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Pyramus and Thisbe

This story is about two families that live next to one another and
their two kids are forbidden lovers. they decide to meet one night
and the girl's veil gets torn being chased by a lion. He sees her torn
veil and kills himself, and she sees him dead and kills herself.

Orpheus and Eurydice

This lover is a musician who plays magical music. His wife dies of a
snake bite right after they get married and he uses his talent for
music to go and rescue her from the underworld, but looks over his
shoulder as he leaves and she disappears as the consequence.

Ceyx and Alcyone

this husband goes out on a journey through the ocean and gets
shipwreched and dies on the first night. His wife waits and waits for
him but soon finds out from (the sleep god)Somnus's son Morpheus
that he is dead. She goes to the ocean to drown herself but sees
his body floating toward her. The gods turn them both into birds and
they fly together forever

Pygmalion and Galatea

A sculptor and a woman hater, this sculptor sculpts a woman and
falls in love with it, treats it like its real. He asks Venus to make it
real and they fall in love, get married, and have a kid named

Baucis and Philemon

Zeus gets bored just living in Olympus and goes down to Earth with
Hermes. They act like poor travelers until finally a couple takes
them in. For doing so, Zeus makes a grand temple and grants them
one wish-to be together eternally. So when they die they turn into a
tree together.

This story is about a shepherd that is protecting his flock one night
when the moon, Selena, comes down and falls in love with him.
She puts him to sleep forever so that she will always know where to
find him.

This is a story about a huntress of the goddess Artemis. She is
hunting and Apollo fall sin love with her, and chases her when she
runs, but she gets tired and asks her father, a river god to turn her
into a tree, which is the tree Apollo keeps as his own.

Alpheus and Arethusa

This is the story of a huntress of Artemis that stops in the river one
day to bathe, only to find the river god, Alpheus in love with her. He
chases her but she gets tired and asks Artemis to turn her into a
spring that shoots up somewhere, but the river god changes to
water so that they can forever mingle together

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