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Polski MSA1 Stuart z 2 Pulku Pancernego 1Dywiali Pancerne), Niemey 1946 +. Polish M5A1 Stuart from 2nd Panzer Regiment, 1st Panzer Division, Germany 1945. Wéz szturmowy (MBA1 pozbawiony wiezy] 10 Pulku Strzeleéw Konnych 1 Dywisji Panceme}, Niemoy 1945 «. ‘Storming vehicle (MSA1 without turret) from 10th Horse Gunner Regiment, 1st Panzer Division, Germany 1945, Polski MAY Stuart z 24 Pulku Ulanow 1 Dywizii Pancernej, Belgia 1944 r. Polish MSA1 Stuart from 24th Uhlan Regiment, 1st Panzer Division, Belgium, 1944 /)\ merykaiski czolg lekki M5 byt rezultatem rozwoju LA\tekkich czolgéw M3, ktSrych konstruowanie ro2- pocreto w latach trzydziestych minionego wiekw. Lek ie czolgi powstawaly 2 mysla o wsparci piechoty, podobnie jak pojazdy bojowe tru. combet cars projek- fowane byly do dziatai' w bezposrednie] wspdlpracy Zkawaleria. Konstrukeje swojego lekkiego czolgu Amerykanie opario brytyiska konstrukcie Vickers Amstrong Six Ton Export Tank. Czolg ten byt w okre- sie migdeywojennym weoreem dla wielu innych kon strukeji tego typu na Swiesie ~ na nim opart sie 30- wiecey konstruktorzy buduige T-26, w Polsce na bazie tej konstrukeji powstab 7TP ZAmenykanie wv oparciu o doSwiadozenia z czoigier ‘Amstrong opracowali wiasny lekki crolg TIE4 Wym smym czasie rounied opracowali 11 combat car zany Czalgiem Chrstiego. W! 1934 roku ukonszono lek & ezoig 2 TS combat ear. ktdre miaty wapeine elemen "y.W 1995 ulepszony TS combat car szed! do produ} denaceony M1 combet car 1 ezoig lekki T2 cenaczony MaA\. Jednowiezowy MZA1 zostal szybko zastapiony zee dwvaviokony ozo lekki M242. W 1838 roku ulep Sony czoig lekki i283. wszed! do produkeji rezem EMA combat car W meju 1940 roku w parc 0 do Syiadezenia 2 wezeéniejseymi pojazdam) bojowym iro porta 2 Europy, vlepszony ez0k9 lekki M2AS. zosta worawadzony do produksi serving) 7)\ merican MS light tank was @ direct development ‘of M3 light tank series, which had its roots in the 1930s. During 19303, Americans developed number of ht tanks for infantry units and combat cars for cav- alry units. Americans began their development of a light tank based on a British Vickers-Armstrong Six- ‘Ton Export tank, which was the most influential tank design of the inter-war period (e.g. Soviet T-26 and Polish 7TP light tanks). ‘Americans based on their experience with Vickers ‘Armstrong tank, developed their own T1E4 light tank. At the same time, Americans developed T1 combat car also known as Christie tank. In 1934, T2 light tank and TS. combat car were completed, which shared common components. In 1935, improved TS combat car entered praduction designated M1 combat car and T2 light tank designated M2At light tank. Single turret M2A1 was soon replaced by twin turret N2A2 light tank. In 1938, improved M2A3 light tank entered production along with improved MIAT combat car. In May of 1940, based on the experiences with previous armoured fighting vehicles {and roports from Europe, improved M2AA light tank on tered production, Following the fall of France in June of 1940, USA realized the need to expand and modemize its armoured fighting force. First step involved combining all ‘combat cars dnd light tanks under single command, M1 and MIA1 combat cars were designated M1A2 light MSA1 Stuart MSA1 Stuart Po blyskawiczne| woinie w Polsce i réwnie szybkim okonaniu najpoteznieszej armii Swiata za jaka uwazano Francie Amerykanie zrozumiel, ze nadszed! czas na gun towna modernizagie | rozbudowe swoich jednostek pan ceryeh. Pierwszym krakiem bylo podporzadkowanie czolgow i combat cars jednemu dowédztwu. MT i MTAT combat car otrzymaly oznaczenio czoig lokki M1A2 a M2 combat car, czolg lekki MAI. Prace nad nowym czol giem lekkim M3 rozpoczaly sig tuz po klesce Francii