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Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) - Semester 4

BC0048 Computer Network

Question 1. List the Basic essential components of a computer network.

Answer 1 - Components of a computer network

A network is a combination of different components. The most essential components of a simple network
are listed below:

Servers: Servers are faster computers that run various softwares, store and process information
and also provide a human interface for the users to be able to use the networked computers.

Nodes: Nodes are the computers on the network, which are provided to the
users to carry out their tasks using the network.

Workstation: A node, which is more powerful, and can handle local information processing or
graphics processing is called a workstation. The workstation works only for the person sitting in
front of it, where as a server serves all the people on the network to share its resources.

Network Operating System (NOS): The network requires some software to control all the
information transfer activity on the network, like the traffic police to control the traffic. The
software called NOS handles these tasks.

LAN Software: On the network, each computer is called a node or a workstation unless there
are certain computers designed as servers. LAN cables connect all the nodes and servers
together to form the network. In addition to its local disk operating system, each node requires
networking software that enable the nodes to communicate with the servers.

LAN Cable: This is the medium or channel over which the information travels from computer to
computer. The information travels from one computer onto the medium and then from the
medium to another computer in the form that it can be read.

Network Interface Card: Each computer contains a network interface card. This card is used to
connect the cables to the computers. These cards help the computer to transfer the data at a
faster rate and in the form of packets. These cards are plugged into the computer motherboard.
These cards are generally called as Ethernet cards.

Question 2. Differentiate LAN and WAN.

Answer 2 Local Area Networks are generally called LANs. They are privately owned networks within a
single building or campus of up to few kilometers in size. Most of LANs use Bus or ring topology for
connection. They are used to connect personal computers and workstations in company offices and
factories to share resources and exchange information. Traditional LANs run at speeds of 10Mbps to
100Mbps, have low delay (microseconds and nanoseconds) and make very few errors. Newer LANs
operate at 10Gbps. various topologies are possible for broadcast LANs.

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A wide area network is referred as WAN. WAN spans a large geographical area often a continent
or country. WAN contains a collection of machines, traditionally called as hosts. These hosts can be on
LANs and are connected by a subnet or also called communication subnet. The hosts are owned by
customers or are personal computers. The communication subnets are owned by a telephone company
or internet service provider. The subnet carries the messages from hosts to hosts, just as telephone
system carries words from speaker to listener. Each host is connected to a LAN on which a router is
present. Sometimes a host may be connected directly to a router. The collection of communication lines
and routers is called a communication subnet.
In most WANs, the network contains many transmission lines each connecting a pair of routers.
A packet is sent from one router to another via one or more intermediate routers. The packet is received
at each intermediate router in its entirety. That is store the packet in full until the required output line is
free, and then forwards it. A subnet that works according to this principle is called store and forward or
packet switched subnet. Not all WANs are packet switched. A second possibility for a WAN is a satellite
system. Satellite networks are inherently broadcast networks.

Question 3. Explain the TCP/IP Reference Model with diagram.

Answer 3 The TCP/IP reference model is the network model used in the current Internet architecture. It was
created in the 1970s by DARPA for use in developing the Internet's protocols, and the structure of the
Internet is still closely reflected by the TCP/IP model.
It consists of the following four layers
Layer 4 Process Layer or Application Layer: This is where the "higher level" protocols such as
FTP, HTTP, etc. operate. The original TCP/IP specification described a number of different applications
that fit into the top layer of the protocol stack. These applications include Telnet, FTP, SMTP and DNS.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that was originally designed to promote the sharing of
files among computer users.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) is the protocol used to transport electronic mail from one
computer to another through a series of other computers along the route.
DNS (Domain Name System) resolves the numerical address of a network node into its textual
name or vice-versa.
Layer 3 Host-To-Host (Transport) Layer: This is where flow-control and connection protocols exist,
such as TCP. This layer deals with opening and maintaining connections, ensuring that packets are in
fact received. The transport layer is the interface between the application layer and the complex
hardware of the network.
Layer 2 Internet or Internetworking Layer: This layer defines IP addresses, with many routing
schemes for navigating packets from one IP address to another. The job of the network layer is to inject
packets into any network and have them travel independently to the destination. The layer defines IP
(Internet Protocol) for its official packet format and protocol.
Layer 1 Network Access Layer: This layer describes the physical equipment necessary for
communications, such as twisted pair cables, the signaling used on that equipment, and the low-level
protocols using that signaling. The Host-to-Network layer interfaces the TCP/IP protocol stack to the
physical network.

