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OCT 2016

RATIONALE FOR THE LESSON: The students have been working with nonstandard and standard units of measurement specifically their feet.
They know that nonstandard units can include: toothpicks, cubes, etc.
and that standard units are universal can include: a ruler, tape
measurer, scale, measuring cups etc. Today we are going to extend
what we have learned by actually measuring objects with another nonstandard tool, which is related to the book, Measuring Penny. In the
book Penny talks about both standard and non-standard units which is
great but she shows how she measures objects, which is even better.
This way the students can see non-standard units being used visually
and then they can read this book during independent reading time.
Since today is just an introduction to using non-standard units we will
read the book and then I will model for them how to measure using
dog biscuits. I will then invite students to come up and help me
measure. The objects they will be measuring already have the guiding
line to help them measure from end to end.


Measurement and Data 1.md:

Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units
1. Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of
two objects
indirectly by using a third object
2. Express the length of an object as a whole number of
length units,
by laying multiple copies of a shorter object
(the length unit) end to end;
understand that the length
measurement of an object is the number of samesize length
units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts
where the object being measured is spanned by a whole number
of length
units with no gaps or overlaps.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Students will use non-standard units of
measurement, Pennys dog biscuit, in order to measure objects given
to them.

Formal: Students will receive a familiar sheet and will need to

complete it independently. I will be looking to see if they can
accurately order objects by length. They will have the prompts given
to them in which they will need to write in the blank spaces.
Informal: I will be doing quick checks for understanding
throughout the lesson, students will be able to come up to the dock
camera and help me
measure using the dog biscuits.


IDENTIFIED LEARNING NEEDS: Those who finish early can measure objects

that I have created for them and write them on the back of their
recording chart. Those who need more assistance will have me walking
around as well as their partner.
Measuring Penny template
Penny Measuring Chart [included below]
Objects in order worksheet [included below]
Pennys objects and Dog biscuits
Measuring Penny Book by Loreen Leedy
TOTAL TIME NEEDED: Introduction/Demo [15 MIN], Practice [15 MIN], ReCap/Closure [5 MIN]
QUESTION: When do I use measurement at school? At home? The
larger world?
Today boys and girls we are going to read about Penny and her journey
while she measures different objects using non-standard and standard
units of measurement. As we read we are going to fill out the chart on
the SMARTboard {look at SMARTboard}. The first column says, What
tools did Lisa use to measure? and then the other column says, What
did Lisa measure? After the story we are going to do some measuring
using dog biscuits.

Read: Measuring Penny. {I will stop at certain points to discuss what is

happening on the page and how it is related to what we have done and
will do} Looking at our list: Discuss the different tools she used to
measurestandard or non-standard?
After reading: So looking at our list one of the ways Penny used to
measure was using dog biscuits. Today we are going to measure some
objects using them too. Turn to the dock camera because I am going to
show you how to measure using a non-standard unit, bog biscuits.
POINT OUT: Line them up end to end
No spaces between
Count carefully
**Notice how these is a line to help guide you
Students will be coming up to the dock camera and helping me
measure different objects using the dog-biscuit ruler.
- They will each have their own charts to fill in and their own dog
biscuit ruler. Groups of students will move station-to-station measuring
the different printed out objects. There will be a total of 10 stations. I
will ring the chimes when they need to switch to another station.
- Students are going to share their findings on the SMARTboard using
the template below. [Available under: ORDER OF SMART BOARD
BELOW] Students will be able to discuss if they got different results
and if time is available show how they measured the objects.
- It is important to know how to compare objects and measure objects
using non-standard units of measurement if you do not have a ruler or
tape measurer. Next time we are going to measure objects around the
room using different non-standard units of measurement.
Other ways to display the objects: Have the objects labeled around
the room and have the students walk freely recording their data. I
would have the students stay on the carpet and watch me model until
they feel comfortable measuring on their own.

Connecting lesson: Students will work in groups measuring items

using different non-standard units of measurement. Afterwards they
can write about their experience using different key words provided.

Order of SMARTboard and Worksheets



What tools did Lisa
use to measure?

What did she


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