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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT, who helped the author to finish
this paper with great ease. Without the help of Allah may the
author didnt be able to complete the paper of Drama. Then,
Thanks to Mr. Irawansyah, M.Pd as our lecturer of Drama who
gave this assignment to us. The author close hope this paper
may use for improve our knowledge about this subject.
The author know that in this paper there are a lot of deficiency .
So, the author hope the readers can give some advice and
critism for repair in future. Thank you.

Bandar Lampung, October 8th 2016



TABLE OF CONTEN.....................................................................2
A. Understanding Drama .......................................................................................3
A. Characteristics of Drama..........................................................5
B. Form Of Drama...................................................................................................6
C. Concept of Drama................................................................................................7
A. Conclusion..............................................................................11


A. Understanding Drama
Understanding Drama is a work of art in the form of the dialogue is staged. Drama
often included in the realm of literature because it uses language as a medium
messenger. Drama is an act or acts (the Greek). While dramatic is the kind of
essay that is displayed in a behavior, gestures and actions. The play is another
name of a drama in which the sandi is confidential and wara is a lesson. People
who play the so-called drama actor or play.
Drama is one of a kind works of literature that has advantages compared with
other types of literary works, namely staging elements that reveal the story
directly, and paraded in public. However, there are also plays that are only to be
read or often called closed drama. The most basic element in a drama there are
four, namely the play (a play or play text), performer (actor or actress), places
(theaters), and spectators. Elements play an important role for players without the
play obviously can not make a play. So even without a play spot will not produce
drama. But, otherwise if there is only a play, then we can still follow the dramas
reading, for example "closed drama."
Word drama derived from the word greek (Greek) draten, Which is derived from
the word draomai which originally means "do", "act" and "action". However, in
the subsequent development of the sense of drama has expanded, as under Satoto
(2000: 1) were found to contain drama broader sense in terms of drama, as
according Satoto (2000: 1) were found to contain drama broader sense is reviewed
whether the drama as a genre of literature or drama as an independent branch of

art. According Sudjiman (1990: 22), the drama is a literary work that aims to
describe life with quarrels and emotions expressed through imposition and
dialogue, and usually designed for performances on stage. Clay Hamilton (in
Satoto, 2000: 2) argues is similar to saying that every work of drama is a story that
was concocted and arranged to be displayed by the actors on stage in front of the
Based on some opinions on the above in mind, that a drama generally involves
two aspects, namely the aspects of literature pertaining to the script and aspects of
theater art related with the staging. Satoto (2000: 6) argues the theater is another
term for drama, but in a broader sense, which includes: the process of selecting a
script, interpretation, cultivation, presentation or staging, and the process of
understanding or enjoyment of the public. Further explained that the differences in
the drama as literature and theater as the staging can be seen in the characteristics
as follows: a drama in which an understanding of the play (play), script (script),
Text (text), author, creation (creation), and theory (theory), while theater
performances implies (performance), production (production), staging (staging),
the player (actor / actress), interpretation (interpretation), and practice (practice)
(Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, Agustus 2010 hal: 182-198).


A. Characteristics Drama
To understand more about the nature of a drama to note the difference in depth
between prose, fiction, and poetry. Here is a characteristic drama.
1. The drama has three dimensions, ie the dimensions of literature,
movement, and speech. Therefore, the play is not prepared specifically to
be read as the novel or short story, but more than that, in the creation of
playwright considered the possibility of a script that can be translated into
sight, sound, and motion behavior.
2. Drama gave a stronger emotional impact in comparison with other literary
works. This is due to the drama with all the events displayed directly
viewable by the audience.
3. For the most part, saw the play more fun and produces a longer experience
in recall compared to reading a novel. This is caused by the concentration
and intensity emotion created by seeing and hearing live event - it
4. Structured drama with a limitation. He was limited by two conventions,
namely the intensity and concentration. Both of these conventions exist for
considering that the possibility of power is able to follow the performance.
However appealing a play, he can become unattractive if it lasts for a long
period. because of physical and mental endurance different audience, so in
consider the amount of time that is about - about in general they can be

