sigl Process Study. res Capobily Assessment 2.12 onstiontoong-erm Cn 213 changing Conditonseatocoting Resouces 2 WARNING SIGNS FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION... APPENDON nnn ‘ener Conc Cus AAG SPM) Dasaron Kase ano RO Fo 4s 2oouraroxcmnUowr = = CaQl-25 ‘SPC ulek Start Guide “Table of Figures ec ae Fem, XaMnaSO RMR BALI nnn oo Framed How caress nD On zs Femes. TNR bau oun COMmbaRe Saananaon aut 15. How roGuateACos a ‘louie 17, START “SMT RUM, enna a ent 19. BPEL Fat Uo Armond nnn out 20. PPE 2 Fue” Ua Among Fiouae23. PREZ RecoMMENOrO APFRORGH. me Feo 24 PPE Rrcomnanora Arman Free 28 Phe Secomnenoro armani. a Free 28 Noma Dameron rm ooo Acct win Free 29. Armond Comer me Process Tae [cha Ya Fine 32. Saree Conrad Caan (ROWSE) _ AIAG» INTRODUCTION cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide ‘Docs he following statment describe your cent situation? Yow are reading this because you were insruced or decided yourself, ‘es implementStatistieal Procss Control (SPO) and you don fet your tndersanding ofthe subjectmatter iat a proficiency lve. Ityes, then you are inthe right place because this SPC QuickStart Guide (OSG) was designed fo yu. The ols things ou need moving forward ae I)ahasic aptitude in mat (el, sure, mltiply and divide) and 2) sn warenss hat SPC isa approach help You undrian variation i Your process and that by contalling variation ou provide abet ‘roast to your eustomens). ‘SPC has been round since th ealy 19203. involves the study of arith, which ply mesa iference. Vaition i efewed toa lier gomman cause which sinerent variation (fin called nose), or “special cause, meaning thore's an assignable reason for is occurrence. Special ease variation result from eeumatances hit are not aways ting onthe process, but when they fe insta wil affect the output ‘they are dented and address, An example highlihting the Aitfrepe between the two feof variations You daily commute to ‘work Even fou ake the sae route, you do nt ative a your ‘estination cach day at exact the sometime, Trafic voles are ile ‘ferent, te numberof stop fg you gt suck at changes, ete. This common cause variation, considered apart of the"spstem.”"On the other hand, fou wake up oa snowfall that wil extend your drive Ge to ‘work, you will experience special caus variation, ‘The purpose of SPC isto cost fective ensure that products produc moe the esters expecatins From a system” standin it defines the extent of common eatse variation and alsa signals when a special, ‘aus has aceon ts that it sours can been and reacted to before problems arse. This iswhy SPC is considered a prevention activity. OF course, you cou inspect every part rior to shipment, but that certainly is ot cst effctive and hs ben proven to be mach ess than a guaranice of quality. Implemented corel (which isthe intention ofthis QSC), SPC wl inal n you a confidence that you re im fact meting your customer's requirements, regular, and with ony & Sal percentage ofthe pode: being checked “The motivation for renewed interest in SPC in the 19805 was genie, but too often vague and hasty ntouction caused many to repard the tools as much fess than aversed. This QSG was also created a a back tortasies call tor-ephasie that inplementing SPC need ot bean imelectal chore, but ater thatthe majority of applications ean be ‘handed by using the wie ancrve approach afforded by baste chart types like Xcar &R, 1 MR ce, Ths wil be the fous ofthe remainder ofthe OSG, (Advanced practitioners an those who determine a sndard cal-25 ‘SPC Quek Start Guise Pre-Requisites. AIAG» approach will mot meet ther needs should sek further assistance {rom the ATAG SPC Manual" ‘Tere are tree key necensitie forthe application of SPC: measurement system robustness a sample ata collection scheme; andthe ability to ‘eae to special cause istabiliy,iFencounced nea ime Fach will be covered ar an inttuctory vel below. Moré detailed infomation can be found in the SPC and oe published AIAG reference manuals ‘A. Measurement System Robustness ‘Attica ssue in preparing to implement SPC is that no measurement fsstem ie without variation. The broad topic ie referred toa “Measirement System Aralyss, “Measrement sytem robustness is defined the system's bility to minimize variation from measrement practices, therefore providing a ominen means of acquiring aeurate and peeise dat a he Fate be checked. Inher words by using the bestsuited device, providing ‘kale and documented instrctions and thoroughly taining al those ‘who will eollet data. The GIO rule (Garbage In = Garbage Ou will, ply