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TCP/IP Network Protocol

The basic idea of the networking system is to allow one application on a host computer to talk to
another application on a different host computer. The application forms its request, then passes the
packet down to the lower layers, which add their own control information, either a header or a footer,
onto the packet.
The packet then travels up through the different layers, with each layer reading, deciphering, and
removing the header or footer that was attached by its counterpart on the originating computer.
Question 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of layered architecture in a network?
Answer 4 Advantages of Layered Architecture
Any given layer can be modified or upgraded without affecting the other layers.
Modulazition by means of layering simplifies the overall design.
Different layers can be assigned to different standards, committees, and design teams.
Mechanisms like packet-switching, circuit-switching may be used without effecting more than one layer.
Different machines may be plugged in at different layers.
The relation between different control functions can be better understood.
Common lower levels may be shared by different higher levels.
Functions (especially at lower levels) may be removed from software to hardware and micro-codes.
Increases the compatibility of different machines.
Disadvantages of Layered Architecture
Total overhead is higher.
Two communicating machines may have to use certain functions which they could do without layers.
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As technology changes, the functions may not be in the most cost-effective layer.

Question 5. What are the problems due to which transmission lines suffers mainly?
Answer 5 Transmission lines suffers from three major problems
1. Attenuation distortion
2. Delay distortion
3. Noise
Attenuation distortion
Is the loss of energy as the signal propagates outward. The amount of energy depends on the
frequency. If the attenuation is too much, the receiver may not be able to detect the signal at all, or the
signal may fall below the noise level. For reliable communication, the attenuation and delay over the
range of frequencies of transmission should be constant.

Signals loose power at it travels time.

Delay distortion
The second transmission impairment is delay distortion. Communication lines have distributed
inductance and capacitance, which distort the amplitude of signals and also delay the signals at different
frequencies by different amounts. It is caused by the fact that different Fourier components travel at
different speed.
It is due to velocity of propagation that varies with frequency. Thus, various frequency
components of a signal arrive at the receiver at different times.

Delay distortion
For digital data, fast components from one bit may catch up and over take slow component from bit
ahead, mixing the two bits and increasing the probability of incorrect reception. Thus very critical in
particular for digital data, that is because signal components of bit positions spill into other bit positions,
and so limiting the allowed rate of transmission.
Noise is a third impairment. It can be define as unwanted energy from sources other than the transmitter.
Thermal noise is caused by the random motion of the electrons in a wire and is unavoidable.

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Question 6. Describe Circuit switching and message switching.

Answer 6 Circuit switching
A circuit switching network is one that establishes a dedicated circuit (or channel) between nodes
and terminals before the users may communicate. Each circuit that is dedicated cannot be used by other
callers until the circuit is released and a new connection is set up. Even if no actual communication is
taking place in a dedicated circuit then, that channel still remains unavailable to other users. Channels
that are available for new calls to be set up are said to be idle.
Circuit switching can be relatively inefficient because capacity is wasted on connections which are set up
but are not in continuous use (however momentarily). On the other hand, the connection is immediately
available and capacity is guaranteed until the call is disconnected
Communication using circuit switching involves three phases discussed below:
1. Connection establishment: Before any signal can be transmitted, an end to end circuit must be
2. Data transfer: Information can now be transmitted from source through the network to the destination
using the dedicated path established.
3. Termination: After some period of data transfer, the connection is terminated
Message switching
Message switching was the precursor of packet switching, where messages were routed in their entirety
and one hop at a time. It was first introduced by Leonard Kleinrock in 1961. Message switching systems
are nowadays mostly implemented over packet-switched or circuit-switched data networks
Hop-by-hop Telex forwarding are examples of message switching systems. E-mail is another
example of a message switching system. When this form of switching is used, no physical path is
established in advance in between sender and receiver.
Each block is received in its entity form, inspected for errors and then forwarded or retransmitted. It is a form of store-and-forward network. Data is transmitted into the network and stored in
a switch. The network transfers the data from switch to switch when it is convenient to do so, as such
the data is not transferred in real-time.
Again consider a connection of a network shown in figure 4.6. For instance, when a telex (or
email) message is sent from A to D, it first passes over a local connection (AB). It is then passed at
some later time to C (via link BC), and from there to the destination (via link CD).

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