followed either. the score of that intensity and concentration is a drama

5. Specificity plays a very important also is the limited physical players. One
of the limitations of the physical drama when compared with other literary
works are: drama only in regards to human and purely human. It is caused
by the human drama in the act out.
6. Drama has limited the use of material objects. In the novel, short story or
poem a lot that can be used as a material object, even in the film is a lot
that can be utilized by using trick photography, but halitu can not be
performed on stage.
7. Drama may have limitations in terms of not only artistic but also in terms
perform. It is not appropriate when performed on stage a fight events that
can make the audience in shock.
8. Another limitation is owned drama compared to other literary works is,
that the drama is limited by the limitations of average intelligence
spectators. Humans have limitations in absorbing and understanding
something he had heard for the first time, for example, in reading a novel
or a poem read many times.
9. Drama episodes and the number of grooves are limited. This is related to
the nature of the drama that emphasizes intensity and concentration.
10. The play is a work whose content through conversation. It is called
wawancang conversation or dialogue. If any part is not wawancang, the
part that is usually written in parentheses (...) is called kramagung.
Wawancang or dialogue is usually written off, not inserted into brackets,
recited by the players. Kramagung (stage direction) is a guide for setting
the behavior of the player (Prof. M. Atar Semi hal: 159-161)

B. Form of Drama
The formal characteristics of a play are among others:
1. using direct languuage.in some part of the play, there can be a soliloquy, (a
formal device by which a dramatic character, alone on the stage, reveals in

speech his feeling, thoughts, and motives to the audience) and aside (a
character turns from the person with whom he is conversing to speak
directly to, or for the benefit of, the audience, thus letting the audience
know what he is really thinking or feeling as opposed to what he pretends
to be thinking or feeling).
2. There is particular kind of description, which manifests in the form of
stage direction. Aston and savona, in Bakdi (2000) differentiate the actions
in a play into two categories: verbal acts (Haupttext), a major text, a
dialogue spoken by the characters; and the non-verbal acts (nebentext), a
complimentary text, the stage direction usually typed in italics or put in the
bracket. If in traditional plays the nebentext is lesser than the haupttext,
in modern, if not realist, plays, it can be other way around.
3. Primarily written to be performed, though not always (like Eliots closet
drama). It normally presents its action (1) through actors, (2) on the stage,
(3) before audience.
4. The portion is more on dialogue (except in mimes play or dumb show
like in Hamlet)
5. The point of view is limited only to one: the objective or dramatic point of
6. According to perrine (1988) because a play presents its action before an
audience, the experience it creates is a communal experience, and its
impact is intensified.
7. a play is subject to being remade, rewritten, and reinterpreted (Ahmad
Latif, S.S. dan Iqlima Salsabila English Literature, hal: 41-42)

C. Concept of Drama
The example concept of drama:
SNOW WHITE It can be acted out in different time and space,
In a kingdom there is a very beautiful lady, she lived with the Queen, that her
stepmother. Because the beauty of the princess, the queen is jealous of the
Princess's beauty, he also did a variety of ways so that he can beat the beauty of

