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Positive Immunity Program

Guidance Manual

2005 Monroe Products

The Positive Immunity Program is a system of training in selfexplo- ration and personal development. It is not a form of
psychotherapy, philosophy, religion, or medical
diagnosis/treatment. It is a means to acquire knowledgethe
application and results thereof are solely the responsibility of the
The Positive Immunity Program training series is sold for private
use only. Any public or commercial use thereof without written
consent of Monroe Products is strictly prohibited.
Monroe Products is deeply interested in the progress you achieve
with these training exercises. Send your reports or requests for
further information to our Customer Service Manager.

While many of our products contribute to wellness, they are not
intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. DO NOT listen
to Hemi- Sync while driving or operating heavy equipment, or
with other devices that may influence brain-wave activity. If you
have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse
mental condition(s), DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync without first
consulting your physician. In the unlikely event that you experience
any unusual physical or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue
use. DO NOT reproduce Hemi- Sync products or use with Dolby
or other noise-reduction systems. Doing so will diminish the
effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync signals.


The goal of the Positive Immunity Program is to train individuals
to boost and maintain their own natural immune system by using
the unique Hemi-Sync technology. This program is modeled after
pilot group studies conducted in consultation with The Monroe
The Monroe Institute was established by Robert Monroe as a
facility for "developing, exploring and applying expanded states of
consciousness." In order to access these expanded states, Monroe
developed a modern sound technology that brings the brain into
what is called a "whole brain" state, one where both hemispheres
are synchronized, an internationally-known process called "HemiSync."
The whole brain state is a natural state we all experience for short
durations of time. This whole brain state has been demonstrated to
be one wherein we are more receptive to new Information, have
heightened alertness and can learn to function mentally and
physically at higher levels of performance. To make use of this
state in a consistent way, researchers around the world have long
tried to find ways to maintain it for longer periods of time.
In the 1950s Robert Monroe became Interested in the possible
connection between nonverbal audio patterns and brain-wave
rhythms. Drawing upon his discoveries and the work of others,
Monroe used pulsed audio stimuli to create an electrical Frequency
Following Response (FFR) In the brain, evoking psychological and
mental states in direct relationship to the original audio waveforms.
In May 1975 Monroe received a general patent for his technique,
and two subsequent patents followed. It became possible, with
sophisticated custom-built signal generators, to produce recorded

tapes on stereo channels that would lead a subject into any of the
various stages of sleep and discrete states of consciousness not
ordinarily available to the conscious mind.
Studies conducted at the Menninger Foundation have shown that a
subject with 20 years of training in Zen meditation could
consistently establish hemispheric synchronization at will,
sustaining it for over 15 minutes. The Hemi-Sync audio
techniques developed by Robert Monroe can simulate and sustain
this hemispheric synchronization for longer periods of time and,
through use of the system, entrain users to reproduce it at will.
Thus there is available a tool for working at one's highest potential
with access to the fullness of one's capacities.
The pilot studies confirmed that HIV-infected individuals, with the
use of the Hemi-Sync tapes, learned to boost innate immunity,
augmented energy levels and produced positive emotional and
physical states. Participants learned to fall asleep by intent and to
use the sleep state for restorative purposes, reduced stress, and
increased relaxation.
The Positive Immunity Program is a selection of CDs assembled
from several Monroe programs. You will be introduced to the HemiSync experience and proceed to specific exercises that strengthen
the "mind-body" connection in practical, pragmatic and specific
ways. You also learn to access the Hemi-Sync states by simple
techniques without the aid of the CDs.
The CDs create synchronized and relaxed states, and guided
imagery and suggestion facilitate a sense of well-being while
training you to recognize, understand and learn to use these
expanded states. Subliminal messages are not used.
After many years of working with the Hemi-Sync audio
technology, the Monroe Group has found many applications for this
sustained whole brain state, including the Positive Immunity
Program. Robert Monroe theorized that the Hemi-Sync signals

may even reach down to a cellular level- allowing an individual to

strengthen the mind-body connection.


First and foremost is the willingness and readiness to be well and to
live each day fully. The Positive Immunity Program does not
propose to be a substitute for any traditional treatment, but rather
to be an additional support. The exercises are designed to be used
on a regular basis and will not help you unless you choose to use
them consistently in a balanced physical health program.
Each exercise in this program requires active concentration,
volition, and sometimes courage, as you move by carefully
controlled steps from deep relaxation to those thresholds of
consciousness apparently related to deep meditation. Many of the
techniques and processes introduced here will be new to you.
Explore them with whatever degree of openness is comfortable for
you. Simply by exposing yourself to these new processes and ideas,
you will become sensitive to alternative ways of viewing life and
ultimately your beliefs may begin to change in ways that allow you
to know that you are only as limited as your own limiting beliefs.
Each individual approaches this internal work with different
abilities, concepts, and dynamic processes. Each enters this area
from a different place and goes to a different place. It is the goal of
this program to provide techniques for exploring your full potential.
There are no right or wrong ways to experiences these exercises.
Whatever your methods of perception, getting deeply into yourself
will enable you to appreciate more of that which is around you.
Value and build on your uniqueness; in it is wholeness and unity.
You will have the most success with the program by working with it
consistently. This does not mean you need to do it constantly, but
with a consistent regularity. Develop a schedule for yourself that

