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Standard 3.

The Online Teaching Portfolio that was completed in ITEC 7482. The template was
created to show completed coursework required for ITEC 7482 while designing my
online experience that consisted of work from the Online Learning Experience. The
assignment was required to be done individually. The portfolio sections 12,13,14,15,
and 16 show the utilization of communication and collaboration tools in the course.
These artifacts demonstrate my mastery of PSC 3.7 because they show my ability to
utilize digital communication and collaboration tools to communicate locally and globally
with students, parents, peers, and the larger community. The artifacts from the teaching
portfolio show that I used a variety of digital tools options to support communication with
my students, parents and co-workers. I use email and d2l to communicate with
students and parents about classwork and the tools allow me to include digital tools
that can provide assistance to students who need it while at home. The options allow
me to send reminders about studying and upcoming due dates. I use Google tools such
as voice to communicate with parents about classwork and any concerns they might
have. Students use Voki as a way to communicate their interests and engage with their
peers. Google tools such as Google Docs allows me to collaborate on student work
and help send ideas and edit work outside of the classroom. The school email software
allows me to communicate with peers about any concerns or reminders that come up
during the school year. Students use discussion boards on D2l and Google tools to
communicate with each other throughout the school year and collaborate on work.
I learned through the experience how to improve communication with parents, students
and peers. I learned that being accessible to students, parents and peers is essential in
the teaching profession especially when the assignments you are requiring the students
to do require technology and they might have questions about it outside of the
classroom. Tools such as discussion boards, message boards in D2L, Google Tools and
email allow for better and more effective communication. To help improve
communication, I would allow for parents and other community members to suggest
other options for communication because there are some who dont have access to the
technology that is required for the current communication tools.
This experience impacted student learning by allowing students multiple ways to
communicate with me on a consistent basis and before, during, or after school. By
having a clear line of communication the students dont have to be concerned that they
will not have clarification of assignments when they are away from the classroom and
that there are tools to help with collaborative work when they are away from school.
This impacts school improvement by demonstrating multiple tools and resources for
communication that all teachers and staff members can benefit from. This impact can be

assessed by checking student work and interaction on the websites, surveys from
students and parents, and observations from other teachers and administration.

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