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Shot list order for 3 Guys in a Room:

Lighting Set up 1:
-Shot 30: WS Peppy Girl Walks in.
-Shot 35: WS Alpha and Peppy Girl eat.
-Shot 31: ECU Peppy Girls Eyes.
-Shot 33: OTS of Peppy Girl.
-Shot 32: MS Alpha looks to Peppy Girl.
-Shot 34: MCU he speaks to her.
Lighting Set up 2: Alpha alone
-Shot 27: MCU Alpha looks up to Cat Poster on wall.
-Shot 29: MS Alpha looks down lost in thought.
-Shot 26: CU Sandwich
- Shot 28: CU Poster
Lighting Set up 3: Cliff
-Shot 5: MS Cliff (telephoto). Folds up paper.
-Shot 8: MCU Cliff. Shallow DOF. I tried to kill myself once.
-Shot 11: Cliffs reaction to Closeted Gay.
-Shot 14: MCU Cliff. Shallow DOF. What happened to him.
-Shot 16: MCU Cliff. Facing camera. What happened to him to Leave chair.
-Shot 20: MS (Wide Angle) Cliff alone. He stands.
-Shot 7: CU of Newspaper and health bars.
Lighting Set up 4: Alpha
-Shot 1A+Shot 3: MS Alpha. From beginning to monologue.
-Shot 10A: MS to CU. Slow zoom in on Alpha during monologue.
-Shot 12: Get the monologue in CU.
-Shot 12A: Get the monologue in MS.
-Shot 15: MS Alpha. Turns to cliff, He was released
-Shot 18: MCU Alpha. Ranting about people telling him things.
-Shot 18A: (M)CU Alpha. Understand this.
Lighting Set up 6: Alpha, Omega, and Cliff
-Shot 9: OTS of A+O.
-Shot 17: OTS WS of room. Alpha rants near end.
-Shot 19: OTS of Cliff. They think to he exits.
-Shot 21: WS 3-shot. Its not Hopeless.
-Shot 22: CU Cliff. Its not Hopeless
-Shot 23: WS Cliff exits room.

Lighting Set up 5: Alpha and Omega

-Shot 2: 2 shot of A+O. Beginning to Monologue.
-Shot 6: 2 Shot of A+O looking to Cliff. (Persona)
-Shot 10: Monologue. Start with 2 shot and slowly zoom into CU.
-Shot 13: OTS MS of Omega. Monologue+Whos Bob Hope?
-Shot 24: 2 shot A+O. Distance between them. How about that guy?, Omega leaves.
-Shot 25: MS Alpha. Watches O go, then looks down at sandwich.
Lighting Set up 6: Omega
-Shot 4: MS Omega. From beginning to Monologue.
Lighting Set up 7: Objects/setting

Shot of office supplies.

Public snacks.
The lights (hum of the lights.)
Shot of the vent. (justify any vent noise).
CU of chips like other food CUs.

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