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Looking to get started mining but know nothing about DOGE?

This is the place to

turn. I know it seems like a lot of steps but trust me, you can do it and earn y
ourself many doge. Wow.

[First step] 0- Get yourself a wallet:

Your wallet is where you'll keep your
d on over to dogecoin.com and get the
l need to take a few minutes to sync.
ween 5 and 30 minutes. If your wallet

Dogecoins. It's pretty easy to set up, hea

GUI wallet. Once you start the Wallet it'l
Give it time, this could take anywhere bet
syncs, move on to step two!

If your Wallet never syncs there might be something wrong. Close the wallet and
navigate to C:\Users[YOUR ACCOUNT]\AppData\Roaming\DogeCoin and create a new fil
e called dogecoin.conf. In that file you'll want to put
Once saved, try again.

.25- Get an address:

Now that you have a wallet you'll need an address so people (or pools) can actua
lly send you Dogecoins. This is easy to do from your wallet. On the top bar clic
k "Much Receive" and then on the bottom of the wallet click "New Address." Give
it a label and poof you're done.
This 32-character string is how your wallet becomes public. You'll use it for al
l transactions from here on out. Think of it as your deposit box.

.5- Get some mining software:

Now you're prepared to receive Dogecoin. Great! But now you need to actually min
e it, which is a little harder and dependent upon your setup. What you decide to
use to mine is dependent upon what hardware you're running. If you've got a fan
cy AMD, you can use CGminer, if you haver a NVidia, you can use CUDAminer. If no
t, CPU mining is fine too. Once you've made your choice you'll need to download
the software itself. There's a nice .rar package another user has put together f
or Window users (dated Dec. 12, might be out of date by your time of reading) th
at you can download here.
Don't have any hardware? Take a look at scrypt mining hardware comparison. Choos
e a kH/s you can afford and calculate your profit using dustcoin. Purchase the n
ecessary hardware and build a scrypt mining rig. Something like this is consider
ed legit. A brief tutorial for cgminer would be: grabb any version before 3.8 li
ke 3.7.2. Then go to your pool and make a new worker. Make a new file in the sam
e directory as cgminer, call it something like wow_much_hashes.bat, and then use
nano it to edit it. In the file put:

./cgminer --scrypt -o PoolUrl -u UserName.WorkerName -p Password -I 12
Save and close the file, then run it. Should be set. Take a look at these scrypt
mining tips I found, and go through an absolute beginner's guide and join a poo
l if you're having trouble following this brief tutorial.

Alternatively, if you prefer Linux or you don't own any hardware you can rent ou
t some from a VPS provider and follow these instructions:
1- Create a VPS account: then create a trial instance of 512 MB / 1 CPU with Ubu
ntu 13.04 (x64).

2- You will be emailed an IP address and password with instructions on how to SS

H into your new instance. Setup putty then login via SSH with your VPS login cre

3- First thing to do once you're logged in is to change the root password into s
omething you can remember:
4- Being logged in as the root user is not recommended for various reasons so we
will create a non-privileged user, follow the prompts after issuing the command
, only username and password are necessary, you may leave the other fields blank
if you wish:
adduser <USERNAME>
5- Add the new user to the 'sudoers' file to be able to execute root privilege l
evel commands as that user:
echo '<USERNAME>

ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers

6- Change into the new user user:

7- Relocate into the home directory of the user you have changed into.
8-Create a swap file:
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=64M count=16
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
9- Update apt:

sudo apt-get update

10- Install git:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential autotools-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev autoc
onf automake
11- Clone cpu miner:
git clone https://github.com/pooler/cpuminer.git
12- Compile the source code:
cd cpuminer # changes to the cpuminer folder
./autogen.sh # only needed if building from git repo (which we are)
CFLAGS="-O3 -Wall -msse2" ./configure
13- Install screen:
apt-get install screen
14- Join a pool:
You can technically start mining on your own but I don't recommend it. There's n
ot a particularly good chance of you getting anything done any time soon and I'l
l explain why in a later section. So what you're going to do instead is join a c
ollection of other miners called a "pool." There's lots of pools and fortunately
we've got our own list of them. As you can see, different pools have different
rules and features, some include fees on your earnings, some offer automatic pay
out when you reach a certain amount of dogecoin, some offer manual payout at you
r leisure, some have payout fees, etc... The differences are mostly negligible i
n all honesty, I'd recommend joining something that doesn't have too hefty a wit
hdrawal fee and has plenty of other workers. The choice is truly yours!
Once you've picked your pool you'll want to actually get set up. Head to your po
ol's homepage and create an account. How you do that will vary, look for "sign u
p" or "registration." MPOS-design pools often have this on the left-side navigat
If your pool's website asks for your wallet up-front you'll want to be sure to g
et that part right. Head back to your wallet and go to the "Much Receive" tab. C
lick on your address. On the bottom of the page click "Copy Address." Your addre
ss is now saved to your clipboard for convenient pasting into things like, say,
an account registration page. If your pool's website does not ask for that part
up-front you'll want to find where to enter this. It'll likely be under "Edit ac
count" or similar.
Once you have your account you'll need to set up a "worker." On an MPOS-design p
ool, you'll navigate to "My Workers" on the left-side navigation to do so. Set u
p your worker with a name and password you can remember--you'll need this later!

