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Goal 1

Empowering Learners states that the mission of the school library program
is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and
information. The school librarian empowers students to be critical thinkers,
enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.
To accomplish this goal, librarians have to collaborate with educators and
students by: instructing students and assisting educators provide access to
materials in all formats, and providing leadership in the total educational
Objective 1a: Media Specialist and will increase collaboration by meeting
with the PTA and beginning a parent volunteer program. Volunteer training
will be scheduled to train volunteers in helping students locate books,
check out, re-shelving books, and monitoring of students in the media
center by:
-Maintaining a trained volunteer or library assistant is present if the SLMS
is not present in the library.
-The SLMS will create a spreadsheet to document volunteer activity.
-Volunteer data will be posted in the media center as well as the website, to
encourage more teachers to participate in collaboration with SLMS.
-A volunteer sheet will be posted in the media center to allow for parent
-SLMS will post a schedule sheet and a sign up site on the school media
website with available hours, to allow parent access after school hours.
-The SLMS will post a suggestion link on the website so that parents and
teachers can be included in the planning and scheduling of collaborative
Volunteer data will be collected to document amount of volunteer hours and
number of volunteers. This data will be shared in each monthly newsletter

and posted on the media center website. Volunteers will have ability to
complete a volunteer survey. The information collected in the survey will be
used to modify training, gauge volunteer inclinations, and overall success
of the volunteer program.
Objective 1b: Increase collaboration availability of the SLMS by
implementing a flexible schedule in the SLMP by:
- SLMS will use a survey to gain an understanding of the when and how
teachers can use collaboration with the SLMS.
-SLMS will work together with administrators to encourage collaboration
lessons made possible by the use of flexible schedule.
-Prior to the beginning of the school year, the SLMS will meet with
administration to discuss a flexible schedule and collaboration.
Evaluation: A collaboration and flexible schedule survey will be completed
during post planning to assess the effectiveness of the SLMP. The SLMS
will meet with administration to assess their perception of flexible
Objective 1c: SLMS will seek opportunities to increase effective
collaboration by:
-The SLMS will collaborate with teachers to review student performance in
writing, Georgia Milestones, and portfolios.
SLMS and teacher will evaluate lessons and student performance before
lessons are used again.
SLMS will create a sample of lesson plans with library standards aligned
with classroom standards.
-SLMS will use the common core yearly lesson planning guide with library
standards that align classroom standards.
-The SLMS will attend grade level meetings with teachers to pass out the
yearly lesson planning guide with library standards and the sample lesson
plans to encourage collaboration.

During monthly grade level meetings, a collaborative rubric will be

generated to assess collaboration lessons. Rubrics for lessons will be
reviewed by SLMS and teachers to modify lessons for future use.
Goal 2
The SLMS will seek funds in order to maintain all aspects of the
existing program and provide the funds for evolving curriculum
Guidelines for Building The Learning Environment (pg. 29 Empowering
Learners) states The school library program has sufficient funding to
support priorities and make steady progress to attain the programs mission
goals, and objectives. In my school system, while not having to fight for
having a dedicated librarian like some states, funding is not enough to
make the kind of progress needed to support teacher collaboration and
increasing technology needed for meaningful learning.
bjective 2a: Collaborate with teachers and administrators to develop a
budget that maintains and improves materials and services by:
-The SLMS will meet with administration, at a minimum the before the
beginning of the school year and at the end of the school year.
-SLMS will attend all school budget meetings.
The SLMS will conduct a faculty survey on how the staff views the
effectiveness of the SLMP. The SLMS will use the survey to adjust services
in coming years to meet with the needs of the learning community.
Objective 2b: SLMS will maintain current information about the costs of
library media center materials and services and be aware of school budget
changes and/or limitations by:

-The SLMS will compile financial budgets and projections of library need,
updating yearly.
-SLMS will maintain budget documentation on website.
The sharing of library funding will increase awareness of available
resources. Having this data available, in the event that additional funds
become available within the school or district, will allow the SLMS to
compete for additional funding more effectively.
Objective 2c: SLMS will investigate and locate applicable grants and
financial resources with the district, community, state, and federal
governments by:
-Prior to the beginning of the school year, the SLMS will research grants
that are applicable to a SLMP setting. Also prior to the beginning of school,
the SLMS will visit the main public library, city hall, and the board of
education to research funding options. At the beginning of the school year,
the SLMS will schedule meetings with building, district administrators, and
teachers to create a budget, using local funding and grants that will benefit
the media center as well as the local learning community.
The increasing need for new technologies requires an increase of funds
beyond the normal yearly library budget. By researching grants and other
government sources of funding, the SLMP can increase the possibility to
provide additional ipads, ebooks, chromebooks, laptops, print and digital
collections for the SLMP and the school learning community.
Goal 3
Increase student achievement and by the use of technology and by
implementing Web 2.0 tools.

The guideline for Addressing Multiple Literacies (pg. 23 Empowering
Learners) The school library program provides instruction that addresses
multiple literacies, including information literacy, media literacy, visual
literacy and technology literacy.
Objective 3a: Update and increase the use of collections, including online
access of digital collections by:
-Inventory elementary library collections and technology devices, using
volunteers and library staff.
-Update all electronic records; weed collections as needed.
Implementation of a BYOD/BYOT plan with administration approval.
An accurate inventory of print materials and technology will allow the SLMS
to increase awareness for building and district administrators. Allowing
students the ability to BYOD/OT will allow available resources to be more
effectively used by students lacking the their own devices or technology.
Objective 3b: Update and maintain school library web site by:
-Review existing school library web presences
-Explore Web 2.0 tools for appropriateness and feasibility
-Implement changes including but not limited to wikispaces, Bitstrips,
Primary Pad, Google Docs, and Prezi.
The SMLS will survey teachers at the beginning of every school year. The
survey will include questions to identify teacher needs. The survey will also
include questions to assess what tools teachers are aware of. The SLMS
will share at least one Web 2.0 tool during monthly grade level meetings as
well as during staff meetings. For each month's newsletter, the SLMS will
feature at least one teacher's use of Web 2.0 tools or technology.

Objective 3c: Provide useful and up to date professional development

resources and instruction to support self-development in the SLMP and
teachers in the digital age by:
-Participate in online training on web 2.0 tools.
-Instruct the faculty in integrating the tools into class preparation and
student assignments.
-Attending professional development classes and seminars.
-Collaborating with other SLMS in the district as well as the nation by using
social media.
The SLMS will publish a monthly newsletter to include Web 2.0 tools and
learning opportunities via online training. The SLMS will post an annual
report on media center website. The annual report will include conferences,
seminars, and online training the SLMS has participated in. The SLMS can
gain insight into what is being done in other SLMP by communicating
through blogging and other social media platforms.

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