easily and comfortably fits your life. If you decide to use the
exercises every day and you find that you don't "get to it" because
life is too pressured, set up a schedule of working with the
exercises every other day. Giving yourself leeway helps you keep
your commitment to yourself.
Fundamental to the Positive Immunity Program is the concept
stated in the Affirmation used throughout the exercises that we are
more than our physical bodies and can perceive that which is
greater than the physical. The term "energy" is often used to
describe many states within, beyond, in addition to, and enhancing
the physical world. Consider that there is indeed such energy and
that it is available to you to recognize, understand, participate with,
direct and make use of-all in an easy and natural way.

Begin now. Begin where you are, with an easy acceptance of who
you are. To explore is to observe by discerning differences rather
than by making judgments.
Assume that Hemi-Sync audio techniques will create different
brainwave patterns, and that there are various ways to perceive
these differences within yourself.
One method of perception is to feel differences kinesthetically
(sensations that are, or seem to be, physical). Pay attention to your
body and feel subtle sensations. These sensations might feel like
motion: rising and falling, rocking, sliding, and tipping. You may
feel "electric" sensations: tingling or vibrations. Perhaps you might
feel twitches, pulsing, pressure, or changes in temperature. Ask,
"How does my foot feel?" rather than, "Is my foot relaxed?" These

feelings may change and shift, creating subtle patterns which are
beautiful in and of themselves. And like the surf, never assume that
the frailty of its foam is a measure of the ocean's power. In our
language, our concepts are deeply tied to the visual. We honor men
and women of vision, and value insight. Visual means of perception
are important. At the same time, visual perception is often
overemphasized and considered essential to the control and use of
energy. This is not necessarily so. One can get caught up in the
entertainment value of the visual, and the endless fascination of
unfolding visualization can blind us to other kinds of perception.
Visualizations can be incredibly meaningful. However, an
attachment to them can become a major block to other perceptual
An auditory perception may manifest as verbal messages, voices, or
impressions of voices. It may also occur as sounds such as static,
buzzing, pops and clicks, tones or even music. These perceptions
have a delicacy, a quality difficult to convey in physical, waking
consciousness (Consciousness One or C-l) terms. Too often, we
close such beautiful
channels that were open to us by discounting our impressions as
unreal rather than allowing them to be legitimate. Participants often
also report intuitive perceptions: a sudden awareness, a gestalt, a
whole knowing, or "thought-ball" as one person delightfully
described it.


Locate a distraction-free environment where you can
darken the room and remain undisturbed for the 30-45
minute exercises.
Listen using stereo headphones on a personal or home
stereo system.

Adjust the volume to a level where you can barely hear

the words. Otherwise, the verbal guidance may startle
you following a period of silence. Allow at least one
hour after eating and avoid alcohol, drugs, or excessive
caffeine, which may limit the effectiveness of the HemiSync exercises.
Get comfortable. Use the bathroom before each
exercise even if it seems unnecessary. Loosen any tight
clothing and remove shoes, glasses, or contacts. Listen
while lying down or seated with your head supported,
whichever is more comfortable for you.
If you itch during an exercise, scratch. You will be able
to move gently back into your pattern of relaxation.
There can be a metabolic drop as you enter an
exercise, producing a perception of heat, motion, or
pressure. Have a loose blanket handy, ready to pull up
or throw off as needed.
Keep a journal to document the details of your
experience, such as date/time, body position,
medication or unusual
diet, mood/attitude, energy level, moon phase, or any
other unusual circumstance.

An affirmation is a statement that reinforces one's intention. The
affirmation given here is used by the Monroe Group at the
beginning of many audio programs. The most important thing to
remember about this affirmation is the intent expressed rather than
the words themselves. It is to serve as a guide for you to create
your own affirmation. When creating an affirmation, be sure to
include all the essential components, i.e., a statement to
acknowledge you are more than physical matter, a request to learn

more about yourself and what you are about, a petition for help,
guidance and protection, and often a thank you is included. Of
course, you may find this affirmation suits you perfectly and you
may choose to use it just as it is.

I am more than my physical body.

Because I am more than physical matter,
I can perceive that which is greater
Than the physical world.
Therefore I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience, to
Know, to Understand, to Control, to Use such
Greater energies and energy systems
as may be beneficial and constructive to me
And those who follow me.
Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation,
The assistance, the understanding
Of those individuals whose
Wisdom, development and experience are
Equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance
And protection from any influence or any
Source that might provide me with less
Than my stated desires.


