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1391 S, Wayne Dr. Chandler, AZ, 85286 September 18, 2022 Henery Bernard Doctor Go Overseas 1234 English St Shanghai, Shanghai, 21 Dear Mr. Bernard Hello lam Hailee Alverio and | have been intrigued by your occupation needs of teaching English abroad. | graduated in the year 2017 and completed college with a Bachelor's Degree. I find that teaching English as a second langauage in other countries is not just another job but an opportunity to do something great. | wish to help those who may or may not be in need. {can tell you that | will be an astounding assest to your learning team. | have experience in teaching and have volunteered for several years. | am great with children and know that not all children aquire knowledge the same. Thus | will put forth the effort to insure the child with learn to the best of their ability. Thope for you to contact me either by email: alverio_h@XXXX.com or my cell: 480-XXX-XXXX Kindest Regards, Haile Alverio

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