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2. Once upon a time there was a beautiful jungle.

3. There lived a very big, lazy and old lion.

4. Being the King of the jungle, the lion called all the animals and ordered them,
"Everyday one of you should come by yourself as my prey, otherwise i will destroy the
whole jungle."
5. The animals were too scared of the lion and agreed to obey his order.
6. The animals planned to go one by one.
7. The lazy lion was happy with his easy prey. Days went by.
8. One day, it was the turn of the rabbits.
9. A little rabbit voluntarily agreed to go to the lion's cage.
10. The little rabbit reached the lion's den very late. The angry lion roared at the little
rabbit and asked, "Why are you late?"
11. The rabbit acted wisely and told the king that, "I met another lion on the way, which is
bigger than you. It threatened to eat me."
12. The lion angrily asked the rabbit "Do you know where he lives?". The rabbit replied
'Yes' and asked the king to follow him.
13. The rabbit reached an old well and said the King, "That lion lives in this well."
14. The foolish lion peeped into the well and mistook his own reflection as another lion
and roared loudly.
15. Hearing the echo of his own, the lion got angry and jumped into the well and
16. That was the end of the lion and all animals lived happily in the jungle.

17. Moral of the lion and the rabbit story is 'Wisdom is stronger than physical
'Intelligence wins over might'

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