Remember, the principal goal of this program is to assist you in
improving the recognition and realization of your own natural

energy, the mind-body connection, and to use this energy for

constructive and positive experiences.
Before beginning the exercises, review the previous sections in this
booklet. When you are beginning the program, use the CDs in
sequence, as each exercise builds upon the other. Work with an
individual exercise several times until you feel comfortable and
ready to begin another level. You may always return and use a
completed CD out of order, but do not advance out of sequence.
After completing the series, you may use any of the exercises as
you so choose.

This exercise gives you an introduction and demonstration of the
Hemi- Sync technology. Adjust the volume so that it is just within
your hearing range. As you listen to the exercise, your senses will
become heightened, more sensitized. If the volume is too high, you
may feel startled when you hear verbal instructions during different
stages of the exercises. Do not readjust your headphones again
during the exercise. Shifts in volume of the Hemi-Sync
frequencies are intentional. High volume will not enhance the
effectiveness of the Hemi-Sync or underlying sound patterns.
Rather, it may reduce the benefits of the exercise.
Ocean surf is a sound of energy in action, a symbol of each training
exercise to correlate the natural energy of ocean surf with your own
natural energy. It is important to understand that you will be
learning to control your energy better. As a result, you will be able
to attune yourself to, or harmonize with, your environment in more
varied and meaningful ways than ever before.
Following ocean surf, you will be guided to visualize or simply think
about a large storage box with a heavy lid, a Security Repository
Box. This box is to be filled with all your worries and concerns. This
allows them to be set aside, leaving you free and unencumbered

during the exercises. Create it in your mind even if you don't see,
hear, or feel it. Make it really yours, so it will work for you by giving
you the space to detach yourself from whatever concerns hold your
focus. You may design your own box; perceive it as simple or
ornate, conventional or high tech, physical or nonphysical. In other
words, it may be an old wood chest or an intricately designed
marble container. It may be a vacuum cleaner or nuclear particle
collector; or it may be a lead- lined box or a sphere of light. You
may also find that your box changes in size, shape or color as you
progress. Allow it to change, and use it as a symbol of your
changes and growth.
Put concrete symbols of worries or distractions into your box. For
example, use your billfold as a symbol for money concerns, your
watch as a symbol for time concerns, or a photograph representing
someone who is on your mind. Experiment. Put in lists of limiting
words like can't, won't, should, ought to, and isn't. You may want
to return to your box during an exercise. Place whatever you wish
in your box whenever you feel like doing so.
The Affirmation The Affirmation serves several purposes. It helps
you focus your attention on what you want to accomplish during
any exercise. It helps you focus your intent, thereby enabling you
to become more aware of your expanding awareness. It gives you
permission to respond to, and work with, other energy and energy
systems. Plus, it helps you stay relaxed and open to a variety of
helpful influences.
Resonant Tuning This is a breathing exercise to help you vitalize
and charge your entire system. It promotes accelerated gathering
of your vibrational energy while reducing your internal dialogue. In
addition to preparing you for these exercises, you may use
Resonant Tuning for meditation or quieting your thoughts.
As the Resonant Tuning chant begins on the CD, continue the same
breathing pattern, vocalizing with the humming sounds as you

exhale. Set your own rhythm, your own pace. Use the sounds on
the CD onlyas a guide. It is important that you actually make the
sounds with your physical vocal cords. You will soon grow
comfortable with this process and you may notice kinesthetic
responses as your body becomes aligned with resonant energy.
As you inhale, imagine an infinity of sparkling, vibrant, vital energy
around you. Pull it into all parts of your body and up into your head.
Since energy continues to flow, allow the energy to move and swirl
gently around your head as you hold your breath. Exhale through
your lips as if you were softly blowing out a candle, releasing any
tired, stale energy out through your body and the bottoms of your
feet. Open your eyes as you inhale, and close them as you exhale.
Coordinating your eye movement with your breathing is one way to
become aware of your ability to control autonomic (automatic)
behavior. Typically, eye blinking and breathing are accomplished
without the slightest thought on your part. Now, however, you will
plant a seed that may grow into full realization that you can assume
voluntary control over these processes. In other words, you can
recognize, change, and direct habitual behavior and reflexes.
Focus 3 This is a signpost, a Hemi-Sync state where your
brain and mind are more coherent, synchronized and balanced. You
will move to Focus 3 by a conventional count of one to three.
Focus 10 In Focus 10, your mind remains awake and alert; your
body is calmly, deeply, and comfortably asleep. You will move into
this state of total relaxation by first moving to Focus 3, and then by
letting various parts of your face and head progressively go limp
and relax. This relaxation of your head will then "flow into your
brain," which will feel and understand such a state, and will in turn
allow such relaxation to flow through your whole body. Move along
with the instructions, successively focusing upon and then totally
releasing each body part. Your body knows how to do this.