ifthat variation execeds an acceptable lve, meaning the data ‘Cannot be acted upen reliably. This ean apply to both variable and ‘Mibu dia nd il aes tobe et none to proceed with SPC implementation. B. Sample Data Collection Scheme Serious consideration need tobe given fo aquiing data that wil be ed forthe characteristic beng sided. The two tyes of data avilable are variable (ndvidal samples ae moasurabe) and atibite inavidual samples are either good or ba). Variable is the preferred chic. Before beginning SPC wo tans tha are necessary to understand about collecting data are independence and random selection. Independence ‘nd random Slaton mean fat every subject inthe population rast be independent from the athers (two observations as independent itaeidhe inuences, noe resus fom, the ther) and every subjectitem hasan equal chance of being chosen as simple this no the ase, Scmething called "bias" has bn ntroed into the sample. Bas meas toiniluenes orb influenced na ceri direstion. Blas in sample ‘tn ss can Ted eoncousconclsions abot the sample dataset ainlrChiyalr, Ford Moor Company nd General Mars, Stata! Paces Corr (SPC), 2 Bion, AING Jay 208, AIAG» eo) Cae cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Star Guide beng studied as wells the population rom which the sample daa set wns dawn (One other itr to undertandabortaegiring data hofre beginning SPC israioalsubarouping. Subgroups are ses of data observations coleted to take the poe” ofthe proceso given tines, A afoul subgroup isa ‘tof data observations in wtih all ofthe items checked were produced Under homogeneous conditions, Meat contol carts rely upon rational’ Subgroups to estimate variation in the process. Rational subaroups re Fer define by the fllowing ropes 4 Aspreviously sted he data observations comprising the sulgroup are independent ‘©The daa abservsions within a subgroup ae from single process (not fom lil proces seams) ‘+The subgroups ar formed from data observations taken in 8 ordered sequence (asualysuceeave, In ther wor sulroups cannot be randomly formed from a set of ta (uch aa box pat). Where theres no economic disodvantage to collecting ational samples, the use of subgroups ove individuals els reduce “ype 1" ‘vor (eciving a signal to eact when no eatin is actualy nocesy) It subgroup caleulatons(parteularly Xba) are done by hand, choosing Five amples per subgroup mokes the math easy. Ex: 167-173 = 1.38, # 162-rLSt™= 8.14 To got de average just double the number and move the decimal one place athe len his case the answer is 1.628 Note: This trick only works ora subgraup sizeof ive samples, . Abltity to React to Instability In Real Time ‘SPC contol charts make sens only where you have process ownership and where you have the ability to adjust the process whenever instblty (Ge, ouoFconiol condition) due o special cause variations ‘encountered. Like ems Aan above this item con also make o ak ‘inate implement SPC Nothing i moce fasting foc ivolved ‘members than uncovering process instability only to dscover hat toting can be done about i W'you de nat chart fora purpose, there "No purpose for sour char, CQl-25 SPE Quick stort Guide AIAG AIAG se que Seat 1 THE MOST COMMON CONTROL CHART TYPES FOR VARIABLE AND ATTRIBUTE DATA “There are diferent kinds of ceo! chars for variable and stb dt, That sid, they generally share common look ad Feature: Each sudies a specitic chanetrstic ofa pat or process (Geral axis) ovr tine horizon ai). Datapoints re pte in a raphical framework. + Analyssiscondite with respect oan average line and ‘cong limite (nt specication Hai {cL = Upper contrl tt common Cause Varstion{m2y 0 aV® page ing Let = Ln con mt Special Cause varietion within contol i) Lek * Explained later in tis QS Figare 1. Control Chart Characteristics Control limits are the bounds of one in which slmost al the data should fll in ode forthe pees to bein contd sate The hey ‘point for contrel chars isthe abil to Separate special (assignable) ‘onto vata font comer arent ares arate allowing for ‘correction before the prodacion of nonconforming prodnct Conforming prac. The diincton between incon an ong Sender reo tcp al eed CaQl-25 ‘SPC Qulek Start Guiae Roadmap for Control Chart Selection Figure 2. Comtrd Charts: Selection Flow Chart 41.1 Variable Data 41.4 X-bar and R Chart When it comes to variable dat, the overwhelmingly pefeed contol char types the ¥ (ead as X-ar and R (An example is shown below) These are fen refered to as “average & range” (or Shewhar) chars, ‘They ae favored besa 4 Calculations are eatvely eas. +) Undetyng istitsion