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Marijuana is not addictive


2.The potency of todays marijuana is :

a. About the same as the marijuana from the 1970s
b. A little stronger than the marijuana from the 1970s
c. About 10x stronger than the marijuana from the 1970s
d. At least 100x stronger than the marijuana from the 1970s

3. Marijuana doesnt hurt anyone.


4. Using marijuana is safer than drinking alcohol.


5.It is safe to drive after using marijuana


6. Smoking marijuana is safer than smoking cigarettes.


7. No one has ever died from marijuana.


8. Marijuana is a safe because it is natural.


9. One ounce of marijuana yields:

A. Approximately 3 cigarettes sized joints.
B. Approximately 8 cigarette sized joints.
C. Approximately 15 cigarette sized joints.
D. Approximately 84 cigarette sized joints.
10. Which of the following not an opioid drug?
A. Vicodin
B. Oxycodone
C. Codeine
D. Acetaminophen

11. How long does it take MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) to reach the brain ?
A. 2 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. About 1 hour
D. It doesnt go to the brain.

12. Besides alcohol and marijuana, what is the next most-popular addictive drug used by high
school seniors ?
A. Non-cigarette tobacco
B. Anabolic steroids
C. Bath salts
D. Molly

13. DXM is the ingredient in over-the-counter cough syrup that can make you feel high
when used in large amounts ,but these other things can happen when you abuse cough
A. You can experience confusion or hallucinations.
B. You can feel sick to your stomach.
C. Your heart may beat dangerously slower.
D. You can lose coordination.
14. Why do young people drink alcohol?
A. Increased desire to take risks
B. Peer pressure
C. Stress
D. All of the above

15. What are the ways you can die from using inhalants (sniffing common household
products ) ?

Heart attack

: You vomit from using an inhalant and choke on it.

: Caused by abnormal electrical charges in the brain.
: Your heart stops suddenly.
: Toxic fumes fill your lungs and you cant get enough oxygen into
your body.

16. Scientific studies have proven that medical marijuana can cur which diseases?
A. Cancer
B. Bronchitis
C. Muscular dystrophy
D. None of the above

17. Which of these is a possible consequence of underage drinking?

A. Becoming more popular
B. Visiting the emergency room
C. Having a better memory when studying
D. Gaining more confidence

18. The number one reason teens said they BEGIN use of alcohol/drugs is because they feel
A. Pressured by their peers
B. Influenced by the media
C. Curious
D. Anxious, depressed or stressed

19.The number one reason teens said they CONTINUE use of alcohol /drugs is:
A. It helps them cope with feelings.
B. They like the feeling or being drunk or high
C. In response to continued peer pressure
D. Boredom, lack of anything better to do.

20.The FIRST TIME a teen uses an illicit substance, it is most likely to have been obtained
from ;
A. Student drug dealers at their school
B. Siblings or friends
C. Drug dealers in their community
D. Parents or other adult relatives

21. Addiction ( compulsive drug seeking /using behaviour is caused by

A. underlying psychiatric or emotional problems or trauma that lead to self-medicating.
B. using a lot of drugs over time
C. poor self esteem
D. there seems to be genetic and environmental influences but a definitive cause is not
22. Teenage addiction:
A. Is impossible to treat until the teen hits bottom
B. Always results in long term personality damage.
C. Requires psychotherapy to treat the under lying depression that accompanies drug use
D. Slow or stop emotional and maturational development.

23. Which of the following statements is/are true about drug testing
A. Drug testing detects 100% certainty whether a person is using drugs
B. Drug testing can be altered by many products and in many ways
C. Drug testing can only detect marijuana use if administered within 24 hours of smoking
D. Drug testing can usually detect ecstasy use for about 1 week after use

24. Which of the following causes the highest % rate of death from first time use ?
A. Heroin
B. Alcohol
C. Inhalants
D. Methamphetamine

25. Which of the following are true of inhalant abuse.

A. It is most prevalent among middle school youth
B. Inhalant abuse can cause permanent brain, liver, nerve and kidney damage
C. Abusable inhalants can be easily , legally purchased and are found in many common
household items
D. All of the above

26. Nitrous oxide :

A. Can be extracted from common whipped cream canisters and inhaled
B. Dispended from tanks into balloons for consumption at raves and parties
C. Can cause death from suffocation, oxygen deprivation or heart arrhythmia
D. All of the above

27. Common effects of marijuana include :

A. Impairment of driving skills for 24 hours after use
B. Enhancement of creative and learning abilities
C. Decreased hunger
D. Increase in testosterone production in males

28. A blunt:
A. Is a cigar filled with marijuana
B. Can be laced with other subtances , such as PCP ,ketamine, heroin ,cocaine, or
C. Results in a less intense high than marijuana smoked in cigarette form
D. A and B

29. Ecstasy (MDMA) :

A. Can cause long term damage to the serotonin system in the brain
B. Is often linked to aggression and violence by users
C. Increases short-term memory and alertness
D. Increases long -term memory and alertness

