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A. Background of the Research
Speaking skill is one of productive skill and basic skill in
communication which has to be considered as the vital learning in learning a
language. In Speaking students can communicate with other people, find
information gap, sharing idea and having conversation whether transactional
or interpersonal action. Except that, we can acquire and assess the students
progress in expression of their success in spoken communication. Another
word we can say that speaking is one of oral communication that is learned
by student. Speaking is a process of communication between at least two
people and speaking is a way to express someones idea. Nunan (2005:2)
asserted that Speaking is such fundamental human behavior that we do not
stop to analyze it unless there is something noticeable about it.
Motivation is a behavior that is instigated based on experiences,
goals, and the effort necessary to complete an activity (Robison, 2010). Its
mean that motivation influenza the activity of human or student. So,
motivation is important for student in teaching and learning process
especially in speaking skill. Student will learn and get good result if they are
has high motivation for leaning. But, to be motivated to learn speaking skill
are not easy. According the researcher experience, speaking was scary lesson
for student in my classes. When speaking class all of student will be silent
and tense atmosphere. It because the student felt that they were nervous to
speak, didnt how to pronounces or lack vocabulary, the first caused was
student afraid to make mistake because another student will laugh. It make
shy to speak again for the next class. The teacher also never giving
motivation or appreciate for student. Unfortunately, student in SMPN 2
Bungkal Ponorogo also have a same case above in speaking skill. The student
was less motivation in speaking skill.
The related research with this research is a thesis by Sarah Paskalia
(2014) with title Improving Students Motivation in Speaking Skills through

Songs for the Seventh Grade of SMPN 7 Wonogiri in the Academic Year of
2012/2013. In Sarahs research was categorized as an action research. The
subject in that research was 32 students of class VII A of SMPN 7 Wonogiri
in the academic year of 2012/2013 and English teacher as the research
collaborator. To collect the data Sarah used data instrument: interview,
observation, and documentation. The technique to analyzed data used
qualitative and quantitative data. The research findings showed that through
songs as the teaching media combined with speaking activities in the English
classroom was proven to be effective to improve the students motivation in
speaking skills. So, the result of this research was a there was improvement
students motivation in speaking skill by using song.
According explanation above, the researcher makes decision to use
catch a theme games as way to solve improve students motivation in
speaking skill. So, In this research the researcher give the title Improving
students motivation in speaking skill by using Catch a Theme Games at
seventh Grade SMPN 2 Bungkal, Ponorogo in academic years 2014/1015.
B. Problem Identification
In line with the background of the research, researcher shows the
problem which can be identified as follows:

How does the students motivation in speaking skills?

How does the teacher to teach speaking in the class?
How can the teacher use Catch a Theme Game?
Does the teacher get difficulty in using Catch a Theme Game?
What is the material was the teacher use in teaching using Catch a Theme

6. How is the students response when learning using Catch a Theme
7. Is there any improving of using Catch a Theme Game for students
motivation in speaking skill?
C. Problem Limitation
This research is focused on knowing whether there is an improving
of students motivation in speaking skill using of catch a theme games.

D. Statement of the problem

Based on explain above, the researcher gives the statement Can the
use Catch a Theme Games Improving students motivation in speaking skill
at seventh Grade SMPN 2 Bungkal, Ponorogo in academic years 2014/1015.
E. Research Objective
The research objective in this study is to know Can the use catch a
theme games Improving students motivation in speaking skill at seventh
Grade SMPN 2 Bungkal, Ponorogo in academic years 2014/1015.
F. Significance of the Research
Practically, the result of this study is expected to be meaningful for the
teachers, the students, and the future researchers. For the Student: This
research hoped to be able to improving students motivation in speaking so it
can create enjoyable and meaningful in English learning teaching process and
it able to solve the problem of the student. For the Teacher, the researcher is
expected that this research will enrich the teachers knowledge on the teaching
of speaking. Last. For future researchers, the finding of the research is
expected to give information for the future researcher who is interested to
conduct studies in the same problem/issues.

A. Review of Related Literature
1. Speaking skill
a. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is one skill in English language teaching. As we know
that speaking is considered in productive skill. Definition of speaking in
Bailey (2005:2) is an interactive process of constructing meaning that
involves production and receiving and processing information. It is often
spontaneous, open-ended, evolving, but it is not completely
unpredictable. Speaking is an ability to pronounce, to convey thoughts,
ideas and feelings. Advances learners will able to satisfy the requirement
of every day situation and routine school and work requirement, handle
with confidence such elaborating, complaining, and apologizing, narrate
and describe with some details, linking sentences together smoothly,
communicate facts, and talk casually about topics of current public and
personal interest, and using general vocabulary (Nunan, 2005:120).
So, it can conclude that speaking skill is the ability to pronounce
the result of her/him idea or feeling in orally communication. The main
of communication itself is the students speaking skill is successful if
they can communicate with others and they understand each others.
b. Elements of Speaking
According to Harmer (2001:269) speaking skill is the ability to
speak fluently supposes not only knowledge of language features, but
also the ability to process information and language in the spot. It
means that in speaking there are elements that support the ability of
Language Features. They are two elements of speaking that
describe by Harmer:

1) Language Features

The elements necessary for spoken production, are the following:

Connected speech
expressive devices
Lexis and grammar
Negotiation language

2) Mental/Social Processing
The success of speaking process not only depends on the
language features. It also depends on the rapid processing skill that
talking necessity. They are:
a) Language processing
b) Interacting with others
c) (On-the-spot) information processing (2001:269).
c. Principle of Teaching Speaking
Based on Nunan, the principle for teaching speaking as follow:

Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign


language learning context.

Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy
Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair


work and limiting teacher talk.

Plan speaking task that involve negotiation for meaning.
Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both
transactional and interaction speaking (2003:54).
So, to create a good teaching speaking and get must be pay
attention to principle of speaking itself.

2. Motivation
Motivation an important role in teaching and learning process. It
determines to become a successful student or not. When the students are
motivated to learn they will engage in learning and influence their
performance. Drnyei (Karina, 2013) defines motivation is the choice of
particular actions, the effort expended on it and persistence with it.
Schunk, Pintrich, & Meece (Karina, 2013) also suggested that the choice of
task, effort, and persistence as the relevant indexes of motivation that

usefully inform the study of students motivation. The important of

motivation related with teaching and learning, Patel and Jain (2008: 41)
suggest the importance of motivation. First, motivation makes the teaching
and learning process effective. Second, motivation creates teaching
atmosphere in the classroom. Third, motivation makes students active and
creative. Fourth, motivation creates interest for students to study by
themselves, so that the atmosphere of motivated situations could be created.
Fifth, motivation makes students 15 identifying themselves. Motivated
students can move their limitation by using their powers and ambitions. The
last, motivation inspires students to prove their goals and objectives.
According to Brown (2001: 75), there are two kinds of motivation.
They are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a drive
which comes from within the individual himself, for example a student
might be motivated by his own desire to be involved in the teaching and
learning process or to be a better student. Extrinsic motivation, by contrast,
is a drive which concerns with the outside or environmental factors, for
example a student might be motivated by the need to get good marks or pass
an examination, or by other factors such as rewards, punishments, social
pressures, etc. from some definition above, the researcher conclude that
motivation is thought or feeling which make student become spirit, hope,
want to do something to get a goal. So, it will make student more active in
learning and teaching process by their motivation.
3. Game
a. Definition of Game
English as foreign language for the learner make it difficult and
different in teaching learning. In teaching learning process of second
foreign language, including the learners should be given how to learn
English and the teacher should be able to create interesting situation to
make learner enjoy and easy to understand the materials.
Teacher must be selective to choose a game which use in
classroom. The good games are needed to get best result of teaching

learning. It adds to teachers techniques in teaching that games serve not

only as an amusing activity, but as a technique to carry out tasks to
learners amusingly as well. According to Chris Crawford the definition a
good game are as follow:
1) Creative expression is art if made for its own beauty, and
entertainment if made for money.
2) A piece of entertainment is a plaything if it is interactive. Movie and
books are cited as examples of non-interactive entertainment.
3) If no goals are associated with a plaything, it is a toy. (Crawford notes
that by his definition, (a) a toy can become a game element if the
player makes up rules, and (b) The Sims and SimCity are toys, not
games.) If it has goals, a plaything is a challenge.
4) If a challenge has no "active agent against whom you compete," it is
a puzzle; if there is one, it is a conflict. (Crawford admits that this is a
subjective test. Video games with notice ably algorithmic artificial
intelligence can be played as puzzles; these include the patterns used
to evade ghosts in Pac-Man).
5) Finally, if the player can only outperform the opponent, but not attack
them to interfere with their performance, the conflict is a competition.
(Competitions include racing and figure skating). However, if attacks
are allowed, then the conflict qualifies as a game.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game retrieved at March 27 2012).
4. Catch a Theme
a. Definition of Catch a Theme
Catch a theme is one of playground games. Play is possibly one
of the first active things children learn in life and so it comes as no
surprise to appreciate how fundamentally important such activity is to a
childs development. However, when they begin school, play takes on a
totally different role, more of a social event as opposed to quality time
spent with Mum and/or Dad. It is a time when they begin to integrate
with their peers, develop skills and moreover is seen to be an integral part
of their overall physical and emotional development (Christine Green,
b. Procedure implementation of catch a theme
How to play this game as follow as:

