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Acting out = actuacin
Addiction = adiccin
Adulthood = adultez
Alcohol abuse = alcoholismo
Andropause = andropausia
Anxiety = ansiedad
Appointment = cita
Approach = enfoque
Assistance = asistencia
Autonomic nervous system = sistema nervioso autnomo
Awareness = toma de conciencia, darse cuenta
Baseline = valor inicial
Behavior = comportamiento
Behavior modification = conductismo
Behavioral psychology = psicologa conductual o conductista
Borderline = lmite
Brief therapy = terapia breve
Bullying = acoso, intimidacin escolar
Called for = necesario/a (s)
Care-taker = cuidador
Change = cambio
Childhood = niez
Chronic = crnico
Client = cliente
Clinic = clnica
Clinical psychologist = psiclogo clnico
Cluster = conglomerado, grupo, racimo
Cognitive therapy = terapia cognitiva
Cognitive-behavioral therapy = terapia cognitivo-conductual
Collapse = desmayo, sncope, crisis
Collect ones thoughts = coordinar sus ideas
Communication = comunicacin
Comprehensive = amplio, extenso
Conduct = conducta
Conflict = conflict
Confrontation = confrontacin
Consciousness = conciencia
Consultant = consultante
Consultation = consulta
Contact = contacto
Counseling = consultora
Counselor = consejero
Couple therapy = terapia de pareja
Couples counseling = consultora o asesora para parejas

Crime = delito
Crisis intervention = intervencin en crisis
CyberSuicide = cibersuicidio
Deception = engao
Delirium = delirio
Delusion = ideas delirantes
Depression = depresin
Deprivation = privacin
Despondency = desaliento
Development = desarrollo
Diagnosis = diagnstico
Dialog = dilogo
Disorder = trastorno
Disruptive = perturbador
Distress = angustia
Driven = decidido
DX = diagnstico
Dyslexia = dislexia
Edginess = tensin nerviosa
Edgy = irritable
Educational psychology = psicologa educativa
Effective = eficaz
Effectiveness = eficacia
Ego = yo
Elicit = provocar, producir
Evaluation = evaluacin
Evidence = indicios, pruebas, hechos
Evoke = provocar
Examination = examen
Extent = magnitud
Externalizing = exteriorizado
Extroversion = extraversin
Family therapy = terapia familiar o de familia
Female (or feminine) psychology = psicologa femenina
Flashback = reviviscencia
Fleeting = pasajero/a
Frustrated = frustrado
Gender = gnero, sexo
Gestalt psychology = psicologa de la Gestalt
Get started = disponerse|comenzar a hacer cosas
Grief = duelo
Group therapy = terapia grupal o de grupo
Help = ayuda
Here and now = aqu y ahora
Hope line = telfono de ayuda
Humanistic psychology = psicologa humanista
Hypnosis = hipnosis

Id = ello
Identification = identificacin
Impaired ability to concentrate = capacidad de concentracin alterada
Implement = llevar a cabo, realizar
Individual therapy = terapia individual
Individuals = personas, individuos
Infancy = primera infancia
Insight = discernimiento repentino, toma de conciencia, darse cuenta
Intentional = intencional
Internalizing = interiorizado
Intervention = intervencin
Interview = entrevista
Joint therapy = terapia conjunta
Licensed psychologist = psiclogo colegiado
Male (or masculine) psychology = psicologa masculina
Marital counseling = consejera matrimonial
Mass psychology = psicologa de las masas
Medical = mdico
Mental health = salud mental
Method = mtodo
Misery = amargura
Mobbing = acoso laboral
Monitoring = verificacin, supervisin, vigilancia
Motive = motivo
Motor activity = actividad motriz
Myth = mito
Neurosis = neurosis
Neurotic = neurtico
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD = trastorno obsesivo compulsivo TOC
Occupational psychology = psicologa del trabajo
Outpatient = paciente ambulatorio
Own equivalent = estado indicado por el paciente
Pathology = patologa
Patient = paciente
Pedophilia = paidofilia
Perception = percepcin
Personal development = desarrollo personal
Pervasive = dominante
Possitive psychology = psicologa positiva
Post-traumatic stress disorder = sndrome de estrs postraumtico
Prevention strategies = estrategias de prevencin
Problem = problema
Process = proceso
Professional = profesional
Profile = perfil
Prognosis = prognosis
Psychiatrist = psiquiatra

Psychiatry = psiquiatra
Psychoanalysis = psicoanlisis
Psychoanalyst = psicoanalista
Psychological = psicolgico
Psychologist = psiclogo
Psychology = psicologa
Psychosis = psicosis
Psychosomatic = psicosomtico
Psychotherapist = psicoterapeuta
Psychotherapy = psicoterapia
Rates = tasas
Reassurance = palabras tranquilizadoras
Recurrent = recurrente
Regression = regresin
Reinforcement = refuerzo
Relationship = relacin
Report = informe
Reports of mood = manifestacin del estado de nimo
Research = investigaciones
Resilient = resistente, fuerte
Responsive = sensible, reactivo
Risk factor = factor de riesgo
Role-playing = representacin de papeles
Salience = saliencia
Self-accusations = autorreproche
Self-conscious = cohibido
Self-depreciation = desvalorizacin personal
Self-destructive behavior = conducta autodestructiva
Self-reproach = autorreproche
Sensation = sensacin
Sensitive = sensible
Sessions = sesiones
Severe = grave
Short-term psychotherapy = psicoterapia breve
Significant others = allegados
Sinfulness = inmoralidad
Situation = situacin
Slowness of thought = enlentecimiento del pensamiento
Solution-focused brief therapy = terapia breve centrada en soluciones
Solutions = soluciones
Stages = etapas
Stakeholder = grupos de inters, cualquiera que tenga un inters en lo que
hace o deja de hacer una organizacin
Stress = estrs
Stressors = estresores
Suicidal ideation = idea suicida
Suicidal intent = intencin o intento suicida

Suicide notes = notas suicidas

Support gorups = grupos de autoayuda
Survivor = sobreviviente, superviviente
SX = sntoma
Syndrome = sndrome
Tautology = redundancia
Techniques = tcnicas
Teenager = adolescente
Tendency = tendencia
Test = prueba
Theory = teora
Therapeutic = teraputico
Therapy = terapia
Treatment = tratamiento
TX = tratamiento
Typology = tipologa
Unit = unidad
Unrelenting = constante
Unvarying = constante
Urge = alentar
Volunteer = voluntario
Well-being = bienestar
Workshop = taller

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