The count to Focus 10 will continue. From four to ten; at each

successive count you will relax another part of your physical body.
One of the paradoxes of "body asleep," or total relaxation, and
"mind awake" is the possibility of sudden heightened sensitivity:
hearing the swish of arterial blood flow behind your ears or feeling
the pores of your skin breathe. Spontaneous remote sensing is
another possibility in Focus 10; as is audio material you would
swear was actually on the CD this time, but not last time; or the
total presence of faraway delicate odors.
Affirmation for Well-Being
"...when you return to full waking reality, your body will
be so equalized as to overcome all those things that
might hinder or prevent it from being and giving its best
mental, spiritual, and physical self..."
This is the beginning of the Affirmation for Well-Being that you will
hear at the end of these exercises. It will help you balance your
physical and nonphysical energies. Know that the Affirmation is
working for you without effort on your part.
Countdown As you return from the exercise, move from the
count of ten to one; back to full, physical, waking consciousness or
Consciousness One (C-l). At the end of each exercise you will hear
music embedded with a signal designed to bring you to full
wakefulness. Despite the temptation to take off your headphones
early, listen to this music until it is withdrawn. It will bring you
completely "back" from the exercise. Stretch your arms and legs
and breathe deeply.

CD 2: ADVANCED Focus 10
Use this exercise after you are comfortable with CD 1.
Resonant Energy Balloon (REBAL) You have recharged and
revitalized your energy with Resonant Tuning. Now you will use this
energy to create a moving field, a Resonant Energy Balloon
(REBAL) around you. Create a flow pattern with your breath by
letting energy flow out of the top of your head like a fountain,
allowing it to continue flowing gently down and around you, and
then re-entering your body through the bottoms of your feet. Then
shift the flow pattern into a spiral, winding the energy down around
you and coiling it back up inside you. You will automatically
reabsorb this energy at the end of any exercise.
Your REBAL is an intensification of your own energy, helping to
create a high-energy state within and around you. Operating on a
principle of resonance, in accordance with the Affirmation, your
REBAL is like a sieve or filter: only energy that is equal to, or of a
higher, or more refined, vibration than yours will have access to
your energy field. As such, your REBAL is a shield from energy
forms that you may not want to be influenced by at any particular
moment. The REBAL also acts as a magnet, attracting influences
and guidance from higher energy forms. The more you build your
REBAL, the more your physical body will be able to sustain higher
and higher energy levels, until Focus 10 can become a launch pad
from which you will float or move into other energy states.
Your REBAL may spontaneously assume a different energy flow or
form, such as having a delicate membrane, in contrast to being a
force field, or becoming radiant, like an intensified aura. Since we
exist in our own energy field, like a fish unaware of being in the
water, the actual perception of your REBAL often becomes a
function of need. Although you may not always perceive your
REBAL, a good exercise is to play with sensing it in some manner.
For example, sense it through visions, feelings, and/or muscle
sensations. You can learn to "pop" your REBAL into place, turning it

on or extending it while in either C-l or in Focus 10, much like you

would switch on a flashlight, simply by using one resonant energy
breath as the switch. Inhale vital energy, and as you hold it, think
of a bright moving circle of light. Let it move down, around, and
over you as you exhale. You will automatically reabsorb your
REBAL, or you can choose to draw the circle back into yourself as
you inhale.
Build and rebuild your REBAL, store the energy as you would in a
charged battery, then turn it on and use it. Experiment. Extend
your REBAL while you are in a group of people and see if such
resonance will create a response in people like yourself. Discover if
doing so draws their attention to you much as striking a tuning fork
will activate others in harmony with it. For another experiment,
extend it around your car while you are driving. Find out if you
experience better traffic patterns, or if it helps you find a parking
space a little easier.


Use this exercise when you are comfortable with CDs 1 & 2.
Energy Bar Tool "Power sticks" abound in both our history and
mythology as links between human and spiritual forces, or as
connectors between physical and nonphysical energies. Moses
turned his staff into a serpent. Kings, queens, pharaohs, and high
priests carry symbolic maces and scepters. Excalibur led King
Arthur into battle, and Merlin focused his power through a wand.
Diana, the Roman goddess of the moon and of hunting, carried her
bow and arrows. And in the Star Wars film, light sabers linked the
Jedi Knights to The Force.
Find or create your own Energy Bar Tool (EBT) in Focus 10 - one
that is personal enough to share your identity, and through which
you can induce or gather, focus, and direct non-physical energies.

To create and charge your EBT, you will extend a dot of light into a
bar, turning it on and off as you allow the process to speed up until
the bar is pulsing like a strobe. As the speed increases, deliberately
disassociate yourself from the words "on" and "off," and from the
pace of your breathing. No matter how vague it may seem a first,
simply concentrate and focus on your EBT and feel it develop.
Sense the charged, electrical vibration of warmth. You may feel it
as total body sensation, as localized, or as moving and spreading.
Allow this pulsing, vibrational energy to build in intensity.
As you explore energy systems, you will find many uses for your
EBT You can also let it grow large enough to become a vortex or
tunnel and dive through it to explore further. You can place one
end in your Security Repository Box and see what happens, or use
it as beacon or antenna to attract guidance. Give it a voice, or allow
it to shift shape. Even though you lead it in the beginning, you may
find it leading you before long. These are intended to be
suggestions, not limitations. With practice, the forms and uses of
your EBT are limitless. Find a place to keep your EBT so it will
always be there for you, knowing that its power is reciprocal: as
you recharge it, it will recharge you.
Living Body Map By creating a Living Body Map (LBM) as an
energy tool, you can learn to balance and strengthen your physical
body, as well as recharge and energize it. In this exercise, you use
energy to influence energy, assuming that the physical will
automatically respond. Since maps represent the territory
objectively, you create both the perspective and the detachment
useful in healing.
Think in your mind or visualize the outline of your physical body in
sparkling white light, as if it were a map of you - a totally
nonphysical, pure energy "you."
You will practice changing your bright white energy map to red,
representing your circulatory system, blue to represent your

