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Big Dipper Shamanic Qigong

This Qigong is derived from the Dao woman's line. It is a fabulous form that sets up a resonance
with the Big Dipper/Polaris energy portal. It comprises of a rythmical 7 step sequence that forms
the four sides of a square, and is combined with arm movements that open the palm and create a 4
dimensional mandala of Qi currents. This is augmented with quiet internal chanting (mantra of
seven sounds).
The stepping movements follow the stars of the Big Dipper, so by doing the form you are forming a
link of intention with its component stars. The associated arm movements then act as a spiritual
magnet/vortex, which then attracts the stellar energy down into your sacred space and into
your being. Meanwhile, the repetitive stepping -in and by itself- act as a pump, pumping earth qi
into you from below. Note that both the stellar energy and the earth qi are energies of the manifest
world, i.e. later heaven.
These two energies come into your core and mix. A few periodic "retrograde" movements of
backward stepping act to cement this mixed energy deep into a core inner dimension of yourself.
Aside from these infrequent retrogrades of individual steps, the overall movement of the form is
clockwise as you go from one Big Dipper mandala to the next. Clockwise is the manifesting
Putting all these elements together, I would say that the form has the power to strengthen your
intention and alter your unfolding destiny in the ever-developing present moment.
Thus, in my opinion, while most of the qigong operates in the world of form using intensely
powerful energies, there is also a very small periodic mini-dance on the boundary between form and
formless which allows it to imprint intention into the present moment.

1. 7 Star stepping is part of a larger practice traditionally found in Traditional Taoist systems.
2. 7 star stepping is part of the 28 constellation practices, which follow seasonal guas of the I
Ching, mudra, mantra, seasonal star patterns and talisman's, planet & body correlations and specific
3. It might be hard to find someone willing to share because of the stigma of Closed Taoist
Traditions to the public.
4. That's the traditional answer although basically you are trying to experience heaven on earth
5. Find a teacher that could teach the variations of this practice along with the I Ching Tradition,
Feng Shui and Bagua walking
6. In the Warring States, this particular way of dipper stepping was used by the soldiers in their
fighting provisions in order to drive back the rival troops and to create forces of protective field.
The generative and protective force was produced as a result of the energy liberated during the
square walking mandala.
7. It is an extremely grounding form. At its highest level of practice, it is designed to integrate one's
worldly destiny with one's spiritual destiny. This is accomplished by 'bringing down" the purple
pole star (Polaris) at the top of the central tai chi pole axis of Heaven down into its lower pole of
8. For practitioners living in the Southern Hemisphere, it's important to adjust and transform all of
the Big Dipper powers to the Southern Cross... Also, because this information is relatively new (in
ancient China they only used the pole star and big dipper and not the Southern Cross for their
incantations and magical rituals), try to find a local Daoist who has already done the work of
switching star powers and has been successful.
9. A Chinese master living in Thailand says there is a Yin point in the centre of the Southern Cross
which vibrates to red violet, rather that the blue violet of the pole star. It is interesting that there are
7 stars in the BD and 7 stars in the SC including alpha & beta centauri (pointers). It is also
interesting about the shapes involved as the BD is used in so many Taoist meditations and healing
procedures to pour violet light into the crown. Bathing the cells in violet light triggers the cells to
communicate with each other maximising the effects of healthy functioning.
10. It moves in Squares, and turns clockwise instead of Primordial Qigong
counter clock movement. It integrates the 28 lunar mansions,
the 24 solar periods, and the Pole Star,
captures their essence into your mingmen by causing the earth chi
to spiral upwards in the pattern of the Big Dipper.
This concentrates your manifesting power and gives
your intention incredible force.
How did this practise develop?
What is its purpose?
Would it express how radically unique Taoism/shamanism is?
I find the form invigorating, amazing for my chi and overall health.
Why does moving the body in a big dipper pattern
cause all of these effects?
Are we energeticaly linked to that constellation?
Since this practise pre dates all of the major relegions
it may originate from a different cosmology or maybe a lost cosmology?

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