of ntviduals ned nt be normal ‘They ae less susceptible to type | emo (over sdjntnent adjusting when pol necessary) 4+ Why? Because the averages ofthe average tend toward orm. AIAG cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide Xebar and R Chart cera ates (ons) Figure 3. X:bar and R Chart Example How to Useit For the studied characteris Subgroups ae formed from a conta numberof To calculate te average ofthe subgroup, dl these sample values together, and divide te sum bythe ol rnomber of samples, Pot hat resuh onthe X-bar Char. ‘To determine the range ofthe subgroup, sabre the smallest sample value fom the ares Plot hat resut onthe R Char. ‘Log any information tat relates to possible process eet, (SeesKso Appendix | Elements ofa Conta hry, This atvty is repented on regular fequency (eq, once an hour, twice aif ee}, * Data rhs an cer examples as be ou in tbe Appi 2 How to anayze it Refer to section 1.3 inthis QSG fo farther information Calculations for X-bar and R Charts Fis the average lore subgreue pepe rr fener a Ta Pe Tee é 21slafa]a 5 4 | coer | m Pt 2s “oiar Average ( = Total) Grand Average, F Calculate upper and lower contro limits (UCL and UCL) to select the values ‘Use the numberof measurements in each suB5r0.P from this table fr UcLand Uc calcuation, teorsiowm |“F reel a laze] (neiiranticres, Soames | 2 /i9B) f |Eet| ata Sepvres” | fie] 2 [zee ora “ e AIAG src Sra 1.1.2 Individuals and Moving Range (1 & MR) Charts ‘Another popular variable das contol cht type the individual and ‘moving ranpe char (14M) (An example is shown following) (On the ps side ‘© Caeultons are very easy with a subgroup sie oft (noe a all on the Indiv char, and only subeeton of two rumbers onthe MI cha), 1 offers way tostatscally contol a process where samples are scare orcoatly Wo evaluate, or samples ore produced in horegeneous batches where repeated sampling Within the hutch would not vary (eg, chemical, ee). (On the mines side With sample sie of, hore is increas suscepti to ype lors bean, unless the underlying dt re “Somewhat” normally distbuted, the Indus Chat wil ive more fale sims for certain et of stability indicate ‘hat the proces out of contol when actually sno), and 1 Because ois subgroup sizeof 1,1 & MR control charts are nota sensitive te shi inthe mian ofthe roses as Xb and chats. Gereraly speaking the ager the sberoup ‘ies, the more setsiive is to thse types of changes T&M chart Prt Mat PP Pe an Se os sr cot AIAG How to Use It (One sample is selected forthe studied characterise. i, Plt its vale onthe Individuals Cat fi Calculate the moving range by subiractng the let Wo samples rom each oer and taking the absolute vale of theresul, Tha wll alvays be one es MR value than the Indvidal value Becase ofthis method. ‘i Pl that numer on the MR chat This activity is repeated om a Feorcy that coincides with the svallbilty of sample data (once shi, once a day et.) How toanalyze it Refer section 13 inthis QS for further information ns for the Individuals and M Individuals (1) Individual Value: 2,1. Upper Control Limit Moving Range (MR) Upper Control Limit Lower Contr! Limit Lower Control Limit Lede = 5% Tadividual] Marna Value X_| Range WA 7 10 si gecc|e 6 4 8 2 Ta 7, 1869 | 296 se Vem 1a76-(256*296) 5 Figure 6. How to Create (control Chart Constants fort & MR Charts = number of samples for ech range. In tis example, the number of| Samples for each range Is always 2 which alves the following control enart con nvidwal and Moving Range Charts caQl-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guido 1.2 Attribute Data ‘Conol charting for atibute datas sila in format to that for variable it: however, thee ae some strctral dilferenes: 4 Remember, strbte datas counting (or discret) data ‘© Ualike contol charting fee variable data, there is no R chart foratribute data, 1 Also theres no ne prevalent chart ype for atibute data as thore I for variable data (X-bar & R'Chars), 4 ccasesibute data are ess “powerful” than variable dla, stebute data requre much larger sample sizes o reap Similar benefits The diagram teow shows the our commonly used car types for atrbute dts. Te proper one o apply ina patil eieumstance ‘sed on answering wo questions: 1. Are subgroup sizes constant? ii Is the charsetwistic beng studied described asa defect ora deoatve Delecs | Deaives “See | u-charr | p-cHarT sx" | | c-cHART | NP- CHART ‘A defects. fle to mest single requirement ‘A defectives unit contsining 1 or more defects Figure 7. Defect ys Defective and the Charts to Use 4.241 Control Charts for Defectives: P and NP P and