nervous system, yellow for your organs and glandular system, and
finally orange for your muscle and bone structures.
By placing your LBM over your physical body, you will be able to
sense any dim or flickering places. As you do this, let bright purple
healing energy flow from your Energy Bar Tool to any such places,
thereby merging these energies. Do so until your whole energy
body is even and balanced, sparkling and white.
Then, starting at the top of your LBM, wash and bathe it completely
with bright purple energy, washing out all impurities and recharging
every part of your body.
Repeat this procedure as you change your LBM in sequence from
sparkling white to red, blue, yellow, and orange, healing and
recharging each system independently.


Exercises from the Human Plus series teach the listener to open
and use an Access Channel, which transmits communication to all
levels of awareness - physical, mental, and emotional. With the
Access Channel open, a specific mind-body state is anchored to a
short verbal cue or Function Command. The desired state may then
be recreated at will simply by using the Function Command during
daily activities.
This exercise leads you in the normal way to F-10, then guides you
into opening and establishing your Access Channel. Upon closing
the Access Channel, you are then counted into sleep. Return is by
countback to C-l.
You may wish to listen several times, but once you are familiar and
comfortable with the Access Channel, you do not need to listen to
this exercise again.

CD 5 guides you once again to the Access Channel where you
receive the Function Command for letting go of any unwanted or
unhelpful emotional states or responses. You are encouraged to use
this Function Command (Plus, Let Go) during your daily life
activities whenever the need arises. The more you use this Function
Command, the easier and more effective it will become.
Upon closing the Access Channel, you are then guided into sleep.
Return is by countback to C-l.

This exercise guides you to the Access Channel where you then
receive the Function Command for restorative sleep (Plus, Heal.
Heal). This process allows you to maximize the body's natural
healing and recuperative abilities during sleep. Once this Function
Command is installed, you no longer need to listen to the exercise,
unless you wish to use it for reinforcement.
Upon closing the Access Channel you are then guided into sleep.
There is no count back. The sounds will simply fade out, allowing
you to continue your restorative sleep.

Deep Sleep gently guides you into sleep by once again using the
ten- point system of total relaxation, to re-establish and reinforce
your ability to enter into a deep state of relaxation.
Once in Focus 10 you will then be counted to 20, where you will be
left in deep sleep for the remainder of the exercise. Health
affirmations, which support your well being, are repeated at low
volumes throughout this period of sleep.


Track 1: Introduction to Focus 12
Focus 12 is a state of expanded awareness: a high energy state
where you can become more conscious of inner resources and
As with Focus 10, in Focus 12 you will find that you do not need to
know the way to guidance. Choose only to be guided. Not everyone
clearly hears voices, sees visions, or feels kinesthetic responses like
we hear, see, and feel in ordinary consciousness. Rarely do we
perceive non- physical energy in exactly the same way we perceive
in our physical, waking state. Often, there is a knowing, a gestalt,
or telepathic comprehension that we then translate Into verbal
Through trust and patience, and continuing to invest energy in the
process of self-exploration, you will learn to perceive more clearly.
Sometimes this happens slowly, step-by-step, and sometimes it
happens dramatically and suddenly, like water breaking through a
Trust this exercise and let it happen - enjoy whatever comes to
you. Effort is often counterproductive, and analyzing the 12-State is
only appropriate after the experience and not during it. "Getting
there" is a misnomer. If you allow the experience to unfold rather
than work for it, the audio signals will "take" you into Focus 12, as
you count from 10 to 12. Remain open and receptive to change,
and as your commitment to self-discovery deepens, your 12-State
will also deepen and you will become aware of many new types of
exploration. This is an exercise that you will utilize again and again.
It Is a background against which you can move into planned,
systematic explorations in whatever direction you choose.
After moving to Focus 10, you will then be guided to Focus 12 in
this introduction. Following a short period of time in Focus 12, you

will then be guided back to Focus 10. Then, once again, you will
move back to Focus 12. These movements back and forth between
Focus 10 and 12 are so that you begin to notice the distinctions
between these two different states of awareness, develop your own
markers for identification of them, and become comfortable moving
along the pathway between Focus 10 and 12. Having returned to
Focus 12 the second time, you will then be given a short free-flow
period in which to further explore this new state.