the princess's beautiful. He always asked the magic mirror who is the most
beautiful in the world.
Queen: "O magic mirror ....!! Who is most beautiful in the world? "
Magic Mirror: "The beauty in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What ...? Snow White? I have to get rid of Snow White.
Guards .....! Guards ....! "
Guards: "I was facing, the Queen."
Queen: "Kill Snow White!"
Guards: "But the Queen. I cant do that, how
I might kill the princess. "
Queen: "Quick to do! Or I kill you! "
Guards: "Well, the Queen. I perform. "
Then the guards took the princess to the forest. But he did not have the heart to
kill the Princess.
Guards: "Lady, I was told to kill the Queen, but I do not have the heart to kill you.
Now you'd better go away from the palace. "
Daughter: "Well! Thank you because you did not kill me! "
Then the daughter went away to a forest. In the forest, he found a small hut, and
he entered the shed. He felt strange seeing stuff in there are small. After some
time, came the occupants of the house, they are the dwarves.
Dwarf 1: "Huh ..? That's who ...? Huge ...! "
Dwarves 2: "I do not know."
Dwarf 3: "Rather, we approach him."
Dwarf 1: "Who are you?"
Princess: "I was Snow White, you have a house? Sorry because I
boldly go. "
Dwarves 2: "Why are you biased here?"
Princess: "I went from the palace because I wanted to be killed by the Queen,
Beauty queen would envy. "
Dwarf 3: "Well, bear all."
Princess: "Can I stay here?"

Dwarves 2: "Of course it can."

Meanwhile, the Queen asked the magic mirror as usual. He thought that he was
the most beautiful, because he thinks that Snow White was dead killed by the
guards that he was told.
Queen: "O magic mirror ..! Who is the most beautiful in the world? "
Magic mirror: "The beauty in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What ...? Still Snow White? I though he was killed. I
must do something. "
Queen immediately took the apple and the apple he gave the poison to be given to
Snow White Snow White to die. And the Queen transformed himself into an old
woman so as to give the apple, Snow White did not recognize it. Queen was soon
to go into the woods to find Snow White. After a while he was searching, he
finally found a Snow White who is engrossed in our hut swept the dwarves.
Queen: "My boy, my grandson grandmother's apple try this. It was certainly very
sweet like you. "
Snow White: "Sorry grandma. But I'm full. "
Queen: "Come on, my grandson, try a little bit."
Feeling sorry for the old grandmother, Snow received a direct apples and eat
Snow White: "Well grandma, I'll taste it."
Snow White's sudden death and lying on the floor.
Queen: "Haha ....... Eventually I was the most beautiful in the world. "
Then the queen went back to the palace. When the dwarfs came home, they were
shocked to see the princess lying on the floor. They burst into tears when he knew
the princess was dead. Soon the Prince of dating to find the princess. He was
surprised to see the Princess lay.
Prince: "Why Women lie? and why do you weep? "
Dwarf 3: "Princess died, Prince."
Prince: "What? Princess die? "(Then prince kissed the princess
While crying).
Then the Princess opened her eyes and wake up slowly. She smiled when she saw
Prince in front of him.

Prince: "Women ...!"

Princess: "Prince ...!"
Meanwhile, in the palace, the queen asked the magic mirror.
Queen: "O magic mirror, who most beautiful in this world?"
Magic mirror: "The most beautiful in this world is Snow White."
Queen: "What? Snow still? he was already dead. "
Magic mirror: "No, not dead lady. He lived happily together
Prince. "
Queen: "You stupid ... mirror! (Queen throws a mirror).
The mirror was angry, and he conjured the queen to the Queen's entrance into the
mirror forever.



A. Conclusion
Drama is one of a kind works of literature that has advantages compared with
other types of literary works, namely staging elements that reveal the story
directly, and paraded in public. Some characteristics of drama, among other: The
drama has three dimensions, Drama gave a stronger emotional impact in
comparison with other literary works, For the most part, saw the play more fun
and produces a longer experience in recall compared to reading a novel,
Structured drama with a limitation, Specificity plays a very important also is the
limited physical players, Drama has limited the use of material objects, Drama
may have limitations in terms of not only artistic but also in terms perform,
Another limitation is owned drama compared to other literary works is, that the
drama is limited by the limitations of average intelligence spectators, Drama
episodes and the number of grooves are limited, The play is a work whose content
through conversation



Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, Vol. 11, No. 2, Agustus 2010 hal: 182-198
Prof. M. Atar Semi: dalam Anatomi Sastra hal: 159-161
Ahmad Latif, S.S. dan Iqlima Salsabila An Introduction to English Literature,
hal: 41-42


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