30. Ecstasy (MDMA) is a :

A. Stimulant
B. Depressant
C. Hallucinogen
D. A and C

31. Paraphernalia associated with Ecstasy (MDMA) use include:

A. Infant pacifiers
B. Mentholated rubs and surgical face masks
C. Chem Lights , glow sticks and glow beads
D. All of the above

32. Ephedrine:
A. Is used for manufacturing methamphetamine and other drugs
B. Can be found in teas, natural remedies and sports drinks as well as in pill form
C. Can produce effects similar to speed
D. All of the above

33. Excess doses of over the counter cough suppressant products containing dextromethorphan
A. Can produce a dissociative state similar to ketamine or PCP
B. Can hallucinations
C. Can produce hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and other serious
physical complication
D. All of the above
34. Which of the following is NOT true about HIV/AIDS ?
A. AIDS is the leading cause of death for people ages 25 to 44 and the sixth leading cause
of death for people for ages 14 to 25
B. Educating young people about HIV/AIDS prevention encourages them to be sexually
C. Half of people that seroconvert to HIV+ have a history of intravenous drug use
D. Substance use even without needle use contributes significantly to HIV transmission
35. A teen that is not used to drinking and rapidly CHUNGS a six pack of beer can
A. Feel sick
B. Become violent
C. Die from respiratory failure
D. All of the above

36. Which of the following is true of LSD ?

A. It alters how the brain perceives time , reality, and the environment
B. It slows the heart rate and blood pressure
C. Its effects usually dissipate within 1-2 hours
D. The prevalence of LSD use has increased sharply since 1998

37.The number one date rape drug in incidence and prevalence is :

B. Alcohol
C. Rohypnol (roofies)
D. Ecstasy (MDMA)

38. Heroin:
A. Is almost always an inner city problem
B. Can be smoked or snorted as well as injected
C. Is so addictive that it will hook anyone who uses it
D. Has become more popularly used tan crack or cocaine
39. Addiction to cocaine :
A. Often progresses more quickly than addiction to alcohol or marijuana
B. Is much more difficult to successfully treat than other addictions
C. Usually requires medication for depression to be successfully treated
D. All of above

40. In most cases death from ecstasy use is caused by the body overheating and dehydration.


41. Drinking black coffee does not help a person sober up.


42. Breathing in cannabis for longer will results in more cannabis getting to the brain .


43. If a woman drinks the same amount of alcohol as a man it will have the same effect.


44. Cannabis skunk and weed is more potent (stronger) than cannabis grass and resin.


45. Sleep helps the body eliminate alcohol more quickly.


46. Long term, alcohol reduces both virility and fertility in men and women.


47. Ketamine is a stimulant drug


48. Half a pint of larger or one glass of wine equals one units of alcohol.


49. Alcohol is a stimulant drug.


50. A pregnant woman who drinks is putting health of her baby at risk.


51. Mephedrone is a plant fertiliser.


52. Taking speed (amphetamine) can lead to violence.


53. Cannabis (weed) can only be smoked.


54. Using Cocaine can lead to weight loss.


56. More people die through using ecstasy than alcohol.


57. Heroin is a stimulant drug.


58. The main risk from using crack is infection from sharing needles


59. Drinking alcohol is not harmful.


60. Smoking cigarettes can cause cancer.


61. Using LSD may lead to mental health problems in the user.


62. It is unsafe to mix different drugs?


63. Strong black coffee helps to sober up someone whos drunk.


64. Most violent crimes occur under the influence of alcohol.


65. The same drug can affect you differently at different times.


66. Allowing people to use drugs in your home is a crime.


67. If someone in your family abuses alcohol:

A. They probably drink too much because of you
B. It is not your fault
C. You can make them shop
D. B and C
68. Which substance is a drug?
A. Alcohol
B. Marijuana
C. Cocaine
D. All of the above

69. Which statement is TRUE?

A. Wine is a drug, but cough syrup isnt.
B. Marijuana is a drug, but cough syrup isnt.
C. Smoking only one marijuana.
D. Drugs can cause damage to your body and mind.

70. How can you tell when someone might be using drugs?
A. Their grades go way down
B. They cant sleep well and get sick a lot
C. They start t behave responsibly
D. A and B
71. Which statement is TRUE?
A. You can cure someones alcoholism
B. You can learn to cope, or live with, someones alcoholism
C. Children cause their parents alcoholism
D. If your friend drinks alcohol, you should too

72. Using drugs:

A. Makes your problems go away.
B. Helps you think better
C. Help you grow stronger
D. None of the above

73. Which step or step below can you use to no when someone you know offers you drugs?
A. Come up with another choice
B. Say youll think about it
C. Leave
D. A and C

74. Which statement is FALSE?

A. Medicine that cure illnesses are drugs
B. Alcohol is dangerous, and for kids its illegal too
C. When someone drinks too much, only that person suffers
D. No matter what your friends do, you can make your own choice

75. If you are worried about someone who takes drugs, you can:
A. talk to counsellor or responsible adult for help
B. give the person a choice of safe, fun things to do with you
C. tell them you care about them and are worried about them
D. all of the above

76. If you say no to a friend who offers you drugs:

A. you are showing that you respect yourself and your body
B. you are saying you need drugs to have fun
C. you are not behaving responsibly
D. B and C

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