Track 2: Free Flow Focus 12

You will perform the preparatory process; move to Focus 10, then
to Focus 12. After you arrive at Focus 12, you will be introduced to
the beacon guidepost. This noninvasive sound will gently remind
you of where and who you are. As a result, it will enable you to
roam free and far without concern of drifting and forgetting your
purpose. Enjoy the freedom of exploring more fully this expanded
state of awareness.

Once you have become comfortable with Focus 12, you are
encouraged to utilize this unique state of awareness to manifest or
pattern for specific outcomes in your life. Simply listen to Free-Flow
Focus 12 and use the free-flow period to pattern for that which you
desire, incorporating the following suggestions.
Patterning operates from the basic assumption that thoughts
manifest as things, and that which we think, we become.
Accordingly, it's not a matter of whether we pattern, but of how
intensely and how deliber- ately we choose what we think. As we
deliberately make these choices in high-energy states, our patterns
emerge around us reshaping our lives with a speed and intensity
unavailable in ordinary consciousness. To learn more about this

important tool, at least consider that the patterning process is a

To create a pattern, think, feel, or imagine that which you desire to
become a part of your life. From F-12, place the pattern at the
center of your consciousness and push or let it flow strongly and
surely out in all directions and in all ways. Then release it.
Releasing your pattern is very important. Doing so will assist the
emergence of the pattern in your life. One way to determine if you
have released your pattern is if you have a sense of ease and
detachment regarding it. Here are some key points that will help
you make the most of patterning:

Pattern only in the present tense. For example, "I am now

receiving...." If you pattern in the future tense, it can be like a
sign in a supermarket window that says, "Free Soda
Tomorrow" a tomorrow that never comes.


Use "I" in your patterning statement and perceive yourself as

an active part of the pattern, so that it doesn't wind up
happening all around you and not to you.


Pattern only for yourself.


Be clear about what you want. Do you want a new house, or do

you want to be happy where you live? Do you want to lose ten
pounds, or do you want to feel better about yourself?


Be specific. The more detail you put into your pattern, the
more likely you are to get what you're asking for.


Be sure to ask for what you really want, because you'll likely
get exactly what you ask for.


Put some feeling and conviction into it. Strong emotion will
vitalize and reinforce your intention. Then let it go. Any pattern
set in Focus 12 can be changed, reinforced, or cancelled in
Focus 12. However, don't keep checking on it or changing it
because of doubts, fear, etc. A fisherman has to leave his bait
in the water for a while to get a bite, just as when you plant a
seed, you don't keep digging it up to see how it is growing.


For starters it might be a good idea to pattern for smaller,

reasonable requests. For example, if you pattern for the first
time for $10 million, at least part of you is likely to doubt that
it will really work. If you start by patterning for $50 to $100
and prove to yourself it works, then other, perhaps bigger,
patterns are going to come more easily.


Don't specify how your request will be fulfilled. Let the universe
or your total self decide and direct that.

10. It is always a good idea to qualify your pattern, asking that it

work only for the good of your total self.
11. Following the release of your pattern, express heart-felt
gratitude. It has been said that gratitude is the same vibration
as willingness, i.e., when we express gratitude we are at the
same time expressing our willingness to be receiving. Gratitude
serves to amplify the whole patterning process.


Track 1: Journey Through the T-Cells
After moving to F-12 by the method you have learned, the
technique of guided visualization then provides you the opportunity
to become more aware and familiar with your immune system. You
will communicate with an individual cell, which serves as a

representative for all your helper cells. Return to C-l is by the usual
Track 2: Color Breathing
An ideal way to link psyche and soma, or mind and body, in Focus
10 is to explore the degree to which colors resonate with, and thus
activate, your own energy. You can then quickly and easily develop
and control your physical and nonphysical energies. Once you are
familiar with this technique, experiment with other colors, and
other purposes.
There are many ways besides visualization to perceive color. For
instance, you may perceive it as sound, as vibrations, or as other
sensations. One participant, blind since birth, experienced different
colors as different textures.
During this exercise, you will inhale vibrant, sparkling energy.
Perceive bright greens as you hold this energy within you. Then
exhale, moving calm, cleansing green energy down through your
body. This will push any harmful emotion out and away from you,
reducing all stress and tension, as you feel calm and serene.
Use the same process with vibrant red to recharge your physical
body and for acts requiring speed, strength, and coordination.
Use vibrant purple to heal, restore, and balance the physical body,
by sending purple to that part of your body requiring help as you
say in your mind: "Heal, balance." In healing, you are creating or
maintaining a healthy body. Therefore, never energize the actual
problem. Even when you energize a body area in need of repair,
end your healing process by visualizing, or otherwise perceiving,
your body as well, whole, and perfect. By doing so, you are not
reinforcing the ailment; you are directing your resources to build or
maintain sound health. Because we live in time-space, we typically
think in terms of sending energy. As you become familiar with
"Color Breathing," consider that this method of healing is a merging

of energy. Furthermore, assume that you can gather energy from

an inexhaustible source; therefore, you can purposefully and freely
expend energy.
At the end of the exercise, you will move to Focus 12 and reinforce
the processes learned above.
Remember that all the images in the exercises are GUIDES. To
think an image, even a color, is to create it and that thought image
can have as much power as any visual image. Also, if you have
trouble "picturing" red, allow whatever comes to mind as "red" to
be your guide. Some people link the colors to nature - green means
grass. Others associate the colors with temperature - red means
warmth. Let your own knowledge lead the way and work with those
images and symbols. Give yourself permission to move away from
the given symbols and discover your own.


