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Who we are; and what we do.

Who we are: ApocalypseSecurity is a Hacktivist Group formed to remove the scumba
gs from the Internet. From Pedophiles, to Cyber Bully Wannabe's.
What we do: Apocalypse Security has a ton of past 'Operations' dating back to 20
Operation 1:
#1. #OpFuckInternet - ApocalypseSecurity Members not only targeted websites owne
d by North Korea, but downed their entire Internet.
Screenshots: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/547324338865975296/photo/1
Screenshots: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/547494290935795712
Screenshots: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/547492152339857408
Screenshots: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/547482428861087745
Screenshots: http://gyazo.com/218bb2350f2747700b63d201c2095b03
Tweets: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/546262562908557315
Tweets: https://twitter.com/ApocPolice/status/547652712318246912
=========================> http://www.Korea-dpr.com/ -> Server Details:
Header: | Value:
Web server: Apache
HTTP response code: 200
Server Address: http://korea-dpr.com
accept-ranges: bytes
connection: close
content-length: 23184
content-type: text/html
date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:10:40 GMT
etag: "280856-5a90-509b49c742e93"
last-modified: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:43:27 GMT
ms-author-via: DAV
server: Apache
x-powered-by: PleskLin
Time to contact web server: 0.568219 seconds
As all of you Pen. Testers and Ethical Hacktivists may know, Apache is v
ery vulnerable. These guys are idiots. We were able to cause such damage with gi
ven server module. Let's continue;
We sent only 190 Connections to the Apache webserver module listed above
, realize that this was the result; http://t.co/3hIhaGwHng
Operation 2.
#2. #OpPedoBust - ApocalypseSecurity Members not only exposed pedophiles, but al
so posted doxes of their personal information.
- Pedophile #1: Damon W Edge
- Link: http://pastebin.com/d6kjkV0W
- Raw: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=d6kjkV0W
- Pedophile #2: Aaron McLain
- Link: http://pastebin.com/mFT14adu
- Raw: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=mFT14adu

Operation 3.
#3. #FuckNiggurian - Simplicity, also known as SimpTheChimp targeted a wannabe t
hat posed as ApocSec and got a large bunch of people after us, shortly after Sim
p confronted him, Simp was told by Niggurian "You can't touch me, you're harmles
s".. Here's where Simp proved him wrong:
Raw Link: http://thelulzboat.tk/dox-2.txt
> Don't trust it? Here's a Pastebin:
Regular Pastebin Link:
- http://pastebin.com/PfuYJtV8
Raw Pastebin Link:
- http://pastebin.com/raw/PfuYJtV8
Validation for North Korea: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/28/us-northko
rea-cybersecurity-idUSKBN0K502920141228 - When North Korea had their downtime, w
e were sending attacks. Check the time stamps on our Tweets. @ApocPolice
Validation for Niggurian's Dox: Ok, so you may be wondering how Niggurian was co
nfirmed? Well, here's the deal. Hackers in the scene around 2015, they Jack big
name Twitters correct? Well, if you look at the Twitters that Niggurian "jacks"
they've all got 8 Followers at most, and he tends to follow them on his account.
That's his first mistake. After I noticed this, I did some digging, and found s
ome Database Strings he carelessly left behind. Now when this happens, you find
your way around, and get alot of information. Due to his Accounts having many co
mmon passwords, it was possible for me to get into his PayPal, and confirm him v
ia his own account. Here's the Proof: https://twitter.com/Niggurian/status/56674
5984638529536 ~ Oops. I tweeted it from his own Twitter.

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