NP Chars show how dhe numberof defective units changes over time, Examples are paint aberations on «completed while and abrie ineglares na bolt of lth, Thexe two charts reesei the same ‘excep tha a P Chart doesnot ule a constant sample size While an NP Chart does. caQl-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide P Chart of Defective Truffles per Batch (amb eae pr Sah Fay VOY) Juans i, 5 Pons go & 00, tao Tene aeanw ae ‘atch Manber (Supp Number) elms i See ato emt 78) Figures. P Chart Example How to Use t Define unit Ht should be lepical selection lke a ear, purchase ode, sheet ofa material te 4. enti the dees that cul ate uit i. Determine how many wis wil onsite a abgroup, Aga the tloie shouldbe logical, numer of units completed in & period foftime (hou, shi day, te) Foreach subgroup, cleat the peront defective by diving the numberof defective units by the total numberof wits. Plt his ‘alu on the P Char. {v, Tomaintain constant consol iit forthe P Chat, Kee the ratio of ‘he min to max suberoupsizes 0.75. In eases where you cannot ‘keep the ratio ofthe min max subgroup sizes > 0.75, aeulate the on! limits specially for those subgroups, See the AAG SPC Maral {Anime a volton ofthe min to mx subgroup ratio occurs afer the contra init hve besn elelated ealeulte and ue the cool limits fr tha spec subgroup. * DaimlerChe, Ford Motor Company, and General Mtr, Stil Paces Canto! (PO) AIAG: ly 2008, Elion, cal-25 Sori aes How to Analyze It Refer to seston 13 in this QS fr further informatio, Calculations for Proportion Defective P Chart I ths expe sbrousa subgrav | 2289 ra iste proparion oF Setectve uns in eoen eee a ucu= p+ax JOA ase 2 =f ESOT Smaltes by using for atrpovnts were the ato ft the min to max Subgroup sises ies 0.75 TSubaraup |g Uns] hq Deecive] Poparton Upper Contra cower Convey Number [Subaroup, m] “te | Detective,» [tim cl Lit 1c T Ey 6 0.3812 J] 0.000 2 Fy ; 3512 | 0.000 De 03812 | 0.000 a Rates 6.3812 | G00 = O32 | 0-000 Toa averages: 7 i he average number oie roparonet Vfici= pax fo Betecve unt in TT ons0a-3 Sar 962609 since te number ot ctecvescanet Figure 9. How to Create a P Chart AIAG sc ae Seat | [NP Chart of Defective Trufies Per Batch (haere Tes per oh as Gansta). aber of Detective Tes Ttu ea eae a & atch Ramber (Stroup Minder) Figure 0.NP Chat Example How to Use I Since both the Pand NP Chats monitr defective unit they function rch the same manne. Beane the subgroup sample size must remain ‘onson for an NP Char, the ata defective count i pte foreach ‘ibproup as oppored tothe rato of defectives over sunple siz. How to Analyze I Refer section 13 in this QSG fr further information. Seo san cat AIAG» Calculations for Number Defective NP Chart = Bea ‘SpbaeaP | Fe. BaERRIVES] (Timber oP aeec- Huner nsample | Gren tne teal uber defectvesyoumber supgrours| 9550 3.9 “The numberof units Ineach subgroup is constant (unke the Pchar) seine r= \ ee 1200 om Calculate upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) Veb= np VOT = = 26 01625 43 « PBT Lea= np 1 VOD =x 03625-2« HAUTE OE ATO — ce a Hi-75, faleulate the ental Im specially for those subproups See the AIAG SPC Manvel * aimee, Fond Motor Company nd Gensral Motors, Stra Procest Cont (PC), 2" Eon, m4 Se Sn ou AIAG '¥. —Antime violation ofthe min to max subgroup rai oceurs after the contol its have ben auld, calculate and se ‘he consol its for tha specific subaroup. How to Analyze It Refer to section 13 in his QSG for further information. Calculations for Defects per Unit U Chart 5 he average pumber padacysne” | fee ser- ‘These points are platted nent eof t—~ [Subgroup] _ Unis] —befcisin Detects per Upper Conta} Loner Contry Number | Subgroup » | subgroup _[\\ Unt. | Umit ucu J) Umi, ce \ 032427] 0.000 3203" | 0.000 $ 5.000 0003 Toa Avereses| Fg the average number 29.32 » 2466. Conta itsSa be Smits by ving for at port where the rato ofthe Figure 13.How to Create a U Chart AIAG» C Chart of Defects in Fabric Rolls per Shift (apa Nim 0 Fabri Rol Proueed per Si) 1. luci-9.st fe z j 6 3 e-ar $2 0 Lc.-0 T6n eae he a Production Shift Nunber (Susgroup Number) Figure 14.