Nowy ezolg mial charakterystyke czolgu lekkiego M24 I M2combat car. Produkcja rozpoczeta sie w marcu 1941 roku w zakladach American Car & Foundry. Nowy pojazd byt w klasiea sowieckiaga 7-26, polskiago 7TP i czeskiago, produkewanego nastepnie dia niemieckiej armi LT-38) Pk aft Do 1944 + wypradukowano ponad 18000 czolgéw: MB w tech gléwnych wersjach: MG, M3A1 i MA3 Czoigi M3 byly znane jako General Stuart, Stuart i Honey. Nazwy te nadali czolgom Brytyiczycy. M3 byl takie znany jako Stuart |, M3A1 jako Stuart Illi M3A3 jako Stuart V Latem 1941 r. przeprowadzono testy z@ zmodyfiko- wanym czolgiem M3 wyposazonym w dwa benzynowe silnki samochodowe Cadillac VB zariast pojedynczego silnika Continental W670 albo silnika Diesla Guiberson ¥-1020. Para silnik6w byla polgczona z cutomatyczna skreynia biegow Hydramatic, ktora bardzo Ulatwiala pro: wadzenie czolgu. Dalsze prace nad tym nowym lekkim ezolgiom oznaczonym M4 zatwiordzono w listopadzie 1941 +, Nowy czolg M4 miat posisdaé na nowo opraco: any, wigkszy spawany kadlub 2 wieza czolgu M3A3, Czoigi Stuart M5A1 i Cromwele 2 10. Putku Strzoleow Konnyeh, ‘Stuart MBAT and Cromwele tanks of 10th Horse Gunner Regiment, (MBA1 Stuart 2 1 Dywizii Pancorne) MBA1 Stuart from Ist Panzer Division tanks and M2 combat cars M1A1 light tanks. Work on new M3 light tank begun in July of 1940. New tank combined features of both M24 light tank and M2 com bat cat. Production began in March of 1941 by Amencan Car & Foundry plant. New vehicle was in the same class as Soviet F-26, Polish 7TP and CzechoslovakiGerman LT-38 J Pakpfw 38it) light tanks. By 1944, over 18000 M3 light tanks were produced in three main variants ~ M3, MAL and M3A3. M3 light tanks were also known as General Stuan, Stuart and Honey by the British. M3 was known as Stuart, M3A1 as Stuart ill and M3A3 as Stuart V. In the summer of 1941, trials were carried with modified M3 light tank fitted with two gasoline Cadilac V8 car engines instead of single Continental W-870 gas- ling aircraft engine or Guiberson T-1020 diesel engine. The twin engines were coupled with Hydramatic auto- matic transmission, which made it easy to drive the tank The further development of this new light tank designat- ed as Ma was approved in November of 1941, New Ma light tank was to have newly designed and larger welded hull and was fitted with same turret as MAS light tank Some mechanical components were relocated and re: sulted in more space for the crew. Prototype was tested in April of 1942 and was designated as M5 light tank n to be confused with M4 medium tank (General Sher man. In April of 1942, production started at Cadillac Mator Car Division and in July 1942 at Massey Harris, Company. In September of 1942, M5 was modified based on the exparionces with M3A3 and was designat- fod as MAT light tank, From April of 1942 to June of Niemioe. Polish Stuarts MSA1 on Germeny area Polskio Stuarty MSA1 na torori Stuart M5A1 z nierozpoznanego oddzialu 1. Dywiali Pancernoj na terenie Belgi ‘Stuart MBAT from unknown unit of tst Panze Division in Belgium Niaktére podzespoly mechaniczne zostaly przotozone iw rezultacie miisce dla 221091 powiekszylo sie. Proto: typ testawana w kwietniu. 1942 ri nowy czolg otreymat oznaczenia MB aby uniknaé pomyick ze Srednim czol giem M4 General Sherman, Produkcj9 rozpoczeto na tychmiast w Cadillac Motor Car Division i w Massey Harris Company. We wrzesniu 1942 roku M5 zostat zmo- dyfikowany w oparciu 0 M3A3 i oznaczony MBAT. Od kwietnia 1942 do czenwea 1944 wyprodukowano 4148 ‘zolgow MB i MBA1, gkwnio w firmie Cadilac Motor Car Division oraz Massey Harris Company i American Car Foundry, MGA by} takze znany jako Stuart VI. Czolgi Ms mialy byé zastapione preez Sredni czolg M7, jednak Konstrukeja ta okazata sig nioudana. Na micjsce