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Ayurvedas List of Incompatible Foods: Things that Dont Go

Together. ~ Alexandra Krasne
Via Alexandra Krasne
on Mar 16, 2014


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Food can be poison or it can be medicineit all depends on what we eat and when we eat it.
The concept of incompatible food combinations in Ayurveda (called virudh aahar) took a while for me to grasp and incorporate into my own diet.
Incompatible foods are everywhere: in restaurants, on cooking shows, and even cookbooks are rife with these unhealthy combos.
Foods may be incompatible because they create a negative reaction in the body, generate additional water in the body (called kleda) that can lead to
skin conditions, block the bodys channels, contribute to heart disease or simply lead to indigestion.
And certain foods may be incompatible because they are simply not right for a particular season. When it comes to a seasonal diet, balancing the
doshas that tend to increase or get aggravated during that time of year is key. So eating chilies in the summer is not recommended as the added heat
will lead to pitta disturbances like rashes, cold sores, acne, and heartburn.
Allergies can stem from eating ice cream, iced drinks, pickled/fermented foods, and incompatible food combinations, especially in the spring when
kapha dosha is highest.

Heres a short list of incompatible foods:





Heres a short list of incompatible foods:

Milk with meat
Salt and milk
Cheese and fruit
Fruit with milk
Stale food (including leftovers)
Fish with yogurt or milk
Milk and yogurt in excess
Excessive intake of wet, green, leafy veggies (like spinach) or salads
Excessive amounts of pickled or fermented foods
Ice cream at night
Improper seasonal diet

I cringe when I see yogurt and fruit packaged together or smoothies that mix milk and fruit. Not because I dont think those things are delicious. They
are! Seriously. However, according to Ayurveda, milk and melons (or any fruit for that matter) are not to be consumed together because milk is a
laxative and melon a diuretic. Also, the fruit is digested very quickly and milk takes longer for the body to process. During that processing time, the
fruit curdles the milk potentially creating a sour stomach and lots of acidity.
Milk should not be eaten with sh as the two foods are incompatible: milk is cold and sh is heating. Combining the two vitiates the blood and causes
obstruction of the bodys channels (called srotas). Salt and milk together is another combination that should be avoided due to antagonistic qualities
in the two.
Banana should not be eaten with milk, curds, or buttermilk because the combination can diminish digestion and produce toxins in the body. Eating
this combination can lead to cold, cough, and allergies.
Curds (yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese) are ideal to eat in winter, but should not be consumed at night. According to Ayurvedic text Caraka-Samhita
(sutra 225-227), curd is generally discarded in autumn, summer, and spring.
When you do eat curds, enjoy them at lunch when your digestion is strongest. Curds can cause swelling and aggravate blood (rakta), pitta, and kapha.
Cheese can take a long time to digest and can cause constipation so those with weak digestion should avoid cheese and yogurt consumption no
matter what the season.
Takra, also called buttermilk, is a good alternative. To prepare a spring takra, mix 1/4 cup organic whole milk yogurt, 3/4 cup room temperature water
and whisk briskly, add a pinch of rock salt and a dash of cumin. This light beverage is digestive and great to drink before a meal. (Skip it at night or if
you have a cold.)

Cold Drinks
Avoid cold or iced drinks during or directly after a meal. The cold diminishes digestive power (called agni) and causes a host of digestive problems,
allergies, and colds. (The same goes for ice cream and frozen yogurt.)

Raw and Cooked Leftovers

Its best to avoid leftovers if you can. Food loses its vital energy after a night in the fridge and gets slimy and heavy, too. If you do eat leftovers on
occasion, saut them in ghee and black pepper. Dont mix leftovers with fresh food either.

Always use raw, uncooked honey. Baking with honey or heating it in general turns it into a sticky glue that clogs the bodys channels and produces
toxins. This includes having honey in your tea or drinking something hot after eating honey.
Dont mix equal quantities ghee and honey as they have opposite reactions in the bodyhoney has a heating, drying, scraping action, whereas ghee
has a cooling, moisturizing quality. When eating ghee and honey together, mix in a larger quantity of one or the other.