€ Chart Example How to Use Since oth the Cand U Chars monitor dees, they Fat nh the same manner, Because the subgroup simple size must remain constant fora C Char the acta dist coun i plated foreach subgroup 3s ‘opposed tothe rato of defects oversample sz, How to Analyze I Refer to seston 1.3 jn ths Q5G for Farther information. caQl-25 timo ones Saat Calculations for Number of Defects C Chart Woo Sees Tissorne [Subgroup Number ‘The size of each subgroup is constant, (sare number, weight, area, length, etc) Fortis exampie n= vera96 gb Caleta uoper and lower control mits (UCL and LCL pean aria 6 ee Figure 15 llow to Create a € Chart 1.3 The Three Most Recognizable Forms of Instability on Control Charts, Stability in an SPC sont is dfined a8 ony inhoent common cause) ‘aration acting upon a studied characters, Aer enough subgroup data uve ben elected, thet location and ‘aration boundaries ois” vel) become clea. This wl reflec Insable average line and contol init values. The 10s fl potential ‘am now: e elie, speifeay by monitoring pote points to thet ‘verge line and congo limits When sessing te stability for variable ‘tn char types that involve th use ofan Khar, says review that hat fist, Note: Within-subgoup variation measured by the R chart ‘st be table fore the pres oaton ean be analy ed Although there are more than te types of recognizable instability that «an be exhibited on a contol chan, cy the most prevalent nes wil be ‘discussed in deal here. For farther nferation, ef othe AAG SPC Moma” * DinerChyr, Fd Mate Copan, an General Matas, Sati Process Cota (SPC), 2 Eon, ANG: July 2005 AIAG» ‘utofcotoldoes't necessarily mean out of ‘speciation, but hat deen mean it shoe ho imvesigated!| CQl-25 Nese wastes 1. ‘The ist tet for instal (also refered to as You-f-conto) involves an individual point and can cour on any chat ype: Ue, Point outside of the limit: Control limits are calculated to measure the natural variability % ofa process. Any point outside the limit is considered abnor- vo “ig mal and requires investigation. Figure 16 Stability Point Outside ofthe Limit The reaction should be the sme whenever inti is encountered: |. Invoke the reaction pan for process abpormality i. Conim the validity ofthe instability (eg. check math, verily comet measurement points), gage 2roed ute) ii, Depending onthe precess capability ofthe studied characteristic, yourmay ned oid, contain, and review prio pus. Be Aware tat the insta condition may have setualy sated Pier to the pois) being oto ena iv, vestigate for speci cause) found, correct, cone, an bring back ito atte of statistical corel eo special cause i ound, is ikely that ot all soures ef common cue variation were wncvered inthe ‘capability study. Theadtoal variation will ow eed to Be soe ry Ieaprng tn een at ‘i. Documental actions taken (for fture reference and historical purposes ‘There ar ways process can exhibit instability even when al lat points are within the col lite. The bates for thee types of Instability are the probabil for how pote points should fal onthe contl charts. When they do ot conform to thos expectations, teres ‘ey likely an assignable eats. Whenever anyone ofthese observed, Investigation needs ooecur identify and countermeasure and ent) the special ease ating om the carats. Ones accomplished, the ‘harceristie ssa to bebo ina state of tistical cont 2. The second test for instalityinvoles multiple points ad can occur many char pe Cal-25, seceaee There as actly @ axel woober of esses where insti desirable, For a cue one, nk i sn) the cat AIAG» Shift (Run): A shift i indicated when points lie continually on one side of the centerline, A shift of seven consecutive paints is considered mq. abnormal, {1 Ran 5. Their test for instability also fvolves multiple points and ean ‘over on any chart ype Trends: ‘Seven consecutive points in a continuous upward or downward direction. Ta Figure 18 Stability = Trends AIAG» sc au Sera 2 BEGINNING, CONTROL AND IMPROVEMENT, AND NEXT STEPS 2.1 Pre-Production Event (PPE) (Once assured hat the pre-requisites have been met andthe contol chart pproch selection hasbeen made, itstime to get on with the busines. (oF SPC. There isa prefered vay of collecting data in the carl ages of Implemenation wo ensue a steesful posession, the essence of which roquires en undersanding ofthe diference between a single process study anda process capably assessment 2.1.1 Single Process Study 1s, Process Capability Assessment A Frequently Used Approach Wile the approach described below frequently occur, his or the preferred epproach ‘Typically, ring th it tri un ofthe new process, pat at collected fom the run anda process cab assesment is eonduced ising the ‘collected data. ‘The samples ae randomly selected without any sbyrouping. The daa are nat used for SPC and threore testability or ‘capably ofthe process isnt determined. “Th following examples has on randomly selecting 30 piess from oo-pice wal production ru In aly the tal number of pieces rodced and sampled wll depend on factors suchas