MB wazedt do pradukai lekki czolg M24 Chaffee. W pordwnaniy 2 seria ezolgow M3 nowy lekki czolg MB miat wieks2y, spawany kadiub 2 nachylona preednia plyta, pionowymi plytami bocznymi i podniosiona pita nadstiikawa. Pojazd by! dosé wysoki, co 2 jecnej strony :macanie ulatwialo dowSdey prowadzonia obserwacji te ronu, ale jednaczesnie ulatwialo nigprayiacielowi prowa- dzenie celnego ognia, \Wlazy do preedziclu kiarowey przeniesiono ze wzgle- du na zmiang ulozenia pancorza. Nowe silniki 2 taczna moca 220KM) spowodowaly, ze czolg by! cichy, szvbki iatwwy w prowadzeniu (dzigk! wprowadzeniu automatycz oj skr2yni biogow Hydromatic) Zestosowanie silnikow ‘omnisjseych gabarytach niz. poprzednie spowodowaly, 28 powieks2vlo sig miojsce dla zatagi oraz ulatwito wsze! Pet 1944, mainly Cadillac Motor Car Division along with Massey Harris Company and American Car & Foundry produced 4148 MS and 6810 MAI light tanks, MBAT was also known as Stuart VI. M5 light tank was followed by unsuccessful M7 light (medium) tank to be eventually replaced by M24 Chaffee light tank In comparison with M3 series tanks, new MS light tank had new larger welded hull with sloped front ar ‘mour plate, vertical side plates and raised engine deck. Overall profile of the vehicle was rather high providing commander with great view but at the same time mak ing it an easy target for enemy gunners. Hatches used to access the driver’s compartment were relocated due to the changes in the armour plate configuration. New en- gines (with total output of 220hp) made the vehicle au eter and quick as well as easier to operate due to the use fof an automatic transmission - Hydramatic (4 forward and reverse, Use of smaller in size engine made it pos- sible to increase the space inside the hull, improving the crew conditions as well as simplified maintenance. Veh cle was also equipped with double driving controls allow: ing operating the vehicle by either driver or assistant driverymachine gunner if needed. New tank was lso fit ted with few more periscopes improving crew's visibility MB used the turret from M3A1, while improved MISA1 sed modified turret of M3A3 light tank with radio bulge (for SCR 508, 628 or 538 set}, radio antenna mount and removable back of the bulge for gun removal and main- tenance, MSA1 had additional escape hatch in the bot MBAI 2 nierozpoznanego oddzia- Pancerne} w marszu przez Ho ‘Stuart MSA1 tanks from unknown unit of 1st Panzer Division on the route through the Ne ‘therlands. MSA1 Stuart MBA Stuart kie prace obstugowe i napraweze. Crolg zostal wyposa Zony w podwoiny system kierowania pozwalsiacy na pro- ‘wadzenie go przez kierowce lub strzelea, Wieksza liczbe peryskopbw ewiekszvla pole obserwacii. Czolg MS posia dat wieze 2 M3A1 a ulepszona wersja MBA1 wieze czok ‘qu M3A3 z wneka na radio (zestaw SCR 808, 528 lub 538), uchweytom na anteng oraz tying plyte wiezy ktéra mogia byé zdemontowana w celach wymontowania lub przegladu dziala. MBA1 posiadol dodatkowy wlaz ratun kowy w dhie kadlubs a wieza otrzymala zmodernizowane jaremo i nawe preyready optyczne. MBAI by! modyfiko: wany w trakcle produkoji w rezultacie czego powstaly dwie worsja — standardowa i pééna, Uzbrojenie skladalo sig 2 dalala 37 mm MG z karabinem maszynowym 0,20 cal (7,62 mm) Browning M1919A4 oraz dwoma karabina mi_maszynowymi 0,30 cal. (7.62 mm) Browning MI181944 jeden zamontowany w kadlubie a drugi na wiedy jako obrona plot.) Bardzo czesto karabin na wiezy by! zastgpowany przez karabin maszynowy 0,50 cal (12,7 mm) w celu zwiekszenia sily ognia. MB posiadat zapas 447 sztuk amunicii | 6750 sztuk amunicli 7,62 mm. Do: datkowo przewazono broft do uzycia pr2ez zaloge (np. pistolet maszynowy Thompson), Pancerz kadluba wyno: Si 64 mm (przednia plyta), 29 mm plyty boczne i 25 mm