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Pertemuan 3

Brief History of Information Management

Metode Penelitian Informasi

Program Studi
Manajemen Informasi dan Komunikasi
Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media Yogyakarta
Tri Anggraeni, S.Kom., M.Sc.

Case Study 3: Information Management in Education

Education :
An example for community.
Not immune from problem that follow successful
implementation of potentially useful information systems.
Characteristics of community :
Work based on discretion of what the participants think is
the best.
Wide variety ways to work.

3. Information Management in Education

Manajemen nilai sangat penting fungsi inti pendidikan
harus berjalan dengan baik.
Case study 3 :
Administrasi nilai tidak dilakukan dengan baik.
Tidak ada partisipasi yang cukup dari pengajar dalam
pengembangan sistem (khususnya yang memiliki kebutuhan
manajemen nilai yang kompleks/khusus).
Issues need to be criticized :
What must be done by complex community-related
organizations to make sure that key operational functions are
properly supported by reliable systems?

Issues need to be criticized : (contd)

If this system was developed in house, why did the
institution not acquire an existing and reliable package from
many suppliers of educational software?
How could the system build by ignoring the actual needs of its
How can the potential interest and enthusiasm of users be
involved to get the job done properly?
Pemikiran tepat Yvette : menggunakan Web dan layanan
cloud untuk mengatasi masalah teknis kompleks seperti
Implementasi layanan cloud banyak digunakan oleh
universitas, sekolah, dan bisnis.


Brief history : Early days

Main tool for information management :
< 1960 : people, paper, pens, calculators, mechanical punch card
> 1960 : organizations develop computer-based information
Early computers applications : accounting, invoicing, other laborintensive office activities involving numbers and calculations.
Simply making computers work was deemed as success, but
actually many problems.
Source of problems :
Mismanaged expectations
Increasing confidence and ambition to use computers in more
and more adventurous ways.
The cost of early mainframe computers was very high.
The early management focus : cost saving and efficiency

The Maturing Years

Pertengahan 1980-an: organisasi komersial mulai
mendapatkan real strategic advantage dari aplikasi inovatif IT.
Real strategic advantage :
Keuntungan kompetitif yang didapat dari adopsi aplikasi
inovatif IT. Contoh : implementasi Digital Rolodexes &
Database Marketing.
Kompetitor selalu berusaha mengikuti karena terbukti
sangat menguntungkan follower.
Harus di-manage dengan sangat baik.
Agar ketika kompetitor berhasil mengadopsi keunt
kompttf itu, early adopter sudah punya inovasi sumber
keuntungan kompetitif lain.
(Early adopter : organisasi yang mengadopsi/
mengimplementasikan suatu inovasi pertama kali)

The Maturing Years

Time to follow has become shorter and shorter (only months not
The capability to manage change became the most important
Organizations struggle to :
Deliver systems that really matched needs.
Understand how to set timeframes and budgets that can
reliably be met.
Manage inadequate IT workforce with scarce skills and an
alarming tendency to move quickly from one job to another.
Once a development team had achieved a competitively
useful system successfully, their recruit ability increased
Work force churn was a major challenge.



Awal 1970an

Merekrut programmer2 yang lebih bagus & memunculkan jenis

pekerjaan systems analysts.

Akhir 1970an Merencanakan metode kerja yang lebih terstruktur.

Awal 1980an

Memunculkan ide project management seperti pada perusahaan


Akhir 1980an Memaksa adanya quality management.

Akhir 1980an Menggabungkan IT issues sepenuhnya dalam business strategy.
& 1990

Menata kembali (reorganize) sumber daya IT melalui

outsourcing, mengurangi status internal IT department.


Department2 IT berbalik melawan : mengakui bahwa IT resources

telah menjadi komoditas, tetapi menghidupkan ide Enterprise
Architecture, & sistem organization-wide Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP).


Mengakui bahwa teknologi telah ada dimana2, corporate (&

national boundaries) menghilang, berkembangnya ide tentang

: ::

These eras caused organizational management to continually

review their strategies for IT and IS investments.
Occasional success and improvements in new systems
capabilities are evident.
However, there is fundamental difficulty with the gap that
exists between the world of IT specialists and the business
people who simply want to improve their business
IT managers have difficulty communicating with executive
These two worlds never met.
IT managers & business managers work for the same
organization, their interests and functions overlap, there are
strong interdependencies that have to be recognized if
investments are to be successful.

The Beginnings of an Idea : Allen Lee (1999) :

Kesamaan antara
dunia IT & bisnis :
Harus di-manage.
Harus dipahami &
digunakan untuk
bahwa IT
berkontribusi baik
& layak untuk
masyarakat luas &

Kesamaan antara Dunia IT, Bisnis, Government, &

How to supply information systems to business.
IT : driver of cost rather than source of new thinking and
Principal problem : finding people who could do the work
rather than make sure that the work was as needed.
Supply-side organizations (such as the mainframe suppliers
and the emerging software industry) :
Drove a lot of the early investment through simple
marketing and peer pressure.
Supply-side issues became better understood by buyers
+ Many basic business functions having been automated
Attention turned to more imaginative and successful
applications of IT.