1) Players all stand in a circle and one person is selected the thrower.
He/she has to think of a particular theme, i.e. colors, weather, capital
cities, modes of transport etc. He/she then throws the ball to a player
standing in the circle at the same time shouting out the theme upon
which the catcher must immediately give an answer within 5 seconds.
Example: Thrower tosses the ball to a player and shouts out, Color
so, player catches the ball and immediately has to answer: Blue.
2) The ball is returned to the thrower.
3) The thrower then tosses the ball to another player and shouts out
Weather. If they reply, snow, rain or sunshine they are still in the
game. If the player, thinking it is the same theme as before replies,
Red, they are out of the game.
4) It is up to the thrower to decide the theme.
c. Ruler of implementation of catch a theme
The rule of catch a themes game is
players are eliminated from the game if:
1) They cant think of an answer within the 5
2) They repeat what has already been said.
3) They give a wrong answer.
4) The winner is the last one remaining.
B. Frame of Thought
Based on reviews literature above, we have already known that
speaking is important in social life. By using speaking as means of
communication, we can also maintain social interaction. English speaking
skill also considered as the international language which can support us in
facing globalization era.
But, in learning and teaching in speaking process student must have
high motivation to mastery it. So, teacher must facilitate students to learn
speaking in enjoyable and meaningful to make them motivated in speaking
skill. As the implication, a teacher must be creative in choosing technique or
method and material are suitable to make teaching learning result successful.

Related to researchers observation of speaking skill in SMPN 2

Bungkal, Ponorogo at seventh graders of academic year 2014/2015, which is
conducted confirmed at one of the four English skills showed that speaking
skill as a problem because the student low in motivation to speaking.
So, Researcher suggest that Catch a theme games is strongly
recommended as a way in English teaching learning to improve students
C. Hypotheses
The researcher take the hypothesis of this research is There is an
improving of students motivation in speaking skill using catch a theme game
at seventh grade of SMPN 2 Bungkal, Ponorogo in the academic year of

A. Research Design

Method of Research
The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). Burns

(In Karina, 2013) said, The central idea of classroom action research is to
intervene in a deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring
about changes and, even better, improvements in practice (p. 2). In addition,
Class room Action Research is the research designed to help a teacher find out
what is happening in his or her own classroom, and to use that information to
take action for future improvement (Heru, bitono, 2008: 1). In this research the
researcher will be use qualitative data.
Model Classroom Action Research



The Classroom action research (CAR) model adapted from Suharsimi

Arikunto (2008: 26). According Suharsimi the design of Classroom Action
Research has four steps. They are planning, acting, observing and reflecting
such as following chart below.

3. Cycle
The cycle of the classroom action research will be carry out in two
cycles to get the accurate data. Every cycle consist of two meeting periods.
One meeting is 40 minutes. In cycle 1, the researcher will be implementing
the catch a theme game with authentic material which will be choosing.
The steps in cycle 1 are as follow:

In this step, the researcher indenified the issud that happened in the

seventh grade of SMPN 2 bungkal Ponorogo and discussion how to solve

it. And then, prepare lesson plan (RPP) with teaching and learning material
with catch a theme game. Also, preparing the research instrument for
collecting data.



In this step, the researcher implements the process speaking by

using Catch a Theme games.

The researcher observes the teaching and learning process in the

class from beginning until end of teaching and learning process, records

students speaking process in the class.

In this step, the researcher evaluates whether the teaching learning
process. This stepe determined the success of the technique being used;
whether it worked well or there were still weaknesses toward the
process. Based on the observation sheet, field notes, and questionnaire
the researcher would get the important feedback. From the
evaluated/ feedback we can determine that If the result of

evaluate is successful 100% reached of students in a class pass KKM so

the researcher will be stop in this cycle. But if the result of cycle 1
doesnt meet the target then cycle 2 will be carried out. The step same
like the cycle 1 but different material.
B. Setting of Research
1. Subject of research
The subject of this research is the fourth grade of SMPN 2 Bungkal,
2. Place of research
The place of researcher is located in Bungkal, Ponorogo.
3. Time of research
This research will be carry out on December, 2015
C. Technique of Collecting Data
Techniques and instruments of collecting data use in this research are:
Marshall (1995) asserted that through observation, the researchers
learn about behavior and the meaning attached to those behaviors.


Observation is an activity that focused on an object by using all of our

senses (Arikunto, 2002:133). So, it is helps the researcher to collect
descriptive data of process teaching learning in the class use all of
researcher sense.
Questionnaire used to collect data of student such as the students
knowledge, experiences, interest and motivation in learning English
specifically in speaking. It is give the data of student condition and
situation at the before, during and after this research.

Interview is an activity asking and answering something by face to
face. By interviewing the researcher will know how students motivation
or interest in speaking skill exactly is.

D. Technique of Analyzing the Data

To analysis the data used techniques Miles and Hubermen (1992). In
this technique there are four steps such as following chart below which is using
interactive model.



Conclusion: drawing/verifying

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