phyty tyine. Pancerz wie2y wynosil ~ 51 mm preednia plyta, 32 mm plyty boczne i 13 mm plyta géma, Zapas paliwa wynosit 344 litry @ zasigg 160 km, Waga czolgu MA1 wynosila 153 tony. Zaloga czolgu sktadata sig Z.crterech os6b — kierowcy, strzelca a zarazem zastepcy kierowey, dzislonowego i dowédey. Niektére czolgi wy posazono w tzw. ostony pustynne oraz zesiaw de santowy, Czolgi MBA1 pozbawione wise zostaty zami nione w wozy szturmowe plutonu szturmowe- go 10. Pulku Strzeleow Konnych 1. Dywia{i Par MBA tanks without turrets were changed into storming vehicles of storming troop of 10th Horse Gunner Regiment, 1st Panzer Division, Germany 1945, ‘Stuart M5A1 nr 7271185 z 2. Pulku Pancernego walk na terenie Niemiee ‘Stuart M5A1 No. 7271185 from 2nd Panzer Re- giment of Gen. Stanislaw Maczek 1st Panzer Division during fights in Germany, tom hull, while its turret had improved gun mantlet an newer gun optics, MSA1 were modified during produc: tion creating two distinguishable sub-variants ~ standara and late production model. Armament consisted of 37 mm MB gun with coaxial 0:30cal (7,62 mm) Browning M191944 machine gun along with two 0.30cal (7.62 mm) Browning M191944 machine guns {one mounted in the front hull and one as antiaircraft machine gun on the turret). Often turret mounted 0.20cal (7.62 mm} machine ‘un was replaced with 0.50cal (12.7 mm) machine gun for increased firepower. MS carried 147 37 mm rounds ‘and 6750 0.30cal (7.62 mm) rounds. Additional weapons, ‘were carried for the use by crew such as Thompson sub: machine gun. Hull ermour protection ranged from max mum 64 mm on the front, 29 mm on the sides to 25 mm fon the rear, Turret armour ranged fram maximum 51 mm (on tha front, 32 mm on the sides and rear to 13 mm on the top. Fuel capacity was 344 Itres and range was up to 160km. Wight of M5A1 was 16,3 tons. The MAT had a crew of four: driver, assistant driverimachine gun: net, main gunner and tank commanderfloader, Some vehicles were fitted with sand shields and quipped for amphibious operations if needed, MB light tanks equipped US Army Armoured Div sions and non-divisional cavalry reconnaissance squad: rons. MS light tank had its dabut with US Army in North Africa in 1843 and fought since then with the Allies in Sicily and on the Italian mainland. Limited firepower and armour protection proved that MS light tank was unsutt able for tank warfare in the European theatre of wat. I was obsolete and outclassed when compared to the German stmout and antitank weapons of the late war Lotkie czoigi MB weszly w sklad wyposazenia Dywi- aii Pancemych i nie podiegajgcych dywizjom pulkow awiadowerych kawalerii US Army. Czolg MB zadebiuto- waw Péinacne] Afryce w roku 1943 i od tego momentu walczyl w sluzble Aliantéw na Syeylii i we Wioszech, Ograniczona sita ognia i staby pancerz wykazaly ze czolg lekki M5 nie nadawat sie do wojny prowadzone| w Euro- pie. W poréwnaniy 2 niomieckimi czalgami i pojazdami pancemymi byt archaiceng konstrukejg nie wytraymulaca Oognia nie tylko ww. pojazd6w ale takze broni ppanc. Po operacii D-Day czolgi MS nadal pelnity role broni 2wia- doweze] | ostaniajace] ataki piechoty az do kapitulacii Niemiee. Sytuacia wygladala zupeinie inacze| na Pacyf ku, gdzie japoriskie pojazay Sojowe | brow®ppanc. byly areewaanie przestarzale | niecfektyvne. Czolgi seri MB uzywano glownie przeciwko atakom japorskie) plechoty ‘do wsparcia alianckie| piechoty. Lekki czoig serii M5 zostal u2yty jako baza do nowe: go pojazdu ~ MB 75 mm HMC (howitzer motor carriage) samobiednej haubiey znanej rovnie® jako General Scott Pojazd ten wszedi do produkeji we wraesniu 1942 r Haubica 75 mm MIA byle zamontowana w wieksze} cotwarte| na gérze wiedy umieszczone] w misiscu wiedy czoigu MS po modyfikacii géme| | przedhniej czesci