About Stress and Diet

This post is rife with a lot of dietary donts and its a huge shock to adjust your diet, especially when it means leaving behind a lot of the delicious food
combinations you have come to love.
This information is not meant to cause stress around food, which itself can hamper digestion and health.
My goal is to help you better understand what foods will support your body and which ones may create an imbalance. By understanding proper food
combinations, you can make the educated choices that support your body.
Bonus: How & Why to eat Ayurvedically:

The 3-Season Diet: How & Why to Eat Ayurvedically.





Relephant reads:
Dosha Think Its Time You Learned About Ayurveda?
The Art of Drinking Water: 10 Ayurvedic Tips for a Happily Hydrated Body. ~ Julie Bernier
Its More Than What We Eat: 12 Ayurvedic Tips for Healthy Eating. ~ Julie Bernier

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About Alexandra Krasne

Alexandra Krasne:After years of stressful days hunched over a keyboard, Alexandra stumbled into a yoga class in
search of peace. Since that rst fateful (and somewhat painful) yoga class more than 12 years ago, she has
completed a year-long 200-hour yoga teacher training and then found Ayurveda, Indias system of holistic healing.
She is now anAyurveda Clinical Specialistafter graduating fromVedika Globalsve-year program with her guru
and teacher ShunyaPratichiMathur who hails from a 700-year lineage of healers.
Through Ayurveda and yoga, Alex has come to understand that the prevention of and cure for many modern
aictions can be found through proper lifestyle and diet. Follow her onTwitterand visit her blogDharma Bytesfor
recipes, Ayurvedic lifestyle tips, spiritual insights, and nuggets of wisdom.

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54 Responses to Ayurvedas List of Incompatible Foods: Things that Dont Go Together. ~ Alexandra

Maja says:
March 16, 2014 at 12:19
what about the veggies? are you familiar with the book green for life?


Phil says:
March 16, 2014 at 12:42
Its easiest to avoid all of these mishaps by simply switching to a more compassionate diet, i.e. going vegan. It only makes sense, we
dont live in ancient India where all cows were free and cared for and gave raw milk. Most milk today is processed and taken from cows
with poor diet and living conditions. Even organic, humane milk/yogurt/cheese is mostly pasteurized and homogenized, which turns
milk into a poison for the body anyways. Instead of spending large amounts of money on something your body doesnt really even
need, something that also perpetuates animal slavery and cruelty, why not just cut it out completely? I know plenty of vegan yogis, and
they are happy, healthy, and have peace of mind knowing that they are living a life in full compassion towards our animal friends.

Linda V. Lewis says:

March 17, 2014 at 12:32
But isn't a vegan diet B12 + zinc decient?

gottaluvsociety says:
April 4, 2014 at 12:55
I am a vegan and I get plenty of both. Not sure where you heard that but it's completely false. I actually laugh
at all the "meat diet vs vegetarian diet vs vegan diet" hype. In all reality, the only thing that matters is that
humans are Omnivores, so we can survive on plant or meat based diets. As far as nutrients go, if it's
something your body needs to maintain positive health, chances are a fruit or veggie contains it. Balance your
food correctly and obtaining the daily nutrients will be a piece of cake. (Mmm.cake!) This link is a good
source for nding out what fruits and/or veggies contain the nutrients you are looking for. I just gave up meat
less than a year ago so I have used this a lot. I am also a big fan of http://www.FullyRaw.com and Food Babe.
Sorry to carry on when you asked such a simple question, lol, it's a new lifestyle for me so it's very exciting

yara says:
March 19, 2014 at 08:10
Phil, I totally agree with you, times changed so much from the beginings of Ayurveda.


Michael says:
March 16, 2014 at 15:16
Hi Alexandra,
Great work, Love the simple guide to what goes together better, it nice you added the why and dont just tell us a bunch of facts. Raw
Milk in the Answer please check out MIchaels Health Answers.ca for the Hows and Whys of this solution.
Mikey Likes IT!






Lori says:
March 16, 2014 at 16:27
Bananas with milk leads to colds!! Viruses cause colds!! Idiotic comments like this make all the other recommendations in the article
highly suspect.

