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ORDER Whereas the National Green Trbunal, Principal ‘Bench, New Delhi has passed orders in Application No, 11872019 in the matey Ot Vkrant Kumar Tongad Vs. Envrenment Potion (Prevention & Contal) Authoriy & O'S regarding disposal of Paddy & whet sew on 10.12.2018; and, Whereas, Principal Secretary to Govt of Haryana. Environment Department vide order no. 46r1120160 Env. dated 27.05 2016 constited Commitee under the Chaimanship of Additonal Chief Secretary, Agriculture Department, Haryana FeV the compliance of directions issued by tho Horble NGT as well as Hobie, Punjab & Henri igh Court, Chandigarh, when was varended vide Endst No, 16/11/2016 -3 Env ated 27072016 for the elecve implementation of the above directions; To get the compliance of al the direction’ of the Honible NGT/ High Cour effectively @ Distiet Level Commitee under the ‘chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner concemed comprising of te folowing oficers is Nere0Y constituted 4. Deputy Director, Agriculture Department, HEAT 2, Development of Panchayats ‘Department, Haryana. §_TehsidatNaib Tehsidr of Reverue & Disaster Department, Haryana L. Deputy Superintendent of Pali 5. Regional Officer ‘of the Haryana State Pollution Control Board, having jurisdiction over the district. i) The Distct Commitee wil comoly withthe directions through Agriculture Development Officer Agrcuture Inspector, Patwar, Fenchayet secretary, Vilage Chowkidar end Nambardar, Sarpanch Grarn Panchayat, Poloe Personnel etc ii) The committee shal meet every week uring the harvest season{ September f0 November & apt to June) reguary to plat and censure compfancel implementation of srdorsitrecons regarding prevention of subbeIpaidy straw burning The following duties will be performed by the District Level Committe 2) Constitution of special fms 1° monitor and physically inspect the shes f0 onsire that there is no agriculture cop residue burning in respective jurisdictions. 2) Implementation of the National policy for Management of Crop Residue, 2014 at Distict Level. )—_Etucating and advising the fermers through media, Gram Panchayats and Corpraion® tha op esd burn is juous to human Pes causes serious air pollution and now banned or prohibited by 'aw. . 4) To-ensure the compliance of Notification pronibting agricuture croP residue burning are enforced rigorously and proper action Is taken against the defauiters end t0 collect Environmental Compensation under Environmental Compensation heading tobe crved as a separate account spre tame gven Plo: 9) 4 gmallJond holders having 20. ae tas than 2 Acres shall Pay Environmental Compensation of RS; 2500/- per nee=nes. «Land kders having fand ae TOE 2 Aeres but Less than 5 Acres stall PAY Environmental Compensation of FS S500I- per incidence, RID poldors having tnd area mare (nen Acres shall pay Environmental Compensation of Rs, 18000" perneitonce ‘te sommitoe shal format an acon plan or tization ofthis amount for the restoraon of degraded envionment M2120 providing Machines, Mechanism 2nd Equipments or ts costo the farmers arranged by ‘gicalture Department 10 onsite That egreatural esiue in the flit are removed, tallected and stored at appropriate idenitied sites and, ‘s- Such equipments tke happy SeeeerS provided by Agiutue Department Po provided Petal farmers having Yad area less tan 2 Acres free of cost and. «For the farmers possessing area of more Inn 2 ners but Less than 5 Acres, the cost rer sch machines tobe Rs. 800/28, + Forlend owners having land area more shan 5 Aces the cost for suc machines 1° we Fe. 16,000, (These oasis ae for 28cn FOP roving season only once) -tne Deputy Cornrissoners shall fuer ens trom the Gram Panchayats that farmers are educated by naling spe0a Pograrie Mor Pubic Hearing, rules pramoates and by deranstating © the farmers he ‘amount of potion caused ond consequential harm to publ health, Incuding that of thr meron from agrcaral reste buring n oF is wok as the poseble ways for

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