kadtu ba, Produkoja trata do stycania 1944 r. i zakoriczono ja po wykcnaniu 1778 pojazdéw tego typu. Ich gléwna rola bylo wsparcie ogniowe dla pulkéw awiadowczych kawa- levi. MB HMC bral udziat w walkach w Europie i na Pa cyfiku, Po zakofiezeniu produkeji, wieze byty stosowane ra pojazdach desantowych LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) ktére pozostaly w slu2bie da korica lat pieédziesiatych, Jedynym poza USA uzytkownikiem MB HMC byla Fran ca, ktdra otrzymata 174 pojazdy od USA i uzywata ich do !956roku. Inne wersje MB to haubiea 105 mm, ktéra nie wykroczyla poza stadium prototypu, czolg dowodzenia 2 pudelkowata nadbudéwka zamiast wiezy, MS z megefo: nami do prowadzenia wojny psychologiczne), MS z urza- dzeniem do cigcia 2ywaplotow, MB soychacz, M5A1 zmiotaczem plomieni £7-7 umieszezonym w_miejscu dziala 37 mm, MBAI z mictaczem plomieni £9-9 zamiast km w kadtubie, MBA1 2 wyrzutnig rakiet T39 zamontowa- ng nad wieza i MGA1E1 z szerokimi gasienicami, Powstal réwnier pojezd awiadowezy TB, kibty by! czolgiem seri MB bez wiady i na je miejscu posiadal karebin maszyno: vwy 0,50cal (12,7 mm) TB byty stosowane jako pojazdy awiadoweze oraz jako transportowe i ciagniki artylery: skie. T8 funkcjonowaly réwnier pod nazwa Stuart Kan: garoo. ‘Stuart M5A1 2 24, Pulku Ulandw 1, Dywizji Pancernej we Francji ‘Stuart MSAI of 24th Uhlan Regiment of 1st Panzer Divi- sion in Franco, potiad. Following the D-Day, MS series light tanks re mained in active service llargely relegated to the recon- haissance and support role) with the Allies to the end of the war in Europe. Situation was much different in the Pacific theatre of wat, where Japanese armour and anti tank weapons were scarce and obsolete, MB series tanks were mainly used against Japanese infantry at tacks and in support of Allied infantry, MB series light tank served a base for M8 75 mm. HMC ~ howitzer motor carriage self-propelled gun also known as Generel Scot. This vehicles entered produc: tion in September of 1942. 75 mm M1A1 pack howitzer was mounted in a larger open top turret and was in stalled in place of the MB's turret after modifications were made to the upper hull and front hull plate. Produc: tion continued at Cadillac Motor Car Division till January ff 1944 and some 1778 were produced. Their main role was to provide fire support for cavalry reconnaissance quadrons. Thay saw combat both in European and Pa: cific theatre of war. After production of M8 HMC enced, its turrat was used on LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked) landings craft series, which remained in service til late 1950s. The only other user of MB MHC was Franct wich received 174 vehicles from USA and used ther til Stuart MSA1 2 24, Pulley Utanéw w ezasie walk © Bel Stuart MSA1 from 24th Uhlan Regiment dur fights of Belgium MSA1 Stuart MSA1 Stuart Stuart M5A1 z nieustalone} jednostki w czasie walk pod Chambois. Stuart MSA1 from unknown unit during battle near ‘Chambois. nny krajom - 1421 trafilo do Wiekiej Brytanii, 5 do ZSSR, 228 do Francl. Polskie Sity zbrojne na Zachodzie otrzymaly od Brytyjczykow okolo130 czoigow M3 i MS, ktéro sluzyly w 1 Dywigii Pancerne| ‘perujace| w pélnacno-zachodnie| Europie orez w 2 Dyw 2} Pancorne| operujace| we Woszech. Czechostowacka Samodzieina Brygada Pancema u2ywala okolo 30 czolgow | MEA1. Brytyiczycy dostarczyli 259 czolgow seri M3 i M5. 