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Canine scabies, also known as sarcoptic mange, in dogs, is caused by the parasite Sarcoptes

scabiei. These microscopic mites can invade the skin of healthy dogs or puppies and create a
variety of skin problems, the most common of which is hair loss and severe itching. While they
will infect other animals and even humans, sarcoptic mites prefer to live their short lives on dogs.
Fortunately, there are several good treatments for this mange and the disease can be easily
Who gets canine scabies?
Canine scabies can infect all ages and breeds of dogs. While it prefers to live on dogs, this
particular mite will also infect cats, ferrets, humans, and fox. Cats, fox, and humans all have their
own particular species of mite within the Sarcoptes family. Each species of mite prefers one
specific kind of host (e.g.; dog), but may also infect others.
What is the life cycle of Sarcoptes scabiei?
The mites usually spend their entire life on a dog. The female mite burrows into the skin and lays
eggs several times as she continues burrowing. These tunnels can actually reach the length of
several centimeters. After she deposits the eggs, the female mite dies. In 3-8 days, the eggs hatch
into larvae which have 6 legs. The larvae mature into nymphs which have 8 legs. The nymph
then molts into an adult while it is still in the burrow. The adults mate, and the process continues.
The entire life cycle requires 2-3 weeks.
The mites prefer to live on the dog, but will live for several days off of the host in the
environment. In cool moist environments, they can live for up to 22 days. At normal room
temperature in a home, they will live from 2 to 6 days. Because of the mite's ability to survive off
the host, dogs can become infected without ever coming into direct contact with an infected
What are the symptoms of canine scabies?
The symptoms of canine scabies are varied, but usually include hair loss and severe itching
especially on the elbows, ears, armpits, hocks, chest, and ventral abdomen (belly). The mites
prefer to live on areas of the skin that have less hair. As the infection worsens it can spread over
the entire body. Small red pustules often develop along with yellow crusts on the skin. Because
of the severe itching and resultant scratching, the skin soon becomes traumatized and a variety of
sores and infections can develop as a result. The itching seems to be much worse in warm
conditions such as indoors or near a stove or heat vent. If the infection goes untreated or is
mistakenly treated as an allergy, the skin may darken due to the constant irritation, and the
surrounding lymph nodes may become enlarged.
Sarcoptic mange is a somewhat common infection and many cases have often been
misdiagnosed as severe atopy (inhalant allergy). Any time we see a dog who does not have a
prior history of allergies and develops severe itching, or if the itching is not seasonal but yearround, we have to suspect canine scabies.

The intense itching caused by the sarcoptic mite is actually thought to be caused from a severe
allergic reaction to the mite. When dogs are initially infected with Sarcoptes they do not develop
itching for several weeks. If the animals are treated and then reinfected at a later time, severe
itching starts almost immediately, which indicates the itching may be due to an allergic reaction.
However, the standard treatments for allergies generally will not decrease the symptoms of
scabies, and will do nothing to cure the disease.
How is canine scabies diagnosed?
Trying to make a diagnosis of canine scabies can be very frustrating. The standard method is to
perform a skin scraping and then identify the mite under the microscope. Unfortunately, on
average, only twenty percent of the infected dogs will show Sarcoptes mites on any given
scraping. Therefore, if a dog has a positive skin scraping, the diagnosis is confirmed but a
negative scraping does not rule out sarcoptic mange. Therefore, most diagnoses are made based
on history and response to treatment for scabies.
How is scabies treated?
There are several ways to treat scabies. In the past, the most effective treatment had been to clip
the dog if he had long hair, bathe him with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo to cleanse the skin, and
then apply an organophosphate dip (Paramite). Amitraz dips and Mitaban (also
organophosphates), and lime sulfur dips (Lymdip) have also been used effectively. The dogs are
usually dipped once every two weeks for two to three times. While effective, these dips are very
unpleasant to apply for both the owner and the dog. Because the dip must come in contact with
the mites and many mites live on the face and ears of dogs, great care must be exercised when
applying these dips to these sensitive areas. The dips can be toxic to humans and are not suitable
for very young, old, or debilitated animals. In addition, there are some reported cases of
resistance to these dips in some cases of sarcoptic mange.
Fortunately, there are several other products that have been extremely effective, safe, and
convenient in treating sarcoptic mange. Selamectin (Revolution) is a topical solution that is
applied once a month and also provides heartworm prevention, flea control, some tick protection
and protection against Sarcoptic mange. Frontline Plus, Frontline Top Spot, and Frontline Spray
are also labelled for use as aids in controlling sarcoptic mange. Liquid ivermectin is an off label
alternative that is sometimes used. It is used at much higher concentrations than are found in
heartworm preventives (e.g., Heartgard). Ivermectin should not be used in Collies or Shetland
sheep dogs and should be used with caution in the herding breeds. In dogs that are sensitive to
ivermectin, some veterinarians have been having success using milbemycin oxime (Interceptor)
at an off-label dose. All of these products should only be used under direct veterinary supervision
and care.
In addition to treating the dog, the environment such as the dog's bedding can be treated with a
residual insecticide. Since Sarcoptes scabiei is easily transmitted between animals, all dogs in
contact with an infected animal should also be treated. Because of the length of the life cycle and
ability of the mite to live off of the animal, treatment must continue for a minimum of 4 weeks.

