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TEXT 1. Read the text carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Heart Attacks Heart attacks are one of the top killers in the world today. In the United States alone, more than half a million people die of heart attacks annually. In developing countries, the number of heart attacks is on the rise, The rise seems to be due to the better standard of living today. The new life style of sedentary work in the office and the consumption of too much fatty food seem to have taken their toll In fact, heart attacks are no longer confined to middle-aged people only. More young people are getting heart attacks. A neighbour of mine, who was in his early thirties, died suddenly of a heart attack. He was a keen sportsman and as far as I know, he never complained of heart ailments. Avrecent survey shows that heart attack victims are getting younger and younger. Every year thousands of apparently healthy young people, especially men, die of sudden unexpected heart disease. Many of them are in their thirties and early forties. Some of them had checkups and had been passed as fully fit within days of their heart attack. Also, there are heart attack victims whose families have no history of heart ailments. Indeed the findings are rather alarming. I have often been asked whether ‘one should go for repeated checkups before one could be given a clean bill of health. My advice is, go for checkups by all means but take the necessary precautions before the need for a checkup arises. You must have a good understanding of how your heart functions. Bear in mind that it needs a constant supply of oxygen. Blood reaches the muscles of the heart through ‘two main coronary arteries. Heart disease occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is reduced because of the narrowing of these arteries. The process occurs when fatty deposits build up and harden on artery walls, forming raised patches called plaques. Eventually plaques start to obstruct the flow of blood and the heart receives inadequate blood supply and is deprived of oxygen. This causes chest pain (angina) as the heart is under pressure. Angina is not a heart attack but is a warming sign of a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when a narrowed coronary artery is blocked by a blood clot, completely cutting off blood supply, causing severe pain. Death often ‘occurs in a matter of minutes after the attack begins, But if a person manages to survive the first erucial minutes then the chances of survival are more than 89 per cent. 10 15 20 28 30 Several symptoms of a heart attack are cold sweat, dizziness and severe chest pain which often spreads to the arms and the back of the body. A device called an clectrocardiograph is often used to diagnose heart attacks by measuring and detecting the changes in the heart beat. Blood vessels can be narrowed by up to 50 per cent without any angina or chest pains in many patients. To ensure that one’s blood vessels are not blocked partially or wholly, there are a few things that you can do. First check your cholesterol level. Cholesterol is fatty compounds found in blood and tissue. A high level of cholesterol is linked to the development of plaques. Keep the cholesterol level low. One good way is to avoid taking too much fatty food. Next, avoid smoking. Chemicals in cigarettes will narrow your blood vessels. ‘Those who smoke are more susceptible to heart attacks. You should also avoid stress as far as possible. Stress increases the chances of a heart attack by pushing up your blood pressure and your heart rate. The solution is simple — leam to relax. Obesity is linked to high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Get some exercise as it strengthens the heart. A change in life style will not only stop heart disease but also reverse some of the damage. 35 40 45 50 SECTION A. Choose the most appropriate answer. 1. People who are NOT likely to get heart attacks are those A B. c D. with a history of heart problems who are obese. who go for regular check-ups. who work in the office. 2. The writer did not expect his neighbour to die of a heart attack because he 7 ii iii, was in his early 30s. has no family history of heart ailments. was a keen sportsman. was seldom sick. ii and iii iand iv ii andiv iand iii 3. The word “annually” (line 2) means A B. iG D. usually alarmingly significantly yearly 4, The word “sedentary” (line 5) means A B. Gh D. active lazy passive normal 5. All the following statements are false EXCEPT vowp Heart attack victims are those who do not take care of their health Middle-aged people are the main victims of heart attacks. Heart attacks cause the largest number of deaths in the world today. Heart attack victims are obese. 10. . The word ‘confined’ (line 7) means A. related B. contributed C. spread D. limited By using the connector ‘In fact” 7), the writer is A. _ showing one factor that causes heart attacks. B. comparing middle-aged and young people. C. emphasizing on the fact that people of any age can get a heart attack. D. explaining who the heart attack victims are. ‘The main idea of paragraph 2 is only middle-aged people suffer from heart attacks. even healthy young people can be heart attack victims. sportsmen can get heart attacks. heart attacks can kill both men and women, pomp The connector ‘Also’ (line 15) can be replaced with A. However B. Therefore C. Despite of D. Moreover Angina occurs when ‘A. there is lack of blood and oxygen supply to the heart B. plaques are formed. CC. fatty deposits build up on artery walls D. arteries are narrowed. ‘The word ‘alarming’ (line 17) means A. shocking B. increasing C. confusing D. convincing riz 13, 14, 15, 16. 17. ‘When a coronary artery is completely blocked, the person A. suffers from angina, B. suffers from a heart attack. Cc. dies D. goes into a coma. The phrase ‘Bear in mind’ (line 21) means A. Remember B. Keep thinking C. Store in memory D. Know ‘The connector ‘eventually’ (line 26) can be replaced with A. Next B. Suddenly Cc. Finally D. Slowly The word ‘obstruct’ (line 26) means A. quicken B. block C. destroy D. enable The connector ‘But’ (line 32) can be replaced with A. Wheareas B. Moreover C. However D. Thus When a person has cold sweat, chest pain and feels dizzy, he/she has a heart attack. is likely to get a heart attack. has just survived a heart attack. is about to die of a heart attack. SOR> 18. 19. 20. i 22, 23, ‘The word ‘severe’ (line 35) means A. deep B. continuous C. extreme D. light An electrocardiogram is necessary to confirm whether one has had a heart attack because A. it detects the changes in the heart B. it determines whether the symptoms are related to a heart attack or not. C. _ blood vessels may be greatly narrowed without one experiencing any pain. D. _ when blood vessels are narrowed one has no pain. ‘The word ‘detecting’ (Line 38) means A. understanding B. altering C. blocking D. checking The best way to prevent a heart attack is by not doing office work. understanding how the heart functions. earning to relax leading a healthy life style. pop The word ‘partially’ (line 41) means A fully B. partly C. completely D. slightly Obese people tend to suffer from heart disease because they are likely to have high levels of blood pressure and cholesterol. may be highly stressed, lack exercise. consume too much fatty foods. pomp 24, 25, 26. The connector ‘Next’ (line 45) can be replaced with A. Then B. Second C. Lastly D. Also The main idea of paragraph 5 is A. there are several ways to prevent a heart attack. B. cholesterol is strongly linked to heart attacks. CC. exercise is important, D. our blood vessels should not be blocked. A\ll the following statements are true EXCEPT A heart attack victim may not have a family history of heart disease. When one has a heart attack, his/her heart beat changes, ‘When the coronary arteries are narrowed, one suffers from a heart attack. When the level of cholesterol is low, less plaque is formed. poe

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