1 Armii Kanadyiskie. Kilka zdobycenych czolgéw seri MB zostalo uzyto preez Niemcow min. w Normandii, Po wo nie US Army uzywala czolgow MIBAI tylko przez kika let zastepujec je szybko czolgami M24, Takzo armia brytyiska doSé szybko wycofala ja 20 shuzby, Pod koniec lat czter dziestych M3 i MBAI dostarczono do Beigii, Holand, Wioch, Tureji i Grecj. Armia francuske uzywala czolgi MBA1 do polowy lat pieédziesiatych az do zastapionia ich francuskimi AMX-13. MBA1 stanowily wyposazenie jedno- stek pancernych Tajwanu { Indi Dzisiaj czolgi MS i MSA1 mozne zobaczyé w réznych muzeach Swiata m.in. w Wirginia War Museum w USA, The Patron Museum of Cavalry and Armour, Veterans Memorial Museurn, Museum AT Fort Hood, Aberdeen Proving Ground Museum, Muzeum Waks Atlantyckiego Atlantyckiego we Francj, w Tank Museum w Wielkiej Brytanii, w Muzeum Jednostek Pancernych Rosi Kolekcia fotografi zamieszczana w niniejsaym opra cowaniu powstala dzigki uprzeimosci Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung w Kablenz, George Parada Stuarty MSA1 w Wilhelmshaven. Niemcy, 1945 +. Stuarts MBA1 at Wilhelmshaven. Germany 1945, mid-1950s. Thote was also 105 mm howitzer motor car ‘iage - T82, but the end of the war cancelled its produc- tion. Othor versions of MB series light tanks included: MB command tank with boxy superstructure in place of the turret, MB tank with Public Access system for psy chological warfare, MS with Cullin hedgerow cutting device, MS with dozer blade, MBAI with E7-7 Flame Gun instead of 37 mm gun, MBAI with E99 Fleme Gun in: stead of hull machine gun, M5A1 with T39 Racket Launcher mounted over the turret and MSAIE1 with wider tracks. There was also TS Reconnaissance Vehicle, which was a MB series tank with removed turret and maunted with 0.60cal (12.7 mm) machine gun mount in its place. TS were used as reconnaissance vehicles a5 well multi-purpose transport vehicles and anillary trac. tors. They were also known as Stuart Kangaroo, During the war, MB series light tanks were supplied to other countries including 1421 to England, § to USSR. and 226 to France. Polish Armed Forces in the West received around 110-130 M3 and MB series tanks from ‘Stuatty z nierozpoznanych oddzialow alianckich 2niszzzone w czasie walk © masyw Monte Cassino. Wlochy, 1944 +. Stuarts from unknown allied units destroyed during fights of Monte Cassino. Italy 1944, the British, which were used by 15" Armoured Division in Northwest Europe and 2° Armoured Division in Italy, The Czechoslovak Independent Brigade (CSOB) used some 30 MBAI tanks supplied by the British. British also vided Canadian 1% Army in the Northwest Europe with 259 M3 and MS series tanks. Few captured MB series tanks were used by the Germans during the war includ ing at least one in Normandy. In the pastwar period, US ‘Army used MBA tanks for only few years, switching to M24 light tanks, British Army also withdraw them trom service rather quickly. In late 1940s, M3 and MB series tanks were supplied to Belgium, Holland, Italy, Turkey and Greece. French Army used MSA1 tanks till mid 1950s before replacing them with French made AMX-13 light tanks. US‘also supplied Taiwan with MBA tanks to help form tH€ir armed forces, India also used MBA light tanks as late as 1958, Today, MB and MSAT can be seen at a number of museums worldwide including: Virginia War Museum in USA, The Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armour in USA, Veterans Memorial Museum in USA, Indiana Miltary Museum in USA, Museum at Fort Hood, Texas in USA, ‘Aberdeen Proving Ground Museum in USA, Museum of the Atlantic Wallin France, Museum of Armoured Forces, Kubinka in Russia and Tank Museum in England. George Parada MSAt Stuart Czolg tot [M5A1 Stuart VI light tank from early production series from the collection at WTS Koblenz. ; MSA1 Stuart Polezd 2 oznaczeniami plutonu A, 23. pulku huzaréw, 23. brygady pancerne), 1. dywial pancerne. Vehicle with markings of A platoon, 23rd Hussar Regiment, 29th Armored Brigade of Tithe Armor ‘w muzeum w Koblenz jest w doskonalym stanio, posiada nawet komplet narzedai lection in Koblenz is an excellent condition and even has complete set of tools. 