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Dokter : "sakit apa anda?

Pasien : "saya sakit flu, dokter."
Dokter : "sudah berapa lama anda sakit flu?"
Pasien : "saya mengalami flu sejak satu minggu yang lalu."
Dokter : "apa anda mengalami demam yang tinggi juga?"
Pasien : "iya, dokter."
Dokter : "apa sebelumnya anda sudah berobat ke rumah sakit?"
Pasien : "belum pernah, dokter."
Dokter : "kalau begitu, anda akan saya periksa, oke?"
Pasien : "oke dokter."
(setelah beberapa menit proses pemeriksaan tubuh pasien)
Pasien : "bagaimana dokter?"
Dokter : "menurut saya anda mengalami gejala awal penyakit demam berdarah."
Pasien : "anda serius, dokter?"
Dokter : "ya, sebaiknya anda segera dirawat di rumah sakit."
Pasien : "ya sudah jika begitu, besok saya akan pergi ke rumah sakit terdekat. Terima kasih banyak dokter."
Dokter : "sama - sama. semoga anda segera sembuh."

Pasien : "ya dokter."

English Version

Doctor : "What is wrong with you, sir?"

Patients : "I got the flu, doc."
Doctor : "How long have you had the flu?"
Patients : "I had the flu since a week ago."
Doctor : "What you are experiencing a high fever, too?"
Patients : "Yes, doc."
Doctor : "What you previously have been treated at the hospital?"
Patients : "Not yet, doc."
Doctor : "If that, first I will check your body, okay?"
Patients : "Okay doc."
(After a few minutes the process of checking a patient's body)
Patients : "How doc?"
Doctor : "I think you are experiencing early symptoms of dengue fever."

Patients : "You're serious, doc?"

Doctor : "Yes, you should be hospitalized immediately."
Patients : "Yes already, if so, tomorrow I will go to the nearest hospital. Thank you so much doc."
Doctor : "You're welcome. I hope you get well soon."

Patients : "Yes doc."

Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check my sons illness. Where should I go?
Receptionist : You can go ahead to check up your son with Children Specialist
Doctor on the second floor.
Mrs. Ratih : Could you point me where the room is?
Receptionist : Its on the second floor. You can go there by taking the elevator.
Mrs. Ratih : Very well. Thank you.
Receptionist : Youre welcome.
Andy : Where are we going, Mom?
Mrs. Ratih : Were going to the Children Specialist Doctors room on the
second floor for checking up your illness.

[In the front of Children Specialist Doctors room]

[At the registrations counter]
Mrs. Ratih : Excuse me. I want to check up my sons illness.
Nurse : Firstly, you need to fill in this form and take your queue number and
then sit down to wait until your queue number is called.
Mrs. Ratih : [Filling in the form and taking the queue number] Here you are.
Thank you.
Nurse : Please have a seat while waiting.
[15 minutes later]
Nurse : Andy Hamzah, number 7!
Mrs. Ratih : Look, our number is mentioned. Lets go enter the room, Dear.
Andy : Mom um Im afraid. Will the doctor inject me?
Mrs. Ratih : Dont worry, my dear. Mom will never leave your side.
Andy : Alright. Thank you, Mom.
[Inside the doctors room]

Mrs. Ratih : Good morning, Doc.

Doctor : Good morning, Maam. Please have a seat.
Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good morning, little guy. What is your name?
Andy : Um my name is Andy.
Doctor : Wow, you look tough. How old are you?
Andy : Im 9 years old.
Doctor : So, what brings you here, Dear?
Andy : Um I had a fever and my throat is sore.
Mrs. Ratih : Yes, Doctor. Last night he had a fever. Then I gave him some
medicine to bring down his fever. And this morning, I thought that his fever
had gone away, but after he woke up he said that he got fever again. This time
his temperature was higher than last night. He complains that his throat is
sore too.
Doctor : Okay. Could you open your mouth widely, Andy? Say Aaaaa.
Andy : [opens his mouth widely]
Doctor : I think Andy gets Pharyngitis or sore throat. Did you eat some hot
foods or salty snacks like chips, Andy?
Andy : Um.. Yes, I think I ate too much potato and barbeque chips two days
Doctor : I suggest you not to eat salty snacks and chips too much, Andy. They
can get your throat irritated and infected like now. But dont worry with my
medicines youll be fine soon.
Andy : Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor : Here is the prescription, Maam. You can go to the first floor to
complete the administration needs.
Mrs. Ratih : Thank you, Doc.
Doctor : Good bye, Andy. Get well soon.
Andy : Yes. Thank you, Doctor.

Glossaries Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris di

Rumah Sakit
Illness: penyakit
Check up: memeriksa (penyakit)

Children Specialist Doctor: dokter spesialis anak

Could you point me?: bisakah Anda tunjukan pada saya?
Take the elevator: Naik lift
Fill in: mengisi
Form: formulir
Queue number: nomor antrian
Inject: menyuntik
Tough: kuat, tangguh
Fever: demam
Sore: sakit
To bring down: menurunkan
Complain: mengeluh
Sore throat: sakit radang tenggorokan
Salty snacks: makanan ringan yang berasa asin
Chips: keripik
Get your throat irritated and infected: membuat tenggorokan kamu terluka dan
Prescription: resep obat

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