customer equements, ordered quant, proauction une allotment 100 piece run; C Indices 30 pieces selected randomly throughout “il Run Pe | Randomly Sled Sample C Indices or P Indies” ae calculated by using the Tormulas provided in th 414 SPC Manual (See Footnote 7) tt ust Figure 19, PPE 1 Frequently Used Approach caQl-25 AIAG ‘SPC Quick Start Guide in collected randomly ant During te next PPE, the sams are aptly is inapproeitelyealenlated, 100 piece nn; Indices 20 pieces selacted or ist ust Figure 20. PPE 2 Frequently Used Approach ‘This approach cones during subsoquet PES. These individual activites are inappropriately refered 1 as SPC 400 piece rur C indices 30 pieces selected or randomly throughout _P Indices ist ust sed Approach Figure 21.PPE 3 Frequent The Recommended Approach he following examples based on the ait to collect variable data fro atonal subgroups of at lst 210 9 prs ring each PPE. 1 this not the ease for example oma process more suited ta shor ran ‘oma shart refer to 414G's SPC Short Ran Supplement www law 7 argeted or release end ofthe quarter 2015) Creat run chart to view the dt. Although the Pinies can be calculated, they are nota mearingfl metric because ofthe limited size AIAG» CQl-25 othe dataset, Alnough the ran cart cannot deterine stability, it shouldbe inspected for patterns such as tends, esllaions, uns updos, and eyes. [Note:The pte o wp arrows indiates selecting thw consetve samples pr subgroup ina tim-rdered sequence of 10-piece tial production uns realy, th tll numberof pecs prevuced snd ample will depend on factor sch a customer rogiements, ordered ‘quantity, peoduction time alloment, 400 piece run; indices 10 subgroupsof NA n= 3pieces Figure 22. PPE 1 Recommended Approach “The same approach i used during PPE 2. Ther are now 20 sub-aroups 10 fom PPE and 10 from FPE 2) from which meaning eonirol Tis canbe ctclated. inc the sample data eaibit stability tothe rly eaeulate cool imi, the Pics can be ealoulated Pindices XXX 100 piece run; "100 piece run; 10 subgroups of 10 subgroups of n= 3 pieces n= 3 pieces Sere Sr oat AIAG » The conto limits have been care forward for this PPE and used wo conto the proves. The dts lest rm sub-groups 2 trough 8 of ‘his PPE are ot addod wo the previous data because there was special ‘use event that ws detested nd corrected, The P indies ths point remain unehanged 100 piece run; P indices: 10 subgroups of Same 3peces corectes Figure 24. PPE3 Recommended Approach The cont Linits fom PPE 3 have been cated forward. Since the dita collected fom PPE 4 indicate ta the proces is in Statistical cont, {hey ae added to the cumulative data se 100 piece run; Pindioes 10 subgroups of | Same 3 peces Figure 25, PPE Recommended Approach During PPE 5, samples collected india instability (points outside ‘of eonol lime). Review the event log 10 determi any special cause tccued. Ifo special cause detected, contact a qualified statistic! In this example, no special came was dtected and engineering analysis AIAG sc une setae indicated thatthe variation wis duet commen causes not previous stem Therefore, te data are ald to te previous data and oth the ‘contol char Tinie andthe capably index are ealtlted. 100 piece rur 10 subgroups of n= 3 pieces P indices Figure 26 PPE S Recommended Approach The rcacuatd conto iis from PPE Shave been care forward Since the dts collected from PPE indict that the process isn staseal somo, thse data are added to the previous data Since the numberof subgroups is now areatr tan or equal to 3, the ata canbe used 1 calelate the “C" indies. The" indies wil erry ‘over fom PPE S, 100 piece run; C indices-2.2Z 10 subgroups of or n=3peces. Pindices-Same Limits are juste to reflec the updated PE 6 Recommended Approach Figure. ews AIAG & 2.4.2 Transition to Long-Term Control “To cnaue that a process capability’ sty plan wil make the transition to long-term statist! process ectrl much easier reqies diligence in scovering, analyzing. and mivimizing variation within the process. When 20-25 subgroups worth f data have been cet, calelate average and contol imi vals forthe chart ype selected, Plt the Doin and sen ability 4 rstble se those values ging forward ‘© unstable bua special cause is idesifiod, emo that data from the st realult the values, and reassess stably + unstable, and na pecal ause ie idetified, continue to collet data bu at an increased frequency. Reeaeulte verge and contol lit values and eases tab bout ‘very five subgroyps uml in conl or uni he dataset as oubled in size (aprotmstely 50 serous), whichever comes Fist Ihe ater, SPC should not be applied 1 the ‘died characteristic unl more is etme about the process {nd eontbutersof variation ew. trough designed experimentation, For long-term proces conto, stability i assessed afer cach new subgroups data are plotted. Aserageand contol init valves should be ‘calcul only when special aus for instability cannot be identifi : saiton) orf the process shunees. 