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Chamomile is contraindicated with anticoagulants / anti-platelets

2.histology of apical cyst should include epithelial lining
3. histology of granuloma does not contain epithelial lining. it is mainly lymphocytes and connective tissue.
4. histology of abscess should include PMNs
5. know the signs and symptoms of hyperventilation
6. tredelenburg is the position when a crown fall inside patient's mouth.
7. Meperidine is a synthetic opioids.
8. Constipation is one of the major side effects of opioids overdose.
9. Cocaine overdose does not cause miosis
10. Hepatitis C is RNA virus and transmitted by drug abusers
11. Tin and indium are used for chemical bonding with porcelain
12. Inadequate amalgam preparation is the main cause for class II fracture.
13. We DON'T give diphenhydramine to treat asthma emergency
14. respiratory problems are the main cause of cardiac arrest in kids.
15. Myocardial infarction is the main cause of death in diabetes type II
16. Renal failure is the main cause of death in diabetes type I
17. Saw Palmetto is associated with estrogen hormone therapy
18. St. John Wart decrease immunity and interferes with protease inhibitors.
19. definition of paraphrasing, modeling, upcoding, down-coding, bundling, and unbundling.
20. Kappa, sigma, and delta receptors are others locations for opioids to interact besides Mu receptors.
21. Atherosclerosis is the cause for dry socket in diabetes
22. Light orthodontic forces cause direct resorption, while heavy forces cause indirect resorption.
23. Port wine stain is landmark for sturge-weber syndrom
24. hypodontia is associated with ectodermal dysplasia.
25. Ginseng is used to treat diabetes and should not be given with anticoagulants
26. Anti-cholinergic's are contraindicated in narrow-angle glaucoma, prostate hypertrophy, and asthma
27. Check for family background if patient has asthma, aspirin allergy, and nasal polyps.
28. NO oral involvement for Warthin's tumor
29. Adenoid Cystic carcinoma associated with peri-neural involvement
30. Scarlet fever will affect fungiform papillae
31. Median Rhomboid affects filiform papillae
32. Aspirin burn is coagulative necrosis, and not hyperkeratosis
33. Mosaic pattern associated with Paget's disease
34. Silver is responsible for greenish color in porcelain
35. dentifrice 1000-1100 ppm
36. Topical fluoride cannot cause Fluorosis
37. DO NOT use sealants if caries reach DEJ
38. Chi-square test demonstrates the degree to which two sets of data are different.
39. Engineering control objects: red cans, sharp containers, neddle re-cappers
40. Work practice control : policies and procedures as preventing eating and drinking in operation fields
41. DON'T use forceps # 23 to extract premolars
42. Hepatitis B surface antigen is positive : infection
43. Hep B surface antibody positive and surface antigen negative : protected
44. MSDS: flammability, toxicity, route of entry, affected organs, physical properties, precautions, and treatments.
45. Nitrous oxide works on CNS affecting limbic system, not cardiovascular system
46. Demineralization drops dramatically with 2-4 minutes and continues to 30 minutes
47. critical PH is 5.5 and with fluoride is 4.5
48. The most frequent carious tooth : Maxillary molars and the least mandibular incisors and canines.
49. The most important factor in perforation is time
50. referred pain is carried by C-fibers and associated with irreversible pulpits.
51. Small Unmyelinated nerves are the first one to be anesthetized .
52. Normal pulp does not contain plasma cells.
53. DO NOT use pulpotomy as final or definite treatment in permanent teeth because it might cause calcifications.
54. The major component of gutta percha is ZnO
55. Transillumination is for craze lines
56. Maxillary centrals have round cross section and mandibular centrals have oval cross section
60. Gingivectomy healed by secondary intention

61. LA displaces Calcium ions to block Na channels and prevents Na influx

62. Opioids works on Potassium (K) channels.
63. The most important procedure in postoperative perio: plaque removal
64. Oxycodon and hydrocodone are agonists not mixed
65. We CANNOT increase Value
66. intermaxillary suture is radiolucent
67. Proximal grooves to increase resistance, while dovetails to increase retention
68. Be careful and differentiate between Resin- modified glass ionomer which is liner or base, and Resin-reinforced glass ionomer
(restorative material)
70. DO NOT exceed 50% of nitrous oxide for kids
71. Definition of paraphrasing, active listening, and modeling.
72. Cleft lip occurs around 6-9 weeks in utero.
73. know the maximum dose of radiation for dental and non-dental personnel in the clinic
74. Phenytoin is anticonvulsant and anti-arrythematic
75. know the side effects of Albuterol
76. Magnesium antiacids causes diarrhea, while calcium anti-acids cause constipation
77. Water pick does not remove plaque
78. Rifampin turn body fluid red
79. cracked tooth syndrom is the same as split tooth syndrome
80. Remits by digital palpitation
81. Scleroderma: colagen 1, 3
82. Dryopthicus pattern : mandibular first molar ( six cusps)
83. " Hair-on-end-" appearance is with sickle cell anemia
84.know the differential diagnosis of all endodontic lesions with treatment
85. Fluoride ions are more effective in post-eruptive stage
86. Verril's sign is with Diazepam, while Guerin's sigh is with Lefort 1
87. Shovel shaped incisors with Apert syndrome
88. Complete remineralization is after 3 months.
89. Digoxin antidote: phenytoin
90. US people consult dentist : 60%
91. Highest density of pulp nerves is in pulp horns

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