Positive Immunity workshop leaders have learned that It is often
desirable and beneficial for participants to work with other HemiSync exercises beyond the ones offered in the Positive Immunity
Program series. Particularly recommended by workshop participants
are the following titles:
Lungs: Support & Maintenance
Also highly recommended are the following Metamusic
compositions embedded with the Hemi-Sync frequencies. Favorite
selections include:
Ascension Cloudscapes
Deep Journeys
Dreamseed Higher
Inner Journey Into The
Deep Midsummer Night
Sleeping Through The


Q: Will Hemi-Sync become a crutch?
A: No, absolutely not. Hemi-Sync exercises are like training
wheels on a bicycle: wonderful for practice, but unnecessary as you
learn to ride far and free. In a way similar to biofeedback, you can
benefit from Hemi-Sync when not listening to an exercise. You
can learn to trigger a change in consciousness and obtain a desired
state by taking a deep breath and remembering the sensations you
had during an exercise. The more you practice this technique, the
easier and more effective it will become.

Q: What if I tend to fall asleep during an exercise?

A: Don't be discouraged. You are learning to maintain a balance
between deep relaxation and sleep. If you fall asleep your
subconscious will still experience and benefit from the exercise, but
the following are some suggestions: Make sure you are well rested
before doing the exercises (you may need to change the time of
day you work with the program). Splash water on your face and
neck prior to the exercise. Put a symbol for sleep in your Energy
Conversion Box. If these suggestions do not help, you may wish to
try listening to the exercises while in a seated position rather than
while lying down. Note: You may be "clicking-out. " This is different
from sleep. If you are clicking-out, you will have the sense that no
time has passed when you return to conscious awareness. Once
again, the memory of your experience will be stored even though
you have no recall. Clicking-out is a common experience that
diminishes as you progress.

Q: What if I'm not able or willing to do Resonant

Tuning out loud?
A: It is important for you to participate in Resonant Tuning. Doing
so will help you perceive your nonphysical energy so you may learn
to control and use it. Resonant Tuning promotes an accelerated
gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing dialogue. Your
discomfort about vocalizing with the exercise will eventually wane.

Q: I am aware of a buzzing or pressure in my forehead

and/or an acceleration of my heartbeat. Is this
A: These phenomena are common for some people in response to
the Hemi-Sync process. Remember, you are expanding your
awareness. You may, therefore, become more conscious of your
heartbeat, breathing, or other physical sensations. Many people
find such enhanced awareness a comforting link to physical reality
that allows them to move more confidently into other states of
consciousness. If you continue to feel distracted, put your
distractions into your Box. If you experience any discomfort, verify
that you have the volume just loud enough for you to hear the
verbal instructions.

Q: What should I do if the feeling of "heightened

energy" makes me uncomfortable?
A: Your goal during these exercises is to perceive your nonphysical
energy so you can learn to control and use it. You might practice
working with your nonphysical energy from an objective
"experimental" frame of mind to ease your discomfort. Speed it up.
Slow it down. You are in control.

Q: What if I can't remain on my back without getting

A: You may wish to use ear buds so you can listen on your side or
stomach. Alternatively, try propping yourself up with pillows or
sitting in comfortable chair.

Q: What if I can't visualize my REBAL?

A: Visualizing is only one way of perceiving. Some people are better
able to "feel" their REBAL by simply thinking of themselves
surrounded by and filled with tingling bursts of energy. Others
might "hear" the crackle of energy or know intuitively that their
REBAL is in place. Frequent practice in "popping" your REBAL
strengthens your ability to do so in whatever way is most effective
for you.

Q: How do I know if I'm in a particular Focus level or

experiencing what the exercise intends?
A: Suspend your expectations about Focus levels and trust that
your experiences in a given exercise are exactly as they should be
at the time. Everyone perceives the various Focus levels in their
own way. Similarly, no two individuals' experiences are alike.
Simply pay attention to subtle changes or feelings of movement
within your body and allow your experiences to unfold. Your
experiences may range from cosmic in nature to the mundane.
Accept what comes to you, without judgment, and continue to
practice with the assurance that all of your experiences are
valuable. If the instructions described what your experiences should
be, you might discount an experience because it was not mentioned
even though it was a meaningful event for you.

