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Worksheet 1 Verbs Present Simple

Name:_____________________________ Class:_______ Date:_______________________

Present Simple
O Present Simple utiliza-se para:
o Referirmos factos;
Ex: Charles owns a new skateboard.

o Indicarmos leis naturais ou cientficas;

Ex: The moon moves around the earth.

o Descrevermos uma situao ou ao que persiste no tempo:

Ex: I live in Portugal.

o Referirmos aes repetidas ou habituais, aparecendo ligados a certos advrbios ou

expresses adverbiais que exprimem frequncia:


every day

once a week



every week

twice a month



every month

several times



Ex: I usually eat at 12:00 oclock.

o Referirmos a aes ou acontecimentos futuros previamente planeados e relacionados

com horrios de viagens, transportes pblicos e espetculos.
Ex: The train leaves at 12:30.

S h alterao do verbo na: 3rd person singular

O Present Simple forma-se a partir do infinitivo do verbo.
Ex: I like football.

Na 3 pessoa do singular acrescenta-se um s.

Ex: She likes football.

Aos verbos terminados em o, ss, sh, ch, x acrescenta-se es.

Ex: He goes home on foot.
She misses the train.
He finishes his work at 5:00 p.m.
She catches the bus to school.
He mixes the yolks and the sugar.

Aos verbos terminados em consoante + y substitui-se o y por i e acrescenta-se es.

Ex: They study hard. / He studies hard.

Aos verbos terminados em vogal + y acrescenta-se apenas o s.

Ex: She pays the bill.

Regular / Irregular verbs




1. pessoa

I eat

2. pessoa

you eat

3. pessoa

he/she/it eats

1. pessoa

we eat

2. pessoa

you eat

3. pessoa

they eat

I do not eat
I dont eat
you do not eat
you dont eat

Do I eat?
Do you eat?

he/she/it does not eat

Does he/she/it

he/she/it doesnt eat


we do not eat
we dont eat
you do not eat
you dont eat
they do not eat
they dont eat

Do we eat?
Do you eat?
Do they eat?

Nota: No podes esquecer de acrescentar o s ou es da 3 pessoa do singular. Na interrogativa

o verbo auxiliar to do coloca-se antes do sujeito, na 3 pessoa do singular fica does.

1) Circle the correct verb form.
o I likes / like chocolate.
o She dont like / doesnt like milk.
o Paul and Ted doesnt like / dont like hamburgers.
o Bob and I doesnt like / like coffee.
o Mr White dont like / likes eggs.
o You and your brother doesnt like / dont like cereal.

2) Complete the following sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.

o Janets school ____________ at 8:30. (start)
o My brother ____________ cola; I ____________ orange juice. (drink)
o Julie ____________ Spanish well; her parents ____________ Spanish too. (speak)
o My mother ____________ the beds in the morning. (make)
o Ted and Phil ____________ coffee very much. (like)
o She ____________ a big bag in her hand. (carry)
o They ____________ in Sesimbra. (not live)
o She ____________ me. (not know)

Good Work!

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