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Resolution CROYMUN

COMMITTEE: Human rights

QUESTION OF: protection of religious diversity in the Middle East
Aware of the fact that there are victims of attacks and abuses on ethnic or religious grounds in the
Middle East,
Declaring that individuals have the right to their religion and the right to change their religion, and
the right to practice their religion, whether alone or in a community,
Noting with regret the conflicts in Middle East occurred by organizations like ISIL, the Islamic
State of the Iraq and Levant,
Deeply alarmed by the fact that they promote and create a growing sense of religious intolerance
around the world.
Recognizing the need for the implementation of global partnership to find and solve a direct route
to rectify the core of the problem,
Realizing that cultural diversity is important and necessary to provide to all nation with
opportunities to create a global communities, while encouraging the acceptance of the opinions
and beliefs of others to reach a sustainable harmony.
1. Strongly urges the Middle East nations to strive towards the goal of peace
and harmony to protect religious diversity by implementing the following measures:
1. The key to ending the suffering of ethnic and religious groups in the Middle East is
bold leadership. Leadership that promotes tolerance and stands up against hatred.
Leadership that brings people together regardless of their ethnicity, religion, belief,
gender or sexual orientation and enables their full participation in society
2. The best guarantee of stability and sustainable growth the world over is inclusive
and accountable government. The governments in the region must guarantee
freedom of religion. To make this happen and maintain religious tolerance, states
and gonverments should have an impact in the improvement of religious
institutions and also they need to make sure that states are separated from
3. Providing in-depth education on the major religions of the world to all primary and
high school students
4. To educate religious students thoroughly about their own as well as other religions
in order to minimize or eliminate the hierarchy of knowledge that exists in all the
major religions of the world, hence equipping students with the skills and
knowledge necessary to be able to research or think independently on all religious
5. Urges all the countries of the international community, including the EU Member
States, to work actively on fighting radicalisation and to improve their legal and
jurisdictional systems in order to avoid their nationals and citizens being able to
travel to join ISIS/Daesh and participate in violations of human rights and
international humanitarian law, and to ensure that, should they do so, they are
criminally prosecuted as soon as possible, including for online incitement and
support to commit those crimes.

Recommends that the head of States in the ME region must swear in front of their people
by placing one hand on the Bible and another on the Koran for the purpose of:
1. promising to create unity, not only on national terms but wider,
2. persuading citizens to accept and respect each others religion no matter what.

COMMITTEE: Human rights

QUESTION OF: death penalty
Aware of the fact that capital punishment is being used for non-heinous crimes, or in violation of
human rights such as being transgender or homosexual
Declaring the necessity of comprehensive international law to regulate and ensure the
humaneness of the death penalty
Noting with regret the conflicts in Middle East occurred by organizations like ISIL, the Islamic
State of the Iraq and Levant,
Recognizing the necessity of creating a task force that will work out of centers with the purpose of
re- educating criminals so that he or she may become a law-abiding citizen,
Realizing a necessity to regulate, enforce and ensure that the death penalty is executed as
properly, justly, and humanely as possible is of extreme importance,
1. Strongly urges a section of international law setting specific standards for capital
punishment by implementing the following measures:
1. No pregnant or nursing women, persons under 21 or over 65, or mentally disabled
individuals shall receive the death penalty;
2. Necessary tools to test DNA to assure the courts that this was the person that
committed the crime should not be allowed to use the death penalty;
3. No cruel or unusual forms of the death penalty shall be used, and the only legal
forms of capital punishment shall for now be shooting and lethal injection;
4. Only serious crimes, including genocide, first degree murder, and the most
heinous crimes shall be permitted to be punishable by the death penalty;

Recommends creation of an organization of the United Nations for the purpose of:
1. Designates a section of this organization to creating trauma centers for the children
who have been affected by capital punishment;
2. ICPRO should be in charge of enforcing all regulations on capital punishment stated

this resolution, and if any nation has found another means of execution, it must be
affirmed as humane before it is put into use;
3. There will be centers created so that people and children will be taught so they will
not perform possibly capital crime;

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