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~Choose the correct answer.
I. A lustrous white silver plate, is exposed to the atmosphere for several days. Which

of the following statements is incorrect?

(The silver plate gets tarnished,
A black coating is formed due to the formation of silver
sulphide, The silver plate is unaffected,
The shape of the silver plate is altered)

2 To an aqueous solution of lead nitrate, in a beaker, an aqueous solution of potassium

iodide is added. Choose the correct statements
1. a yellow precipitate oflead iodide is formed
2. this is an example of double decomposition reaction
3. the resultant mixture is a colourless solution
4. this is an displacement reaction
(1 and 2,3 and 4, 1 and 3, 2 and 3)
3. To a pinch of powdered calcium carbonate in a test tube, a few drops of dilute
hydrochloric acid is added which of the following statement is correct
1. chlorine gas is liberated
2. calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid are the reactants
3. calcium chloride carbondioxide and H20 ar_ethe products
4. no change is observed
(l and 2, 3 and 4, 1 and 3, 2 and 3)
4. Which of the following is a decomposition reaction?
(heating ammonium-di-chromate
at high temperature,
mixing copper sulphate solution and barium chloride solution,
placing zinc rod into a solution of copper sulphate,
adding water to quick lime)
5. Choose the combination reaction
(extraction of a metal,
burning of metals,
addition of a more active metal to a solution of less active metal compound,
6. Identify the double decomposition reaction
(hydrogen bums in air,
electrolysis of water,
digestion of food in our body,
addition of dilute sulphuric acid to barium chloride solution)
7. Fe~03 _j- 2AI _, Al203 +- 2 Fe. This reaction is an example of .... _.....
reaction, double displacement
displacement reaction)
8. Which of the following is redox reaction?





AgN03 + NaCl _, AgCI + NaN03,


+ 3 NH40H

2 Ag Br


~ Fe (OH)3

2 Ag + Br2)

+ 3 NH4Cl,

9. Choose the exothermic reaction from the following


(a detergent is dissolved in water, glucose is kept on our tongue, ammonium

is dissolved in water, all the above)
In a. redox reaction,


(an oxidising agent get reduced, a reducing agent get oxidised, both oxidation
reduction occur together, all the above)


11.. For the reaction taking place in solution, A ~ B, the rate of reaction is expressed as





d[B] . )

12. During a chemical reaction which takes place in solution,

(the concentration of the reactant increases, the concentration of the product decreases,
the concentration of the reactant does not change, the concentration of the reactant
13. Choose the correct statement
(magnesium ribbon reacts faster in hydrochloric acid,
magnesium ribbon reacts faster in acetic acid,
magnesium ribbon reacts slower in hydrochloric and faster in acetic acid,
hydrogen gas is involved at the same rate when magnesium ribbon is allowed to react
separately with hydrochloric acid and acetic acid) .
14. In which of the following, the. rate of reactionis faster?
(dissolution of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid at room temperature,
dissolution of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid at 40C,
dissolution of calcium carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid at 60C,
all the above) .
15. Choose a pair of monobasic acids
(HCI and HN03, H2S04 + H2C03, H3PO 4 and H2S04, CH3COOH + H2S04)
16. Consider acetic acid and hydrochloric acid. Choose the correct statement.
(both acetic and hydrochloric acids are strong acids,
both acetic and hydrochloric acids are weak acids,
acetic acid is a stronger acid than hydrochloric acid,
hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid)
II The basicity of sulphuric acid and phosphoric acids are


(1 and 2, 2 and 3~ 1 and 3, 2 and 4)

IK. You have two solutions of hydrochloric acid solution A contains 36.5 g of hydrochloric

acid is one litre of the solution. Solution B contains 3.65 ghydrochloric

of the solution. Among solution A and, B


(A is a stronger acid than B,

B is a stronger acid than A,
Both are equally strong,
A is a weaker acid than B)
Sl:lect a mineral acid among the following

acid in one litre

(acetic acid, citric acid, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid)

