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Language development


Look back at the text on p.90. Complete the following list of words, al! of which are used in
the text to describe how animals reproduce and take (are of their young. Al! the words can

be found in paragraphs 1 and 5. The first letter of each word is provided.

1 !J~Ln~g

2 h.rJ.~,c;.Y.J. ;

3 pV:.C3.!?.s:;.1:.

4 I.~h;:.
S b.c~~d:l):)..3-

.+ .
d.QA.Q.~.I ed

7 f.~


8 dN'.e..lo.p..e.d.




Complete the following sentencesusing the words from Exercise 1. Make any necessarychanges.

1 A chicken can

many eggs in a single week.

2 Birds' eggs require the warmth from the bodies of the parent birds in order
3 The baby bird slowly

inside the egg.

4 Female fish release their eggs into the water, where the eggs


the maIe fish.

S Many mammaIs like apes and monkeys are very good parents. They put a lot of
effort into
their young.
6 Some insects have a speciaI tool with which they
the undersides of leaves.

their eggs on

7 The pattems and colours of birds' eggs make them hard to see and help
them from predators.
8 Many zoos have tried to get pandas

, so that the pandas born in

the zoos can be returned to the wild.

Look back at the text on p.90. Find the words that mean the same as the
following definitions.
1 the natural horne of a plant or animal
2 a group of plants or


animals of the same kind

3 moved around quietly, trying not to be seen


T.r.O.wJ~.c\.. .

4 catching an animal after chasing or following it .....LY.--~t.U.r..i.~..

S animals that ~re able to live both on land and in water
6 single plants or animaIs that are typical of their kind



7 the hair that grows thickly over the bodies of SO me types of animal
8 unusual or surprising



Complete the following text, using the words from Exercise 3. Make any necessarychanges.
Africa has some of the most interesting animal (1)
in the world.
The large marnmals, like lions and elephants are welllrnown, but there is also an
extraordinary variety of birds, snakes, (2)
and some of the
insects on earth.
In the old days, Europeans used to go te Africa te shoot magnificent (4)
of lions and other large animals. A lot of animals were also killed to supply the
trade. Nowadays, however. visitors from Europe go to enioy
seeing the anirnals in their natural (6)
There is simply no
comparison between.seeing a lion in a zoo and seeing one (7)
dusk, looking for an opportunity to hunt. Some of the national parks have too many
lions and so some (8)
and transferred to areas where the lion
populations are smaller,

Look at the examples from the text on p.90.

When it comes to rearinq their young, ...

... lays its eggs in ...


the following

sentences, using the correct forrn of raise,

1 Public concern about environmental issues

tise, rear, ay

or fie.

considerably in

recent years.

2 We carne across a magnificent lion

down in the shade of a tree.

3 We got sorne wonderfuI photos of a tiger cub

mother's side.
4 In sorne parts of England, birds

its head on its

to be shot for sport during the

shooting season.
S In zoos, it can sometimes be difficult to get animals
as they wouId do in the wild.

their young

Look at the example from the text on p.90 .

... in this home-made pond.


the following

newspaper artide, using the compound

deep-sea free-ranqe



adjectives in the


nuclear-free world-famous

Environmentalists meeting at a conference in London today discussed several serious

issues. A (1)
conservationist expressed concern about the number
of tigers still surviving in thewild. He suggested that one reason for the continuing
decline in their numbers is the rnyth o the (2)
tiger, which
continues in sorne places, leading to tigers being shot by local farrners out of fear.
The conference delegates were warned that marine pollution appears to be getting
worse, so rnuch so that (3)
fishing vessels are finding that their
catches are decreasing every year.
Despite these ongoing problerns. there are also sorne encouraging developments. In
rnany countries, the dernand for factory-fanned produce is falling, while there is
increased demand for produce like (4)
eggs and organically-grown
Further good news for the environment s that more countries have declared
theITI.selvesto be (5)

amount of (6)

zones and there has been a huge rise in the

petrol being soldo

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