Attention Shifts : Hal2 terkait manajemen kebutuhan

untuk IS di organisasi
Organisasi sangat tergantung
oleh kemampuan IT-nya

Fokus pada demand managemnt

tidak mengurangi persoalan
pada supply, tetapi memperluas
range of concerns tim
Kemampuan untuk me-manage
recurring strategic and operational
change menjadi paling penting.

Organisasi mencari peluang akan

bisnis baru yang dapat mengubah
sifat & jenis bisnis yg telah dilakukn
Tertarik pada tool2 & teknik
manajemen yang dapat
menggabungkan IT ke dalam
formulasi strategi bisnis, sehingga
investasi didasarkan pada real
business needs daripada fake
technology-driven thinking.

Attention Shifts : Status of IT department in

organizations has diminished
IT people response to this diminution :
Create systematic ways to see a business, adopting the term
Enterprise Architecture.
Internationally known Chief Executive & Director of
Engineering : Refuse
Never let IT people to stay near senior management team.
Positioned IT people just above the canteen staff.

Kesempatan apa yang dimiliki IT manager pada situasi

The best option : masuk ke bisnis & membangun skill
information management dalam bisnis yang akan fokus pada
business benefit daripada technical problems.
IT management harus meningkatkan better understanding
akan IT benefits and systems investments:
How they can be defined
How they can be managed
How they can be measured
How they can be demonstrated in a way that senior
business management understands.

Previous slide : Only in business scope

How about in the scope of individual, family, government?
Not only organized business that needs to manage IT well.
Individual : e.g. the owner of IT at home or even in the pockets:
Need to have some regards whether it will enhance and not
damage the quality of our lives.
Government : have responsibility to take on IT and IS that will
provide better and more appropriate services to the public
The fast-paced IT == advantages of innovation == technological
Focused on :
Endless reduction in size of technological devices.
Increasing speed and capacity of networks.

A Meeting of Minds (Another AttentionShift)

Carr (2003) : IT telah menjadi komoditi (barang niaga utama).
IT menawarkan jauh lebih besar daripada yang digunakan orang.
Manajemen harus fokus untuk mengurangi biaya IT.
Tulisan Carr membuat business manager mulai berpikir tentang
manajemen IT & investasi IS :
Ada perhatian besar tentang formulasi & implementasi strategi,
kepraktisan dalam mengembangkan sistem baru & kesuksesan
Ada visi improved future : strategi IT searah dengan bisnis.
Ada kontrol yang ketat terhadap manajemen proyek SI.
Orang-orang bisnis cenderung diberi wewenang, bukan dihalangi
oleh sistem.

However :
Widely shared concern about the lack of appropriate
information management capability in organizations of all
kinds :
Strategy management, information management, project
management, change management, service management.
Business performance measurement :
Success would only be evident when investments delivered
measureable benefits.

Apa saja isu yang dapat dikritisi dari case study Information
Management in Education dan Big Problems in Big Government?
Bagaimana latar belakang munculnya kompetensi baru di bidang
Apakah kompetensi baru di bidang manajemen tersebut?
Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh kompetensi baru tersebut?
Bagaimana cara meningkatkan business performance melalui
pengembangan SI yang baru & efektif?
Tools apa yang digunakan untuk me-manage informasi sebelum dan
setelah tahun 1960?
Apa saja yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya permasalahan di bidang
manajemen informasi pada saat itu?
Apa yang dimaksud dengan real strategic advantage?
Mengapa real strategic advantage itu harus di-manage dengan baik?
Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi time to follow yang
semakin singkat?

Apa yang dilakukan perusahaan2 pada Maturing Years antara

awal tahun 1970-an sampai tahun 2010-an?
Apa yang harus dilakukan oleh IT dan business managers yang ingin
sukses berinvestasi?
Kesamaan apakah yang ada di antara dunia IT, masyarakat,
pemerintahan,dan bisnis yang ditemukan oleh Allen Lee pada tahun
Apa yang harus dilakukan terhadap kesamaan tersebut?
Bagaimana perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi terkait manajemen
kebutuhan untuk IS di organisasi?
Sebutkan 3 hal yang dapat dilakukan IT people ketika status IT
Department di perusahaan menurun.
Sebutkan contoh manajemen informasi di lingkup individu dan
Sebutkan 2 fokus pada langkah cepat IT.
Pemikiran awal apa yang dimiliki business manager tentang
manajemen IT dan investasi IS?
Apakah kunci business performance measurement?

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