Because of the damage to the skin in sarcoptic mange, many dogs also have bacterial and or
yeast infections. These need to be treated as well.
How is canine scabies prevented?
Because your dog does not have to come into direct contact with an infected dog to contract
scabies, it is difficult to completely protect him. Places where large numbers of dogs congregate
are obviously more likely to harbor the mange mite. Since fox and the environment in which fox
may spend a large amount of time can transmit the mite to dogs, keep dogs away from fox and
these areas.
Can I get Sarcoptes from my pet?
Yes, although when humans get Sarcoptes scabei from animals, the disease is generally selflimiting, causing only temporary itching. There is a human species of Sarcoptes, which is
transmitted from person to person. This human species of sarcoptic mite causes a rash on the
wrists, elbows, or between the fingers. In infants, the rash may appear on the head, neck, or body.
Kudis anjing, juga dikenal sebagai sarcoptic kudis di dogs, disebabkan oleh parasit Sarcoptes
scabiei. Tungau mikroskopis ini dapat menyerang kulit sehat anjing atau anjing dan membuat
berbagai masalah kulit, yang paling umum yang adalah rambut rontok dan gatal-gatal parah.
Sementara mereka akan menginfeksi hewan lain dan bahkan manusia, tungau sarcoptic lebih
memilih untuk hidup pendek pada anjing. Untungnya, ada beberapa perawatan yang baik untuk
kudis ini dan penyakit dapat dengan mudah dikendalikan.
Siapa yang mendapat anjing kudis?
Kudis anjing dapat menginfeksi semua usia dan ras anjing. Sementara itu lebih suka untuk hidup
pada anjing, tungau tertentu ini juga akan menginfeksi kucing, musang, manusia dan rubah.
Kucing, rubah dan manusia semua memiliki spesies mereka sendiri tertentu kutu dalam keluarga
Sarcoptes. Setiap jenis Tengu lebih suka satu jenis tertentu host (misalnya; anjing), tetapi juga
dapat menulari orang lain.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan siklus hidup dari Sarcoptes scabiei?
Tungau biasanya menghabiskan seumur hidup mereka pada anjing. Perempuan tungau burrows
ke dalam kulit dan bertelur beberapa kali sebagai dia terus menggali. Terowongan ini benarbenar dapat mencapai panjang atau beberapa belas sentimeter. Setelah dia deposito telur,
perempuan tungau meninggal. Dalam 3-8 hari, telur menetas menjadi larva yang memiliki 6
kaki. Larva matang ke nimfa yang memiliki 8 kaki. Para nimfa kemudian molts dewasa
sementara masih dalam Liang. Orang dewasa pasangan, dan proses terus. Seluruh siklus
kehidupan membutuhkan 2-3 minggu.
Tungau memilih untuk tinggal di anjing, tetapi akan hidup selama beberapa hari dari host di
lingkungan. Di lingkungan lembab dingin, mereka dapat hidup hingga 22 hari. Pada suhu kamar
normal di rumah, mereka akan hidup dari 2 untuk 6 hari. Karena kutu itu kemampuan untuk