15a- Change your ./minerd (Linux):

./minerd --url stratum+tcp://server:port --userpass worker.name:password
In order to keep your sessions alive, use the command 'screen' before running '.
When logging back again to restore your session use 'screen -r'.
You can specify a particular number of processor cores to use with the '-t N' op
tion where N is the number of cores you wish to dedicate, this may be useful if
using your home computer to mine. Leaving out the '-t' option uses all available
cores by default.

15b- Set up your batch file (Windows):

Starting your miner requires some configuration details that you don't want to h
ave to remember. For this reason we're going to set up a batch file that launche
s your miner for you. In the same folder as your mining software make a .bat fil
e. Edit this file with notepad (or similar) and input the command-line command t
hat runs your miner of choice. This should be documented on your miner program's
release page but I'll go ahead and post a few examples below:
Mining with CUDAminer and NVidia GPU
cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://[your pool's domain]:[your pool's port] -O [your
username].[your worker's name]:[your worker's password]
Mining with CGminer and AMD GPU
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://[your pool's domain]:[your pool's port] u [your username].[your worker's name] -p [your worker's password]
Mining with Minderd and CPU
minerd -a scrypt -t 4 -s 6 -o stratum+tcp://[your pool's domain]:[your pool's po
rt] -O [your username].[your worker's name]:[your worker's password]
[Last step] 16- Start mining:
Launch your .bat file as an Administrator of your computer. If this works, great
! Some users will have trouble running these batch files; if you're one of them
head to your Control Panel and enter "UAC" into the search bar. Turn this featur
e off. Scripts are our friends right about now!
At this point if your tool of choice spits out any output you'll probably see so
me initialization text, maybe some syncing, or maybe "stratum from pool 0 detect
ed new block". That's fine, this is all normal. Let your miner do its thing and
enjoy the doge that it brings you! Head to your pool's website to track your wor
ker's progress if you like.
Congrats, you're finished!

So where are my Dogecoins?

Dogecoins are only paid out after each block is found. Each block is worth a ran

dom number up to one million Dogecoins. Your pool will automatically take those
Dogecoins and pass them out to each member of the pool based on the number of sh
ares they earned. Shares are earned by contributing to the pool. If you contribu
te lots of computing power to the pool, you'll get a lot of shares; if you contr
ibute only a little computing power to the pool, you'll only get a few shares. T
his keeps everything fair--those who do more will get more. You can track the co
mputing power you're contributing by tracking your hashrate. The pool's hashrate
is usually tracked too, it's a good metric of everyone's work combined to find
the next block. The higher the pool hashrate, the quicker you'll find that block
, and the quicker everyone will get paid.
Blocks get more and more difficult to find. It's good to get started early! Your
pool likely tracks this estimated difficulty. Do note that the difficulty isn't
a perfect tell of how long it'll take to find the block. Mining is very random:
sometimes you'll find a block right off the bat with only 5% of the estimated s
hares distributed and sometimes you'll spend ages mining a block with 500% of th
e estimated shares distributed. That's part of the fun! Think of mining as playi
ng the lottery as a group where we all play and all agree to share the money if
one of us wins. Tadaa!
Your pool will
patient! Give
gh, be sure to
coin tipbot or

likely take a bit to verify the block after it has been found. Be
your pool some time before you try to cash out. Once you do, thou
spread the joy of Dogecoin! Consider registering with the /r/doge
setting up a faucet should you ever really strike it rich.

Thanks for reading!

I hope this helps you on your quest to achieving many moneys. If you found this
helpful in any way, consider tipping the author who is still a poor doge. /u/Bev
erage_ : DHdgADJBBhADdJeAF8JhnAgBmhTLLN9J49
Also if you like /u/jjshinobi 's editing skills tip him some doge :D.

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