Q: How many times should I do an exercise before

going on to the next?
A: This varies from person to person. You should become familiar
and comfortable with an exercise and allow your intuition to guide
you as to when to move on. It isn't necessary to "master" an
exercise before progressing and you can always return for more


Q: What is Hemi-Sync?
A: Hemi-Sync is a patented, scientifically and clinically proven
"audio- guidance" technology refined with over 40 years of
research. Researchers learned that specific sound patterns could
lead the brain to various states of consciousness ranging from deep
relaxation or sleep to expanded awareness and other
"extraordinary" states.
The audio-guidance process works through the generation of
complex, multilayered audio signals, which act together to create a
resonance that is reflected in unique brain-wave forms
characteristic of specific states of consciousness. The result is a
focused, whole-brain state known as hemispheric synchronization,
or "Hemi-Sync," where the left and right hemispheres are
working together in a state of coherence. Different Hemi-Sync
signals are used to facilitate deep relaxation, focused attention, or
other desired states. As an analogy, lasers produce focused,
coherent light. Hemi-Sync produces a focused, coherent mind,
which is an optimal condition for improving human performance.
Music, verbal guidance, or subtle sound effects are combined with
Hemi-Sync signals to strengthen their effectiveness. These
recordings do not contain subliminal messages. You are always in

Q: What is the hissing or swishing sound I hear when

listening to Hemi-Sync exercises?
A: The sound you are hearing is intentional. It is referred to as
"pink noise" or "pink sound." Technically, it is a random distribution
of all the frequencies the human ear can hear and is provided as a
bed for the

Hemi-Sync signals. Do not use Dolby or other noise-reduction

systems as this would interfere with the effectiveness of the HemiSync process.

Q: Is Hemi-Sync like hypnosis?

A: Yes, they are similar. Hypnosis is an induced, altered state of
mind, in which the body is deeply relaxed, sufficient to be
temporarily ignored, except for demands like bladder fullness, etc.
It is sometimes described as "focused concentration." This "state" is
one in which the participant has perhaps even more control over
the body and self than in "ordinary" states of consciousness.
Witness the fact that hypnosis is sometimes used for pain control in
minor surgeries, childbirth, and even dentistry. It is an expanded
state of awareness, in which one can be fully aware of the sensory
data from the environment, (sound, light, temperature, etc.) and at
the same time can develop awareness of other data sources as
well, such as past lives, out-of-body information, information from
guides, one's inner self, etc. Neither state can "make" you DO
anything. You are able to maintain your faculties for choice and
value systems, including choosing to follow suggestions from the
therapist or not. Hemi-Sync is designed to leave control in the
hands of the listener as well. In this sense, it's somewhat related to
self-hypno- sis. Hemi-Sync does not "make" you do anything. It
simply creates an effect that helps you move into a certain state,
providing that you relax and are open to responding to the HemiSync process.

Q: Is a "clicking" sound normal?

A: No. If you hear sounds other than the hissing or swishing sounds
described above, first check your equipment to see if it needs
cleaning or repair. If you determine the Hemi-Sync CD is
defective, return it to us for a free replacement.

Q: Do Hemi-Sync04 exercises contain subliminal


A: No. Hemi-Syncw recordings contain no subliminal messages.

Occasionally, you will hear a verbal message at a very low volume
during a "sleep" period so as not to startle you. This, however, is
simply a repetition of previously heard information.

The Monroe Group acknowledges the significant contributions made

to the Positive Immunity Program by:
Jim Greene, Barbara Bullard, Kat Carroll, John Garger,
Elisabeth Fitzhugh, Bob Rosenthal
And all of the participants in their workshops: those "peaceful
warriors" who daily walk the fragile circle defined by the HIV virus.
Monroe Products
PO Box 505
Lovingston, VA 22949
FAX: 434-263-8699

The Positive Immunity Program contains verbal guidance and subtle sound
effects plus specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies to guide you into
focused, whole-brain states of consciousness. The Hemi-Sync sound patterns
on these recordings help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain-wave

activity in both hemispheres of your brainan optimal condition for improving

human performance.
Positive Immunity Program Strengthening the mind-body
The Positive Immunity Program is designed to reinforce the mindbody connection in order to strengthen the physical and mental
components of the total healing process. The goal is to train
individuals to boost and maintain their own natural immune system
by using the unique Hemi-Sync technology. The program
facilitates deep relaxation and a sense of well-being while training
the participant to recognize, understand, and use expanded states
of consciousness to direct energy for balancing and healing. The
Human Plus method is also introduced, training the participant to
use encoding cues to create at will a desired mind-body state. The
Positive Immunity Program has been reported to be helpful for
fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, HIV and other immune
disorders, as well as for maintaining wellness.

A detailed Guidance Manual and 11 exercises (9 CDs) are included:

Orientation, Advanced Focus 10, Living Body Map, Intro to Access Channel,
Let Go, Restorative Sleep, Deep Sleep, Intro To Focus 12, Free Flow 12, Journey
Through The T-Cells, and Color Breathing.
Hemi-Sync is a safe, time proven technology. However, if you have a tendency towards
seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental condition(s), do not listen to Hemi-Sync without first
consulting your physician. In the unlikely event you experience any physical or mental discomfort,
immediately discontinue use. While many of our products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to
replace medical diagnosis and treatment. All warranties whether express or implied,including warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed.
Please read:

2005 Monroe Products

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