5 i g Oprocz narzedzi, z tylu, mocowane byly dodatkowe Widok podniesione} plyty rystycznego dia ezolgew St ii ME jounted were also View of a raised engine compartment plate, chi ‘for MS Stuart tonks, MAY Stuart Ostona jarema armaty 37 mm, z prawe| strony armaty znajduje sie otwér na km kal. 7,62 mm, z lewsj otwér celownika. Gun mantlet for 37mm gun with opening on the right side for the 7.62mm machine gun and gun sight on the left. and front turret plate. Ostona jarzma w widoku 2 géty. + Top view of the gun mantlet MSA1 Stuart Ser ee ae eae tee ines Telareeneiey eieeaeseaiere orion Vi oft fret Ifa tough open hatches On the Welt sk la eommander/ionde” seat ane on th Praodnia czgéé wiedy 2 peryskopami. Dowédea posiadal due poryskopy obrotowe typu M6. Front part of the turret with periscopes. Commander had two M6 periscopes. 3 Wiaz strzelea w pozyeli zamknigte). Dobrze widoczne mocowanie wlazu i ostona obrotowego peryskopu MB. Gunner's hatch in a closed position. Visible are hatch hinges and protective cover for M6 periscope. ‘Open assistant driver/machine gunner hatch. Ostona peryskopu widoczna od wewnatrz. + Protective cover for M6 Lewy zespét éwiatet | 5 MSA1 Stuart Prawa strona wiedy, ostrogi preeciwslizgowe | wspornik do mocowania zewnetrznego km 7,62 mm. Right side of the turret with winter track horns and mount for 7.62mm machine gun, Tyina Sciana wiezy. Pancerna plyta zakrywa otwér, przez ktory byla domontowana armata wiety. Rear turret plate. Armor plate covers opening used for gun maintenance. Tans TEM r i | ‘yenco on fed 2,20uun9, rdoystied uojso eemosow Ao 10P ‘oBamouoyerep ndoyshied euciso = ayeyd yam say, PIM “AzEIM MOZEIN AMADIOd MsA1 Stuart ‘Ostona peryskopu dzialonowego, dobre widoez ‘szezogély mocowania oston peryskopu. Gunner's periscope with protective cover. ‘ina czesé wiedy 2 widocznym wspornikiom do moco: Wania anteny. Roar part of the turret with antenna mount. Obrotowy peryskop dowédey/ladowniczego widziany Top view of commander/loader’s periscope. \ Obrotowe peryskopy M6 dowédey ezolgu. ‘Commander's M6 periscopes. Tas TVET 7 z 1 ‘aun punoue 6 ny 048 uo. ‘2qmpey yokusooued any + “Lway nByoz9 ez01Ny 2 : : SS a ee Szczegéty plyty silnikows}. Wideczne szczegély mocows slaniajace} wiot powietrza do przedzialu silnikowego oraz pokrywy ‘slaniajqce wlemy wody do chlodnie intake grills and radiator cap. Zeta pokeywa oslaniajgca od gory lewy, burtowy nik paliwa. fuel tank with removed top protective 2aleta plvta ercvkywelgca cblornik poliwe, Wiiocena pokrywha Fuel tank with a cap after removal of a protective plate, Deflektor powietrza widziany od dolu. Widoceny preowéd olektryez: Szczegoly mocowania blotnika do tyinej czesci hy zasila tylny zespot Swiatel, . kadluba Air deflector as seen {rom the bottom, Visible electrical wire powe- Details of fender attachment to the rear part of the ted rear lights, hull MSA1 Stuart 2 10) s1UNOWN WMoyEpOP wIUeMoDoU OP LIMOS “s1yBt) seay + -yareims jodsoz AUIAL Wsporniki do mocowania zapasowych ogniw gasienicy. li ‘Mounts for extra track links. Praednia czeéé lewego blotnika widziana od di Front part of the left fender seen the bottom. Visible are Haki burtowe mocowane byly po obu stronach kaduba. Side hull hooks were mounted on both sides of the hull Widocene wspérniki mocujace blotnik do wanny. attachments to the hull MSAt __wsat se Tiny hak holowniczy. + Rear towing hook.” Tylny hak holowniczy. + Rear towing hook, MSA1. Stuart MSA1 Stuart aa WP: Kolo napinajgce i mechanizm napinania gasienicy widzio- ne od strony wewnetrzne), Idler whee! and track tension mechanism as seen from the inside. Szczegéty budowy wahacza kola napinajacego. Details of the idler wheel rocker assembly. Catkowicie metalowe ogniwa gasienicy typu T36E6. Ten ‘yp ogniw by! uzywany stosunkowo