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infants Archives - THE REINCARNATED

Here are six suggested accelerated learning outcomes from using structured direct
instruction by showing 1-second per card flashcards or computer images for infants 3 months
to 3 years with no more than a total of 15 minutes a day.
1. Creates a loving bond
This approach to learning is enhanced with emotional well-being; one of its goals is building a
loving bond between the parent and the child. It builds on an already established close loving
relationship. Hugs, praise, smiles, cheers, giggles and deep sighs of satisfaction accompany
this method. Contrary to what some have thought, it is not a hothouse approach. Rather it
results when there is a close emotional bond between the parent and the child that serves to
enable the child to learn more efficiently, to use their imagination in more creative ways and
to embrace a learning approach that champions what they can accomplish. In fact, if a parent
pushes a child to learn this way, the loving bond is broken and the method becomes
2. Heightens senses
Relaxation techniques begin the learning session, followed by photographic memory
enhancement and input that heightens the senses. These techniques impact the part of the
brain that seems to work with tangible facts taken in with the five outer senses sight, sound,
taste, touch and smell as well as the part of the brain that recognizes the subtle wave
frequencies of light, sound, thought, emotion, and magnetism that are not always apparent to
the outer senses.
3. Increases mental creativity
Building strong circuits of neural connections provides a child with additional memory power
and integrative functioning potential. Because imagination is encouraged and strengthened,
when children use the right brain pathway, they know no limits. They can invent, play and
create anything their hearts desire. When you open the pathway to the right brain, you access
your natural capacity for: photographic memory, speed reading, multiple language acquisition,
computer-like math calculation, perfect pitch, intuition, creativity, invention and advanced
visualization. The resonating quality of the brain results in an amazing, almost magical
intelligence all its own.
4. Makes learning easy and joyful
Because our unconscious brain is absorbing information from the environment at lightning
speed, and our conscious brain is plodding many miles behind, the experience of learning
with the unconscious brain is not something we normally think about. We are mostly

concerned about the few facts before us. Yet, the reality is that the unconscious brain has
more to do with learning than the conscious brain. This approach works for any age.
5. Uncovers genius
Helping our children realize their highest potential, free from our expectations, is the greatest
gift we can give back to life. A newfound sense of self is the goal for any age. Accelerated
learning for 0 3 year olds embraces the same principles as for any other age, but it is not
remedial at this stage. Infants are at the peak of their ability to absorb with their right brain
functions. What can emerge is an ability that was dormant and might have stayed dormant
without the outside stimulation.
6. Continues the work nature has begun
It is now common knowledge that learning results from the stimulation of parts of the brain
that seem to activate and integrate the left and right hemispheres to work together
harmoniously in ways that increase cognitive power. Nature gives every infant a head start
for the first year of life. On its very own, the brain organizes millions of synapses into
coherent mental patterns that account for acute vision, mobility, speech, etc. 1
Researcher Craig Ramey found that brain power would level off after age one if exposure in
the environment didnt take over and continue to provide the brain with sufficient stimulus to
keep it growing and developing to its maximum capability. He found out that no amount of
stimulation later in life ever closes the gap between the trajectory of what might have been
with stimulation and what cognition is because of lack of stimulation. 2 That is a directive for
early stimulation from a mainstream theorist.
Still Not Convinced?
Do you still find yourself wondering about the premise of accelerated learning for babies? Are
you thinking, Arent they already so accelerated in their learning that they leave adults in the
dust anyway? Wont they just develop naturally if things are left to nature to prune and shape
the brain? People often ask why would you want a toddler to read or multiply in their
heads? The only answer that can be given is why not? But only if the learning that develops
the reading and math skills is completely stress free and fun for the infant.
Consider the way an infant learns language. All day long he/she hears sounds millions of
combinations of sounds and somehow from this exposure day in and day out, he/she develops
the ability to reproduce language correctly. Showing 15 minutes of images side by side
compared with a day spent absorbing sounds in the environment seems like it should be a
piece of cake to the infant mind and it is, if it is not forced on the infant.
Lifelong damage and a dislike of all that resembles formal schooling could result if the
learning were forced and regimented. This means that for success to occur the adult in the
equation must be totally nonattached to the results and this is not easy for some parents and
teachers who want their effectiveness to be measured by how well the child is doing, and what
they are learning. In the case of learning to speak, as adults, we cant be attached to the results
because we have to trust that our child will speak just like every other child we have
encountered, even if they arent speaking to us today. Its not unlike that with the visual
image input as well. Have faith and trust in the incredible brain of an infant.