2.1.21 Process Improvement through Nominal Targeting andior Variation Reduction EIRST & FOREMOST, NO DISCUSSION ABOUT PROCESS roy IMPROVEMENT SHOULD TAKE PLACE FOR AN UNSTABLE, PROCESS! For variable data, when enough data ave been collected to satisfactorily estimate the standard deviation fom the contol esr subgroup turd, bth Cp and Pp ean be caleusted. Fe further information on calculating capability indices, see A/4G SPC Maral” Be sre to consult ‘sith your customers) for det spec capability reguzements, but the typical acceptable value i 3. This equivalent to 4s (8 ot Standard deviations) ying iin the tolerance. The larger the numbers, the beter! DainlesCyse, Ford Moor Cory, nd General Motors, Static! Prosst Comrl (SP), 2° Ein, a4. cal-25 SPC Quick Start Guide Assuming Cp Cpk Figure 28. Normal Distribution with Capability Associated with PPM Note:The 3pm gu Sx Sigma Stang ina Cp=20 and Cok= 15 Fore atbuce side things re much easier regarding computation of| ‘capably: Asan example, asume ePchart wit -bar (average) a (0.27%. Simply subtract that orn 100% ogo a capaby index of 99.73%, hich isthe equivalent to +35 capability Coretive ations for ineapate processes come downto wo sietions IFPp or Cp is acepuable but Fpk or Cp i not Appeoach is applicable (see Figure 9). IfPpor pinot acceptable then Approach 28 nocesaty (ee Figure 30) Figure 29, Approach 1 Center the Process atthe Targst (nominal) Value Tokrance AVG Nomi ee Dispersion width 60 Figure M0. Approich 2 Redace the Variation 3. cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide Ho RE AIAG» In some instances, reducing the vation alone (Le geting Pp and Cp to an sccepable vale) will at make the proces capable twill be ‘pparent when Pp and Cp arcalculted that both approaches are equied 11s usualy easier to center» proces than to rece is vari {de tothe numberof factors nd time involved). I presented With a hoice, always opt for centering fst 2.4.3 Changing Conditions/Reallocating Resources Studied characteris that exhibit stably fran extended period of ‘ime int voime proction, with capability indices exceeding customer requirments, are candates fr SPC reflection, Reflection inthis sense {ypially means assessment ofthe continued retum on investment (ROD. {Can the proses produc understate! contol continue wo be improved conomialy or wll you be spending a dollar more to save an additonal, ‘ine? Doing SPC forthe sake o doing SPC can erode the oundaton of ‘well-intentioned quality pln. OF cours, if the characteristic being ‘ome is mandated bythe castomer, te sbove question should nt be Snsero- without their inp afer reviewing the evidence they ae “iviling to remove o resnga the requirement outright, check tose if they are opono a educed sampling roquney oF some other altemate approach fr ensring quali AIAG sc anes Sua 3 WARNING SIGNS FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION ‘This QSG hasbeen “targetedo the nominal” regarding the aplietion lf SPC in the hope that t majority of sss woul he served. Even tht were the cass, tere would sil be applications that need more than this minal treatment Referto the ALAG SPC Mona fr fart information and dretion if you ave diligently followed his QSG and sil fnd your processes chibting ‘© More than accasina instability, ‘What peer tobe nonandor pattems of pics beyond ‘hose descrived previously > Repeotng pate of points, + Sample-rlated atomales time sensitive, set-up dependent, series omelaed all run Tt, ee). 38 CaQl-25 0 Quick Start Guide Appendices ens Con Cus AAG SPC Manu... [APPENDKL2 CONTROL CHART DATA.. AIAG» AIAG se aes See APPENDIX 1 Elements of Control Charts (AIAG SPC Manual *) “Ther is no single “approved” manner of displaying contol chars Hosever, exp mind theron forthe we of con charts Any foals seecpable ay long wt cota the following clemens A through Also, ac Fig 3 bow. ‘nro (8) Appropriate sate The sae should he such that he natural variation ofthe process canbe cil viewed, A sal tht yids a "arrow" conrl chat docs not ‘habe analysis and eon ofthe proces. YES uct, Lc ‘The bility to detrmine out hat signal special aus onthe conta fart equtes contol its sed on the sampling disebutin, Specitcation limits