bertahan dari tuan rumah, anjing bisa menjadi terinfeksi tanpa pernah datang ke dalam kontak
langsung dengan hewan yang terinfeksi.
Apa Apakah gejala kudis anjing?
Gejala kudis anjing bervariasi, tapi biasanya termasuk rambut rontok dan parah gatal-gatal
terutama di siku, telinga, ketiak, hocks, dada dan perut ventral (perut). Tungau memilih untuk
tinggal di daerah-daerah kulit yang memiliki rambut kurang. Sebagai memperburuk infeksi dapat
menyebar ke seluruh tubuh. Pustula merah kecil sering berkembang kuning kerak pada kulit.
Karena berat gatal dan resultan menggaruk, kulit segera menjadi trauma dan berbagai luka dan
infeksi dapat mengembangkan sebagai akibatnya. Gatal-gatal tampaknya menjadi jauh lebih
buruk dalam kondisi hangat seperti di dalam ruangan atau di dekat ventilasi kompor atau panas.
Jika infeksi pergi tidak diobati atau keliru diperlakukan sebagai Alergi, kulit dapat menggelapkan
akibat iritasi konstan, dan kelenjar getah bening sekitarnya menjadi diperbesar.
Sarcoptic kurap adalah agak umum infeksi dan banyak kasus sering misdiagnosed sebagai parah
Atopi (inhalant Alergi). Setiap kali kita melihat seekor anjing yang tidak memiliki riwayat alergi
dan mengembangkan parah gatal, atau jika gatal-gatal tidak musiman tetapi sepanjang tahun, kita
harus mencurigai anjing kudis.
Intens gatal disebabkan oleh tungau sarcoptic sebenarnya diduga disebabkan dari reaksi alergi
yang parah untuk kutu. Ketika anjing yang awalnya terinfeksi dengan Sarcoptes mereka tidak
mengembangkan gatal selama beberapa minggu. Jika hewan yang diperlakukan dan kemudian
reinfected di lain waktu, gatal parah dimulai hampir segera, yang menandakan gatal-gatal
mungkin karena reaksi alergi. Namun, perawatan standar untuk alergi umumnya tidak akan
mengurangi gejala kudis, dan akan melakukan apa pun untuk menyembuhkan penyakit.
Bagaimana anjing kudis didiagnosis?
Mencoba untuk membuat diagnosis kudis anjing dapat sangat frustasi. Metode yang standar
adalah untuk melakukan gesekan kulit dan kemudian mengidentifikasi kutu di bawah mikroskop.
Sayangnya, rata-rata, hanya dua puluh persen dari anjing terinfeksi akan menunjukkan tungau
Sarcoptes pada setiap scraping diberikan. Oleh karena itu, jika anjing memiliki menggores kulit
positif, diagnosis dikonfirmasi tetapi scraping negatif tidak mengesampingkan sarcoptic kudis.
Oleh karena itu, kebanyakan diagnosis dibuat berdasarkan sejarah dan Respon untuk perawatan
untuk gudik.
Bagaimana kudis ditangani?
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengobati kudis. Di masa lalu, pengobatan yang paling efektif telah
klip anjing kalau dia punya rambut panjang, mandi dia dengan sampo benzoil peroksida untuk
membersihkan kulit dan kemudian menerapkan organofosfat dip (Paramite). Amitraz dips dan
Mitaban (juga organofosfat), dan kapur belerang dips (Lymdip) juga telah digunakan secara
efektif. Anjing biasanya dicelupkan ke sekali setiap dua minggu untuk dua sampai tiga kali.
Sedangkan efektif, dips ini sangat tidak menyenangkan untuk mengajukan permohonan untuk
pemilik dan anjing. Karena yang dip harus datang dalam kontak dengan tungau dan kutu banyak

hidup pada wajah dan telinga anjing, perhatian besar harus dilakukan ketika menerapkan dips ini
ke daerah-daerah sensitif. Yang dips dapat beracun bagi manusia dan tidak cocok untuk hewan
sangat muda, tua atau lemah. Selain itu, ada beberapa kasus yang dilaporkan perlawanan
terhadap dips ini dalam beberapa kasus sarcoptic kurap.

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