rzadko. Metal track links type T36EB. This type was rarely used. MSA1 Stuart sna 2 pozyeji pomocnika alee, assistant driver/machine 's position. MSA1_ Stuart Lewa burta pray siedzeniu kierowey. + Left side hull by driver's position mar Stolaé na magazynki do km na lewe} burcie. basket are 37mm ammunition racks, Machine gun ammunition storage racks on the left side hull Siedzenie dowédey/tadowniezego, w glebi poiemnik inicie do armaty ezolgowe} 37 mm. a Commander/loader’ seat with the 37mm am mn racks in the background. e002 e002 HYsmeiog malUBiGz Aq 2yBUAdOD @ pfsmeiog sotubigz 415024 | yemooesdo SS ONIAS) NG) Skala - Scale Oprocowal i kreslit Zbigniew Borawski pe © Copyright by Zbigniew Borawski 2003 1:35 © KAGERO 2003 Lekki czolg MBA Stuart. Stuart MBA Stuart light tank. Loki czolg MEA Stuart et 2 gry MBA Stuart light tank ~ top view. Opracowal i kredlil Zbigniew Borawski © Copyright by Zbigniew Borawski 2003 © KAGERO 2003, asa ree es perspektywiczny. fo of MBA ‘Stuart light tank Skala + Scale Opracowal i kresiit Zbigniew Borawski e © Copyright by Zbigniew Borawski 2003 1:35 © KAGERO 2003 Lekki czolg MSA1 Stuart ~ wezesna wersja produkcyjna. ‘MSA1 Stuart light tank ~ early production version. MBA1_ Stuart MBA1, wezesna wersja pi MBA, early production © KAGERO 2003 Lekki ezolg M5A1 Stuart reut perspektywiczny. spective of MAI Stuart light tank. E MSA1 Stuart 48 Opracowal i kresiit Zbigniew Borawski © Copyright by Zbigniew Borawski 2003 © KAGERO 2003 Ostona peryskopu kierowey i strzelca radiotelegrafisty. ‘Shield of driver's and radiooperator’s periscope. Szezegély wnetrza wiedy. + Turret mm w jarzmie kulowym. in the ball mount in the hull {sly podlogi kosza, ‘the turret basket floor MSA1 Stuart ig obrotomierze, mie- ddzy nimi amperomiorz | woltomierz, contralnie widoczny Jest predkosciomierz a symetrycznie po obu stronach znaj- | desi wekaznit temperatury cena oli Na dole ‘znajduja sie prayciski uruchamiajace siliki Early type dashboard with ta ight si Lowa strona kadluba, stanowisko kierowcy. perature gauges on both sides. On the bottom are engi Loft hull cide with driver's position, starter buttons. Podtoga przed siedzeniem kierowcy, pod ostona walu prze- niesienia napedu widoezny pedat gazl a z lowe) jego strony nozny preycisk sygnalu déwigkowego. Hydrauliczna przoktadnia preeniesionia napedu, 2 prawe| Floor in front of driver seat with gas pedal and horn on ‘déwignia zmiany biegow. the left side. Hydraulic drive transfer with gearbox on the right sido Szezegoly mocowania déwigni hamuleéw. Ramie wraz 2 laficuchem, na pierwszym planie, sluzyto do blokowania zatyezki w przednioj plycie kadluba Details of tho brake levers. Arm with chain wae used to lock the plug in the front plate. Francuski M5A1 Stuart 2 Dywizii Pancorne}, 15 kwietnia 1945 +. Fronch MA1 Stuart from 2nd Panzer Division, 4 18th, 1945, Amerykariski M5AT rt, pozna wersja produkeyina, manewry Ww Anglil, maj 1944 ‘American MSA1 Stuart, late production version, England, May 1944. Polski MSA1 Stuart 24 Pula Ulanéw 10 8 ‘gady Kawalerii Pance 1 Dywizii Pancerne}, Francja 1944 + Polish M5A1 Stuart from 24th Uhlan Regiment, 40th Armoured Cavalry Brigade, 1" Panzer Divie verses) Sion, France 1944, Amerykaiski MSA1 Stuart, STPaul de Verney, Francja 17.06. 1944 American MBA1 Stuart, ST Paul de Verney, France, June ‘17, 198 ‘Amorykafski MSA1, jednostka nioustalona, Dessau, Niemey, 17.04, 1988 +, ‘American MBA1, unit unknown, Dessau, Germany, April “th, 1945, ISBN 83-89088-04-5 FOTOSNAJPER @ PHOTOSNIPER Czolgi Stuart MSA1 i Cromwele z 10. Pulku Strzeleow Konnych, Stuart M5A1 and Cromwele tanks of 10th Horse Gunner jegiment. Polskie Stuarty M5A1 na terenie Niemies. Polish Stuarts MSA1 on Germany area,

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