If a child can read at 3, a whole world of information opens to them. If they develop perfect
pitch they will never lose it. If they can add in their heads, they will enjoy math class in
kindergarten and beyond. And they will have learned these things when the brain is at the
peak of absorption from the environment.
What scientists are learning is that when synapses fire over and over, they leave a myelinated
sequence of connections that result in learning. So by practicing by inputing information
to a young childs brain you are assisting in the myelination process and increasing
learning. That seems like working with nature not against it.
Right brain education will not be every ones cup of tea. There is a learning curve requiring
the shedding of a lot of preconceived ideas about how we teach and learn. It is not easy to
become a right brain educator if you are focused on the goals of learning and not the process.
It really helps if you have intuitive abilities developed yourself, are familiar with internal
brain wave states, and can relax and calm your mind and approach the child with all the love
in your heart. I have watched parents and teachers working with children using flashcards
and other accelerated techniques and it was obvious that not all led with love and respect for
the child as their primary motivator, or really understood the underlying reasons for what they
were doing. So, a very important concept I would like to underline is that accelerated
learning is maximized when there is a joyful, heartfelt exchange between the adult and the
These techniques can be misused. Do we want to create children who have mental access to a
vast compendium of information but do not have a developed moral sense? From my own
meditations on the question Why use it? the answer goes beyond the obvious one of
developing the right brain abilities. I believe these abilities tie into the soul senses and create
the open door for a higher expression of the frequencies of caring and support between the
adult and child in learning environments which will follow the individual into adulthood.
My theory is that as trust and relaxation predominate in learning experiences and the imaging
abilities are enhanced as a vital tool, the soul too takes benefit from the right brain/accelerated
approach to learning. Without sounding too much like a romanticist, I believe I can foresee in
the far distant future a time when this type of education will become widespread. And as a
result, intuitive states will be heightened in people, meaning that there will be a friendlier,
more helpful, happier and contented civilization. Smarter too.
Dr. Celeste A. Miller
1. Ramey, C. (2007). Authors notes taken at Carolina Abecadarian Project Presentation
at the National Invitational Conference of the Early Childhood Research Collaborative
held at the University of Minnesota Center for Early Education and Development.

Form and Formless

Conscious and Unconscious Learning Styles
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Posted on October 12, 2014

Conscious and Unconscious Learning Styles

Some learning is conscious. This type we are most familiar with. Other learning is
unconscious and not frontline news. The educational method called right brain education
utilizes both the unconscious and conscious brain. This method utilizes rapid stimulation to
the brain which results in a different kind of learning than the traditional slower approach to
concept knowledge.
With this approach, input to the brain goes into the unconscious mind more so than the
conscious mind and can then be recalled at will. These specific methods of teaching that train
memory and concentration through rapid learning appeal to a particular kind of visual,
auditory and kinesthetic learner. Perhaps unconscious learning explains the sudden flashes of
brilliance of children who demonstrate abilities beyond their years.

Imaging is Key
An aspect to this approach to learning that is perhaps the most powerful is the technique of
teaching children to image. The ability to image can be enhanced and opens cognition to
unconscious memory building. The discovery of this is usually attributed to Glenn Doman in
the 60s and then further refined by Makoto Shichida, (both now deceased) and others,
including Pamela Hickein. These individuals discovered that the brain has the ability to fast
map thousands of bits of information in a coherent way that allows for retrieval and increased
memory power. Apparently dormant senses in the brain are utilized in the approach to
learning often called right brain education. Marrying both hemispheres of the brain in a
harmonious working relationship results in an incredible acceleration of learning.

What Do Brain Studies Say?