Rande says:
March 18, 2014 at 18:49
Dear Lori,
yes, viruses cause colds, BUT your body being susceptible to any virus is a matter of how well your immune system is
working. I am not Ayurvedically trained, but I wish I was! If one who IS trained in that modality says that combining
bananas with cow milk can INVITE those viruses to take hold (was that the case?) then I think I would avoid combining
them. I know a whole host of reasons not to drink the processed white liquid they call "milk" in this country, so if I really
want such a liquid, I prefer almond milk, or hemp milk ..or rice milk
Did you know that raw garlic KILLS Viruses?
Judi says:
November 30, 2015 at 21:29
The drink Takra is made of milk and sal. The 2 things, in a paragraph above it, says should not be eaten together.


sementedoyoga says:
March 16, 2014 at 16:52
I've just started an ayurveda course and am absolutely fascinated by the whole concept. I was doing some searches and came across
the following article which ties in nicely with the one here above: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC36650 and thought
the link might be appreciated by those reading this page.

Sushma says:
June 22, 2015 at 05:42
good information


adri says:
March 16, 2014 at 22:21
This comment is for Lori: Why are you so rudely arguing semantics?! Viruses cause colds, yes, but any manner of weakened state leaves
an individual more susceptible to virus, and many kinds of illness, really. Well, according to Ayurveda, banana with milk leads to a
weakened state (speaking very generally). So saying that "bananas with milk causes colds" is no more idiotic than saying "not getting
enough sleep leads to colds". Regardless of whether or not you believe it, it's a genuine aspect of the teachings, and really, it's not THAT


Kim says:
March 17, 2014 at 11:11
I understand these recommendations are based on ancient wisdom. But has anyone ever validated them scientically? I have broken all
of these rules and feel no worse for the wearIn fact I am among the healthiest people I know. Are these just religious or philosophical
recommendations, like keeping Kosher?

Sandy says:
April 3, 2014 at 18:37
I'm with you there, Kim! My take is that we all have to listen to our bodies and do what's right for ourselves as individuals.
Everything in moderation, and if some of these combinations of foods or avoiding incompatible foods helps, then more
power to ya. One size ts all doesn't make sense for most diets, even the scientically validated ones and even those
change as new research is done. Moderation and listening to your body.
Amy says:




July 11, 2014 at 07:16
I second this, Kim! This all sounds very interesting, but I would like to know what is actually going on in the body when this
combinations are used. I mean, we should all be skeptical and inquisitive and should be able to say HOW this all works.


Chuck_Culp says:
March 17, 2014 at 11:52
I agree with Phil. I lived in an ashram for a while. As a vegan, I found the addiction to dairy to be ridiculous. Based on Brahman
nonsense. No human should ever consume the milk of another creature, and we should not consume human milk once we are weaned.
Find another species that indulges in this crap!


catphay says:
March 17, 2014 at 11:53
Is this only referring to cow's milk, or plant based as well?


Yvonne says:
March 17, 2014 at 15:46
An Ayurvedic doctor told me years ago to begin my day with a cup of hot water and mix in 1 TB raw honey and 1/2 lemon. Your article
talks about how honey should not be heated and if it is it produces toxins. What kind of toxins does it produce? What is the source of
your information?

sam says:
June 19, 2015 at 21:44
You can mix honey with luke warm water,the important point is do not directly heat honey.

iniyan says:
September 27, 2015 at 10:53
yah what he said is right.. actually directly heating is dierent from mixing with warm or hot water.. if u
directly heat honey it will produce toxins.. which is very hazardous to our body!!!


Alexandra Krasne says:

March 17, 2014 at 18:51
Hello! A big hug and a thank you to everyone who has read my article and commented or left feedback here, on Facebook, and
elsewhere online. It brings me great joy to spread this information as it has changed my life and I hope it does the same for you.
Ayurveda is a rich, beautiful, and very complex spiritual science and it can be dicult to distill its concepts into a short article. Many have
asked for the source of this information, so Im happy to provide it: Much of what is written above has either come directly from my
teacher Shunya Pratichi Mathur or from Ayurvedic texts, like the Caraka Samhita which is a foundational text that was written about
2000 years ago. Fish with milk, for example, is mentioned in Caraks Stra Sthna, sutra 82. Sour with milk in the same book, sutras 86101.
Yvonne who mentions not heating honey, that is also from Caraka as well as from my teacher. Heating honey raises its PH level, so it
should not be put into anything that is hotter than 100 degrees F or so.
Chuck and Phil: In terms of going vegan, Ayurveda doesnt specically talk about being vegetarian, vegan or carnivorous, it only gives us
information. Those who do consume animals and their products should seek out organic and humane animal products. (Or raise your
Veggies and milk? We typically add salt to veggies so that would be counter indicated with milk. (Coconut milk, almond milk, and plant
milks are ne to mix.)
One person mentioned yogurt and salt, why is that ok but not milk and salt? Yogurt is already soured milk, so adding salt to create the
yogurt drink I mentioned (takra) wont sour it further. By adding some salt and water to very heavy and heating yogurt, you lighten it and
make it very digestive, a tonic.
Thank you again! I wish you all health and joy.


Alexandra Krasne says:

March 17, 2014 at 18:56




Hello! A big hug and a thank you to everyone who has read my article and commented or left feedback here, on Facebook, and
elsewhere online. It brings me great joy to spread this information as it has changed my life and I hope it does the same for you.
Ayurveda is a rich and very complex spiritual science, so it can be dicult to distill its concepts into a short article. Many have asked for
the source of this information, so Im happy to provide it: Much of what is written above has either come directly from my teacher
Shunya Pratichi Mathur or from Ayurvedic texts, like the Caraka Samhita which is a foundational text that was written about 2000 years
ago. Fish with milk, for example, is mentioned in Caraks Stra Sthna, sutra 82. Sour with milk in the same book, sutras 86-101.
Yvonne who mentions not heating honey, that is also from Caraka as well as from my teacher. Heating honey raises its PH level, so it
should not be put into anything that is hotter than 100 degrees F or so.
Chuck and Phil: In terms of going vegan, Ayurveda doesnt specically talk about being vegetarian, vegan or carnivorous, it only gives us
information. Seeking out organic and humane animal products is critical to our health and the planets.
Veggies and milk? We typically add salt to veggies so that would be counter indicated with animal milk. (Coconut milk, almond milk, and
plant milks are ne to mix.)
One person mentioned yogurt and salt, why is that ok but not milk and salt? Yogurt is already soured milk, so adding salt to create the
yogurt drink I mentioned (takra) wont sour it further. By adding some salt and water to very heavy and heating yogurt, you lighten it and
make it very digestive, a tonic.
Thank you again! I wish you all health and joy.


hennalounge says:
March 21, 2014 at 13:42
As soon as I saw the "no ice cream at bedtime" I immediately discounted the whole article. I really do not like this concept that food is
the enemy. Food is supposed to be nourishing. This concept that we must constantly be avoiding this or that, or even that healthful
foods are now somehow not healthy because we eat them at the "wrong" time is really distressing.

Deepak Chughani says:

July 11, 2014 at 22:39
Ice cream is usually loaded with sugar excessive amounts of sugar, if consumed at bedtime, will not be digested well
and will be converted into fat.


Science! says:
March 23, 2014 at 01:07
Just because some ancient book has been adhered to for thousands of years does not mean that any single part of it is valid or true. By
citing ancient "sutras" as your form of scientic evidence, you only prove how none of your claims have been validated by modern
nutritional science. Your article is wrought with aws from the start. The fact that viruses cause colds has already been mentioned, and
that's one of the biggest ignorant statements you made.
Others falsities include statements such as:
"fruit digests faster than milk" fruit is full of indigestible ber and lots of hard cellulose-bound structures that need to be opened up to
access any nutrients inside meanwhile milk is the easiest thing to digest on the planet, which is why all baby mammals drink it.
"cold drinks cause digestive problems, allergies, and colds" again colds are viruses and have nothing to do with drinking a glass of ice
water, allergies are caused by your immune system treating a neutral chemical compound as if it were a virus or malignant bacteria, and
temperature doesn't aect digestion because your body heats up everything that gets consumed.
The statement is made several times that eating certain things together with milk will make it acidic, but milk at its absolute most sour
will only have a pH of 4.4 as opposed to the pH of stomach acid being 1-4. Stomach acid makes milk more acidic
I could keep going on and on but I doubt that anything I say will sway anyone who believes in the things you say, much less you
yourself. It is much easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.
Anyone who is on the fence and considering this should seriously go read a book on metabolism, nutrition, biology, or anatomy that is
scientically sound, not the conjecture of ancient people with no knowledge of even the cells in the body, much less how they work or
the tiny chemicals that make everything happen.