.'11 Which of the foilowing react with hydrochloric acid but not with sodium hydroxide?
(calcium oxide, ammonium hydroxide,
sodium oxide, carbon-di-oxide,
sodium oxide, ammonium hydroxide,
sodium oxide, magnesium hydroxide)

21. Which of the following reactions is not feasible?

(Passing carbon-di-oxide gas through an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate,
Adding a piece of aluminium metal in an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide,
Adding sulphuric acid to powdered copper carbonate,
Adding sodium hydroxide to a calcium oxide)

22. Which of the following solutions has a pH

(An aqueous solution ofHCI
An aqueous solution ofNaOH
An aqueous solution ofNaOH
Pure water)

= 3.?

of 10-3 M,
of 10-3 M,
whose hydroxyl ion concentration

is 10-9 M,

23. Lemonjuice has a pH 2. Tomato juice has pH 4. Tooth paste has a pH 9. Choose the
correct statement.
(Tooth paste is acidic, while both lemon juice and tomato juice are alkaline,
Tooth paste and lemon juice are alkaline while tomato juice is acidic,
Tooth paste is alkaline while both tomato and lemon juices are acidic,
all are acidic)
24. A solution turns red litmus blue. Its pH would be
(2,4, 7, 9) .

25. Which of the following is a characteristic of an acid salt?

(Acid salts dissolve in water giving H+ ions,
Acid salts are formed by adding calculated amount of a base to a poly basic acid,
Acid salts are formed by the partial replacement of hydrogen ions in a polybasic acid,
All the above)
26. The formation of calcium hydroxide from calcium oxide and water is an example of
.......... reaction.
(combination, double decomposition, decomposition, displacement)
27. The reaction between an aqueous solution of lead nitrate and dilute hydrochloride is
.......... reaction.
(double decomposition, combination, precipitation, oxidation)
28. The reaction between aqueous solution of sodium sulphate and barium chloride is
.......... reaction .
. (precipitation, redox, simple displacement, decomposition)
29. The decomposition of potassium chlorate is faster in the presence of manganese
dioxide. Manganese dioxide acts as a
(reactant, catalyst, oxidising agent, reducing agent)
30. .
react faster in dilute hydrochloric acid. .
(powdered calcium carbonate, marble, iron rod, crystalline sodium chloride)
3). A red litmus paper is dipped in moist chlorine. Its colour
(changes to blue, remain red, changes to green, changes to orange)
32. A neutral solution will have pH
(7, less than 7, between 6-7, between 7-8)

33. Among distilled water and 1 M NaOH, the one having the maximum pH is

(distilled water, 1 M NaOH, O.I M HCl, O.I M NaOH)

34. An example of triacidic base is

(Fe (OH)2' Fe (OH)3' NaOH, Ca (OHh)

35. The gases evolved on heating lead nitrate are

(02 and NO, 02 and N02, 02 and N2, N2 and N02)
36. The gas obtained when crystals of ammonium dichromate is heated in

(chromium trioxide, metallic chromium, ammonium chromate, chromic acid)

37. An example of a reaction which is simple displacement reaction is

(Pb + CuCt2 ~ PbC12 + Cu,
NazS04 + BaCt2 ~ 2 NaCI + BaS04
. CuS04 + H2S --? CuS + H2S04
2 Mg + 02 ~ 2 MgO)


will react with dilute hydrochloric acid faster than marble chips.
(powdered calcium carbonate, sodium metal, iron rod, magnesium ribbon)

39. Magnesium ribbon reacts slower in

(sulphuric acid,nitric

than in hydrochloric acid.

acid, acetic acid, water)

40. An example ot'an organic acid is .........

(formic acid, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, nitric acid)
41. Tribasic acid which which contains hydrogen ions per molecule is


.42. The constituent present in baking powder is

(sodium benzoate, acetic acid, sodium lactate, tartaric acid)


Which of the following is not an alkali?

