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Stimati studenti,
Aveti posibilitatea ca, in cadrul programului JPEMS, pentru anul universitar 2016-2017, sa beneficiati
de o mobilitate de studii la Universitatea din Amsterdam.
Programul se adreseaza studentilor din anul I, 2015-2016, integralisti dupa sesiunea de iarna si
vara, interesati de cercetarea stiintifica. Curricula ce va fi studiata in cadrul mobilitatii se regaseste
mai jos.Limba de studiu este limba engleza. Nu este necesar certificat de atestare a cunostiintelor
delimba engleza, posesorii de certificat fiind avantajati in procesul de selectie.
Finantarea mobilitatii se face prin programul Erasmus. Pentru mai multe detalii legate de partea
financiara, contactati Departamentul Relatii Internationale, responsabil Erasmus, Rodica Marcu rmarcu@umfcluj.ro
Pentru a aplica pentru aceasta mobilitate, trimiteti prin e-mail CV (format Europass) si scrisoare de
intentie (ambele in limba engleza) la adresa de e-mail tcalinici@umfcluj.ro (Sef Lucr. Dr. T. Calinici)
pana la data de 15 martie 2016.
Pentru mai multe informatii legate de aceasta mobilitate va gos sa contactati SL Dr. T. Calinici,
Disciplina Informatica Medicala si Biostatistica - tcalinici@umfcluj.ro . De asemenea, pentru
informatii suplimentare referitor la programul JPEMS, contactati absolventii promotiilor din anii
precedenti. Pagina web a proiectului, prezentand informatii despre editiile anterioare poate fi
accesata la adresa http://www.jpems.eu/
The semester will start on 5 September 2016 and the End symposium will take place in the week of
19 December.
The semester will be constructed as follows:
Week 1 - 4: general course (GC; Translational sciences in medicine). International JPEMS students
follow this course together with the entire Dutch Medicine Bachelor year 3. This course will end with
a Computerized Assessment Test (CAT; week 4).
Week 5 - 16: Simultaneous:
a) Specific subjects (Course 1: Microbiology, Course 2: Immunopathology&physiopathology, Course
3: Clinical genetics).
Course organization: 3*2 lectures and/or practical sessions per week in international JPEMS group.
There will be three Computerized Assessment Test (CAT), at the end of week 8, 12 and 15.

b) Research in duo's.
International JPEMS students will be matched with a Dutch student following a research minor. An
international student and Dutch student will perform their own study in duo's. At the end of the
semester, the research will be presented at the end symposium.
During the entire semester, we will offer an interactive program fostering integration between Dutch
and international students (community building) that will focus on personal development and
European citizenship.

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