Science not Faith says:

April 3, 2014 at 17:04
Thank you. I was going to post the same thing but you mentioned it all. Please forgive them and their sheeple, they don't
know any better.




Amy says:
July 11, 2014 at 07:22
I agree with you, but I don't think we should call people names.

Amy says:
July 11, 2014 at 07:21
Great comment Science! I understand that in some ancient/traditional cultures these things have been veried not so
much by science, but by a long, long period of trial and error and observation. However, we have the means today to study
these claims, and I think it would help today's scientically literate people understand these rules better. How do we know
this isn't just something someone made up? I do think this is very interesting though. I would like to know the "why" and
the "how" behind it!
Deepak says:
July 11, 2014 at 22:47
ice water DOES cause colds and coughs for everyone in my family.
pinkesh says:
September 10, 2014 at 05:54
Modern science is quiet aky and is not eternal, today some researcher will say chocolate is bad for heart but that same
researcher will say latter according to new study chocolate is good for heart. Allopathy is an reactive approach to treat any
disease and Ayurveda uses proactive approach. Ayurveda has been written by Lord Brahma the creator of this universe
and hence its eternal and non questionable. The fact that even USA is after patenting turmeric as wound healing agent
shows how modern science is immature. Science have discovered microorganism in water just few years ago but this was
inscribed in veda around 5000 year ago much before evolution of science.
Himanshu says:
November 16, 2014 at 04:18
'colds are viruses and have nothing to do with drinking a glass of ice water, allergies are caused by your immune system
treating a neutral chemical compound as if it were a virus or malignant bacteria, and temperature doesnt aect digestion
because your body heats up everything that gets consumed' and similar statements that you make are based upon what
you have read. and we know that the earth was at once upon a time and now it is round. we need to experiment with
these suggestions. and not just dismiss them based upon what science currently believes to be true. science may later
acknowledge all of Ayurveda to be true just as Quantum Physics now acknowledges indian philosophy as true
mimikate says:
December 14, 2014 at 16:14
To everyone saying that modern science should be believed instead of ancient wisdom, fooey. Modern science brought us
the theory of ulcers as a stress disease (requiring life-long medication, of course) and the resistance to the FACT that it is
caused by bacteria. Also thalidomide. Perfectly safe, according to "science". Also, Xrays of pregnant women. PROVEN to
be dangerous 20 years before it was discontinued. I don't believe a word of what the esteemed "scientists" tell us. They are
taking stabs in the dark and their closed-mindedness about anything that refutes the beliefs of their own little minds, is
suspect. I also believe in allowing your body to tell you what is good for it.

durkdig says:
March 4, 2015 at 22:39
The key dierence between science and ancient concepts like this is that science admits fault and builds on it.
Every example you mention mimi is something that changed once we realized it was causing harm or was
simply incorrect. Ayuverda has remain unchanged for centuries. Modern science learns and improves
constantly. It builds on established knowledge and continues to improve and expand year after years

MishMosh says:
January 25, 2015 at 23:29
Thank you for this, the voice of reason! Such codswallop spouted in the article. The fact that some people take this as rules
of life to live by makes me sad.






marisa says:
April 4, 2014 at 08:59
Question.. when you talk of milk, are you specically talking of cow milk? Or does almond or coconut milk apply (think smoothies)?

myriamsoalluria says:
August 3, 2014 at 21:09
I'm sure she's speaking of cow's milk. I use coconut or almond milk.


J Virag says:
April 4, 2014 at 20:54
confused. what about the honey with lemon and hot water in the morning on rising?