(NaOH, KOH, Al (OH)3' CsOH)

44. The pOH of a solution containing [OH-'] concentration]

0-3 M is

45. A solution containing sodium hydroxide has a concentration
the solution is

The acid which has an approximate pH range 2.2 to 2.4 is

(tomato juice, coffee, lemon juice, lemon saliva)

,.,. The ideal pH value of the blood is

(0.5,5.5,4.5, 7.4)


1.0 x 10-9 M. The pH of


(OH) CI is an example of
(acidic salt, basic salt, neutral salt, double salt)


An aqueous -olut.on which turns blue litmus red and methyl orange pink is
(NaOH. KOH, Ca (OH)2' Hc/)
An aqueous of magnesium oxide is
(acidic, alkaline, neutral, negative)


51. Reduction involves addition of

(protons, electrons, atoms, molecular)
52. Combustion reactions are
(endothermic, exothermic, combination, reduction)
53. 2KCI03


2KCl + 302' In this chemical reaction, Mn02 acts as

(reactant, product, catalyst, promoter)

54. On heating the green colour copper carbonate changes into
the formation of copper oxide.
(white, black, green, red)
55. If the value ofpOH ofa substance is 3. its pH is

(3, 11, 14, 1)

56. The acid used in the preparation of fertilizers is

(HCI, H2S04, HN03, H3P04)

colour'. ~ing



57. An example' for strong acid is ..... :....

(Hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, malic acid, citric acid)
58. The acid used in the preparation of cool drinks is
(sulphuric acid, carbonic acid, tartaric acid, hydrochloric acid)
59. The alkali that is used as medicine for stomach troubles is
(sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, carbon hydroxide)

is used to grease stains from clothes.

(Potassium hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide, Ammonium hydroxide, silver hydroxide)

61. .In a particular chemical reaction, two electrons are gained that is known as a !an
(oxidation, reduction, decomposition, displacement)
62.. Ifheat is evolved in a particular chemical reaction, it is said to be an
(endothermic, exothermic, oxidation, decomposition)

63. When glucose is kept in our tongue, a chilling effect is felt, this is an example for
reaction .
. (endothermic, exothermic, combustion, oxidation)

64. Acid present in grape is

(Malic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, citric acid)

. 65. An example for tribasic acid is

(CH3COOH, H3P04, H2S04, H2C03)

I. The silver plate is unaffected

2 ... and 2
3.2 and 3
4. heating ammonium-di-chromate
at high temperature
5. burning of metals
6. addition of dilute sulphuric acid to barium chloride solution
7. displacement reaction
8. ZoO + C -+ Zn + CO

9. a detergent is dissolved in water

10. all the above.



12. the concentration of the reactant decreases

13. magnesium ribbon reacts faster in hydrochloric acid
14. all the above
is. net and HN03
16. hydrochloric acid is a stronger acid than acetic acid
17.2 and 3
18. A is a stronger acid than B
19. hydrochloric acid
. 20. sodium oxide, magnesium hydroxide
21. Adding sodium hydroxide to a calcium oxide
22. An aqueous solution of ~CI of 10-3 M
23. Tooth paste is alkaline while both tomato and lemon juices are acidic
25. All the above
26. combination [CaO + H20 ~ Ca (OH)2]
27. double decomposition [Pb (N03)2 + 2 Hel ~ Pb Cl2 .t + 2 HN03]
28. precipitation [BaCI2 + Na2SO 4 ~ BaS04 J, + 2 NaCI]
29. catalyst [A catalyst is regenerated after the reaction. A catalyst does not take
in chemical reaction]
30. powdered calcium carbonate
31. remain red
32. 7
33.1 M NaOH
34. Fe (OHh ~
35. 02 and N02
36. Chromium trioxide
37. Pb + CuCI2 .-7 PbCI2 + Cu
.38. powdered calcium carbonate
39. acetic acid
40. formic acid
41. 3
42. tartaric acid
43. Al (OHh
44. 3
45. 5
46. lemon juice
47. 7.4
48. basic salt
49. HCl
50. alkaline
51. electrons
52. exothermic
53. catalyst
54. black
55. 11
56. HN03
57. Hydrochloric acid
58. carbonic acid
59. magnesium hydroxide
60. Ammonium hydroxide
6.1. reduction
62. exothermic
63. endothermic
64. tartaric acid
65. H3P04

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