should nat be used in place of valid contol ints oe process alsa con * DainesChyster, Ford Motor Compuny nd General Motors, tical Proces Can (SPC, 2" Eaton, 39 Cal-25 ‘SPC Qulek Start Guide AIAG & (8) Comesline “The contol char equites a exeline based onthe suming distebtion Jn order tallow the determination of non-andom pate that ial special causes. (©) Subgroup sequence imetine ‘Maintaining the sequence in which the dats ae elected provides indieatons of "when special case occurs and whether tha special ‘us is time-orientd (0) Ldenifcaton of ou-F-conro plod values ote pont that are out of statistical contol shoul be identified on the conta shart. For proess conto, the analysis for speci causes and {hei entation shoud acura each sample f plored es well ax thring periodic eviews ofthe onto charts a whale for non-random alte, (8) Even Log ‘Besides he collection, charting, and analysis of data, additional ‘ipporting information sould he collet. Ths infematon should Include any potential souses cf variation aswell any actions fake to resolve out-of-control signals (OCS). This information can be recorded ‘nthe contol chart or ona separate Event Log, It there has not been any change inthe process between subgroups iis not necessiy to include an en onthe process event log cal-25 ‘SPC Quick Start Guide glass olslm - con i ow stn eT ate oe 991 et sn mat to B19 reso bad iat nm Figure 31 Elements of Control Charts During the inal analysis ofthe proves, knowledge of what would ‘onsite a potential special use for this specific process may be incomplete, Consequential infoatin collection ais ‘may include events that wll rove not be special causes Such events ‘oe ot be Keni in subsequent information collection activites. I intial information cllcion tivities ae ot stint ‘comprehensive dhen time mss be wasted in Mdeifyingspeiic events that cane ostoconrl sgn. For contol chart that are inches apart of report an for those hat ae maintained manually, the llowing "header information should be inched ‘Who: operator an appraiser ‘What: proactive name and namberientiiation ‘When: sampling scheme (equeneyand time) ‘Whore: operation proces step inormation, rime denen ow: measurement sstem used, ramenumber, wis scale) How many: subgoup size, unifoan or by sample Setar orto AIAG Figure 32 on the next page shows a completed manually maintined conta shat that inl all hese element cal-25 SMe ens AIAG Figure 32,Sample Control Chart (Iron ide) a caQl-25 SPC Qulek Start Guide 0cS Subgroup a 22 2 25 2 28 AIAG Event Log St ~ now setup inser MHIE; materia lot #121950 Sine 51 material ot H061986 Si-nc $2 material ot #061950 ‘$2 new setup: insert DATA: continue material ot #081950, 2 material lot #111951 S2=nle ‘S2 new setup; insert D9; materia lot #111952 3 ~ replaced broken insert wih DM2S; continue material lot 9 material lot #111989 s3= ne 1 — now setup; insert JK10; material ot #111954 st=nle t= material ot #111955 sine 2 material lot #111956 2 ~ backup operator DA. ‘82 material lot #111957 ‘82 bad material ~ stopped production; red tagged material ‘Soquostored production from lot chango. 'S3-~new setup: insert JK28; material lot #111958 sane ‘52 material lot #081063, sonic ‘Stow setup insert GG16; material lot #031942 St=nle ‘St ~ material lot #117940 st=nle ‘oe: $x inca th shi; le ndieates nochange inthe proces. Figore 33 Sample Cortrol Chart (ack side) ~Fvent Log APPENDIX 2 CONTROL CHART DATA 2.a Data for X-bar and R Chart Example ESBRGbine = e 3 2 6 zi 0 5 5 1 0 1 ' 3 4 2 3 7 4 t v t 3 2 46- AIAG» scat Ser a 2.¢ Data for P and NP Charts 7 Defective aL eo. 4 0 as 24 a mos ou eS 2 TE = = 2% ae 5 as = 4 aa ee eae RS A a x = = x 25 4 B ee Fr 6 8 eS a Fa cea EES 2 x nas KN [> ee a o % sce oo 25 ra ae a a) 6 2 2 rare Pm a # 2 a4 ey 2a ES Secu sor ule AIAG» 2.d Data for C and U charts Sample | Constant | Data | Variable | Sample | Constant Variable penis Pte oe te Peery Sample w) ANC Mm s&s 3 me 4 a | cereal esa ee Em» :« * Em *@ 6 30 me Be oe ee Mm» +s+.lUMhmlU |: es fg pe rece foresee ge Bp ice a OO reeset |: ee Oe reece ee AIAG spc QuickStart Guide caQl-25 SPC Quick Start Guide AIAG» AIAG sec at Soe MAINTENANCE REQUEST FORM Name of Submitter: —_ a Organization: COS age Number of Change Document Currently Reads: Recommended Changos/Should Rea Signature of Submiter ESN Manager’ Recommendation Final Disposition: comments: ‘Automotive Industry Action Group + 26200 Lahser Road + Suito 200 + Southfield, MI 48033 "Flephone: (24) 358-9570 » Fax: 248) 258-2259 Web: wwnw.lag.org

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