Bruce says:
April 10, 2014 at 12:47
Ayurveda is essential in many ways .it helps in various ways to keep us
healthy and t and herbal products provide us a way to be healthy some
of the herbal products are very eective such as herbal essential oils


Blue Cheese says:

July 11, 2014 at 02:54
Cheese and fruit
Blue cheese goes along with pears, for instance try gorgonzola rice with mashed pears and walnuts.


Andrea says:
August 1, 2014 at 07:39
"leftovers" this makes me sad. Wasting food is a top pet peeve of mine

mimikate says:
December 14, 2014 at 16:10
so just make enough for the one meal. no waste


myriamsoalluria says:
August 3, 2014 at 20:57
Milk is a laxative? All of my studies show that milk is clogging and congesting and turns to a gluey substance in your body, AKA mucous
and is constipating, not laxative. In other food combining charts fruit and dairy are ok. I have also taken several courses in Ayurveda
from very reputable sources and learned that warm milk at night is a recommended tonic to induce sleep. I use coconut or almond milk
for smoothies and for my nighttime tonic because dairy is terrible for my constitution and blood type and contributed to much of my
childhood and teen illnesses.


Margaret says:
September 13, 2014 at 11:49
I'm confused when two of the foremost experts on Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad and Dr. David Frawley, disagree about food combining. In
"Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing", page 188, Dr. Lad states, "Do not eat bananas with milk." On page 293 of "Ayurvedic Healing A
Comprehensive Guide", Dr. Frawley states, "Milk combines poorly with bread, sour fruit, beans, nuts, sh or meat. It does combine well
with whole grains, however, and sweet fruit like bananas." Regarding Dr. Drawley's comment that milk combines poorly with nuts, Dr.
Lad recommends the opposite in a recipe he recommends using ten soaked almonds blended with a cup of warm milk (p. 240 "The
Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies." I would appreciate it if you could shed some light on this. Thank you.


Jenn says:
January 25, 2015 at 16:56




I am confused because mango lassi is a staple of Ayurvedic diet, and I understand mangos are to be consumed by themselves with
nothing else in Ayurveda so I'm not sure what that's about .


Kat says:
January 26, 2015 at 15:06
Great article! You are right, honey should always be used raw. I love including a raw organic honey in my cold remedies. Manuka honey
has the most medicinal benets.


kathryn v says:
March 18, 2015 at 11:30
I would only add that for any of the food combining listed in article or comments that each body is dierent and so symptoms of food
combining show up dierently and some may not be as bothered as others. I love Ayurveda. It is an individual thing though you really
must learn to listen to your body.


Susanne says:
March 23, 2015 at 05:38
I always think these general instructions give any diet a bad name. I agree with Kathryn v everybody is dierent and Ayurveda should
be described individually.


Alicia says:
September 27, 2015 at 07:40
I do think the nutrition to be as a consciousness of satisfaction of the body and the mind. This is call the feeling of contend and we
actually need to feed our mind and body with nutrition foods instead of junk. While everyone is unique and required certain dierent
nutrient from one another, I don't think there is one menu t all exist.


iniyan says:
September 27, 2015 at 10:55
what will happen if we eat sh and curd simultaneously or at same time??


Nina says:
October 7, 2015 at 09:32
Hello from someone with a longtime interest in Ayurveda and related food guidelines but I have always been confused about the
same issue as Jenn mentions here, even though there are many colleagues I have to ask about it! So out of curiosity to what your
answer would be, Alexandra, please explain why MANGO LASSI seems to be a staple in Indian restaurants. I know not all Indian food is
necessarily healthy or Ayurvedic, but the mango lassi would seem to be both healthy? and Ayurvedic? or not?


Rohit says:
November 13, 2015 at 20:22
Hi. This website tells me that banana and milk are good together. could you clarify? http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/amazing-bene


Lari says:
December 8, 2015 at 04:18
Just judging by the comments, there are as many contradictions in this diet as they are in any religion. Ill just listen to my body and eat
what I like when I like. Shot thanks bye.


Shray says:
January 7, 2016 at 12:29
Why do we have banana shakes , mango shakes etc,!! When we can not have fruits with milk!??


Birgit says:
February 28, 2016 at 02:42
I make my own ker based on organic milk 1,2percent fat.
My experience is that it is wery easily digested. Maybe the ker fungus is processing it so it is already digested?





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