When Dr. Shichida, a Japanese pioneer in right brain education, shared his theory of right
brain education with the U.S. in the 1990s, brain research on infants was still in its infancy.
He had no way of really knowing how to explain the results he was getting and so his
scientific explanations were crude and premature. Today, still, there arent any studies on the
subconscious/unconscious mind of infants to my knowledge that would explain how babies
can do complicated math problems and develop these other latent cognitive functions that Dr.
Shichida was discovering.
Publications like Scientist in the Crib and The Philosophical Baby share some of the more
recent brain studies being done with infants in the U.S. We are taught that the brain, like every
other organ in the human body, develops and grows at an astounding rate from conception.
There are definite sequences in brain development that follow one upon another. If you spend
time with babies you are acutely aware of the passing stages of learning and development.
These two books outline much of that growth in fascinating detail, but they cant explain the
development of the image brain because the studies have not been done on infants.
The closest I can come to mention of the potential of this type of ability is a quote inside Dr.
Kotulaks book Inside the Brain published in 1996 where he quotes Dr. Bruce Perry of
Baylor College of Medicine saying In the same way that we evolved a certain cognitive
abstract capacity as a function of our capacity to read, there is every reason to believe that
there are other untapped abstract capabilities of our brains that are not being developed by
our traditional educational system.[1]

Follow the child Has a New Direction

Maria Montessoris famous mantra was to follow the child, meaning that children would
reveal their true selves if adults were observant. It is time for researchers, those in the field of
early childhood and for parents to suspend judgment and investigate and then apply these
accelerated learning techniques that will truly revolutionize education as we now know and
practice it today. This would give children a real head start well before they begin formal
.(Excerpted from Brain Dance: An Accelerated Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, by
Celeste A. Miller, Ph.D.)

[1] Kotulak, R. (1996). Inside the brain. KS: Kansas City, McMeel Publishing

The Shichida Method Philosophy | THE SHICHIDA METHOD Global Site

Education around the world is making a big change from what it has obviously followed up
until now, cramming information into children. It is moving toward developing children's
abilities to learn independently, think and live. Japan's educational system still has many
things to learn from other countries. Within this system however, Shichida Method education
was quickly recognized as an education that helps children develop rich hearts.
For children's important futures, it is necessary for parents to reconsider childcare during
infancy, heart care and the question of scholarly abilities.
Child rearing involves starting love education from the time a child is born as well as learning
about disciplining the child, for example, how to praise, scold and teach self-control. It
involves reaching a decision about how to develop the child's dreams and determination. It is
important to think about everything as one large flow, up through moral education and how to
contribute to society.
Of course, intellectual training and reasoning are also necessary. Soul education must do these
things as well as include educating the heart about the importance of considering others,
sensitivity education and teaching the child about maximizing his/her potential and being
useful to society.

Shichida Method education is "soul education." It develops children's hearts, their

tender love for others and their dreams and determination. Using intellectual
training, moral, physical and dietary education as the base, the Shichida Method
aims to be whole character education. It adopts unprecedented right brain
education and advocates a balanced education of both the right and left brains.

1929 - 2009; Born in Shimane Prefecture, Japan.

Received the Sociocultural Services Prize in 1997; Won the International Grand Prize from
the World Academic Council for Cultural Affairs in the same year; Shichida Method Right
Brain Educational Method was recognized as an outstanding theory and registered by the
International Academy of the World Intellectual Property Registration Association; Received
the World Peace Meritous Deeds knighthood decoration and title; Played an active role as the
leading figure of right brain education; Authored over 160 publications.

Do you know what mothers should remember to do when they are pregnant or how mothers
should encourage their children in infancy?
The Shichida Method states that "love", "strictness", and "trust" are the three important parts
of child rearing. "Love" is the most important of these three.
When their children are babies, most mothers hold their babies, carry them around, rub cheeks
with them, gaze lovingly at them, speak kindly to them and convey their love to their babies.

However, as their babies grow, the number of times they tell their children "I love
you" decreases.

Even when your child grows up, don't be ashamed to tell your child that you love him/her. If it
is too awkward and you can't find a way to say it out loud, convey your love through your

For example, you can read your child many books.

If you don't have a book nearby, you can tell your child a folktale. Folktales convey culture
and are interwoven with ancient wisdom and moral lessons. You can also make up your own
Doing this will convey your love to your child.
This is the starting point of right brain education.
When a child receives love, all the powers of his/her right brain will open and he/she will
begin to show drive and motivation. Love is like a meal. Just as you eat when you are hungry,
if you think love's power has decreased, firmly replenish it!
Your child is a genius, too!

The Shichida Method places importance on helping develop the amazing budding
potential that all children possess. I would like you to understand that these buds
of potential are best developed through parental love.

Born in 1963, in Shimane Prefecture, Japan; Makoto Shichida's second son; Graduated from
Tokyo Science University, Department of Science- Mathematics; Became CEO and President
of Shichida Educational Institute, Inc. in 1987; Special Advisor to Shichida Child Academy,

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