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Campus Missionary to SIUC

Fabiola Rojas
Ministry update

Calvary Campus & SIU Chi Alpha | 501 W. Main St., Carbondale, IL. 62901
Online giving | xafabirojas@gmail.com | 618.303.3429
Oct. 2016

Hearts burning!
Werent our hearts on fire within us while He was talking to us on the road? Luke 24:32. These were the words of the

two disciples which Jesus appeared to on resurrection day. Although they were walking with Jesus, they were
blinded until He opened the eyes of their hearts. This is exactly what I believe God is doing among the internationals He connected us with since the beginning of fall semester. Many are already part of Life Groups (Indian, Japanese, Chinese, African & Caribbean, Spanish and African American) and we celebrate the great opening for the Gospel. Regardless if they come from a country were Jesus is just one of the many
gods, or not God at all, we are in awe for what is happening!

Like Sheilas life (China). She helped as an English translator while she was in
China at a Christian camp. She was clueless that what she was saying was full
of Life. Her heart was still closed to the Scriptures. But our Chi Alpha students loved on her. She began attending not only the Chinese Life Group, but
also our campus church AND the student lead prayer time, where she recently
received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Yay God! All what she heard and
translated to Chinese was not in vain but a seed for her coming to SIUC. She
is now being discipled by other student. Pray for her growth!
We also see a new awakening among Spanish students. The Lord has opened
doors for growth in this Life
Group. Now we have two
Spanish Life Groups (SLG).
One for traditional students (singles) which I
lead, and another one for
non-traditional students
(families). This growth is
allowing us to meet these groups needs in a more meaningful way. I am
amazed for the tremendous favor we have in the singles SLG. They ALL
come from a religious background and to see how Jesus is capturing their
hearts as we share Him in our daily rhythms has no price!
Thank you with all my heart for your generous and faithful partnership!
May God bless you and drench your heart with His love!

Upcoming events and prayer requests

Oct. 14-15 | All State Chi Alpha Fall

retreat. Pray for all students to go and

hearts ready for Truth.
Unofficial Halloween Party |Pray for
the party spirit to be exterminated!
Oct. 20 | All Night Prayer. Pray for an

awakening in Chi Alpha for prayer and

intercession for SIU campus.
Oct. 21-22 | World Mission Summit

bake sale. Pray for generous hearts as

students believe for raising funds.
Oct. 29 | Taste of America &

Hayride. Pray for intls to come and

new bonding with those on the edge.
Spanish Life Group | Pray for unity,

creative wisdom to share the Gospel, a

helper and ALL to be saved.

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