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Picture and picture learning model is a learning method which uses pictures as the
Teaching media and arranged them into a logical order. This model has already used in 19th
centuries that developed by Johnson and Johnson brother.
Because of from the name already mentioned that this method trades on picture as a
media in learning process. Actually, it is so simple to apply in classroom. steps Picture and
Picture model is consisted by 7 steps:
1. Teachers convey the competence that is want to be achieved.
2. Presenting the material as an introduction
3. Teacher show images relating to the material.
4. Teacher pointing or calls on students interchangeably to put or sort the images into a logical
5. The teacher asks the reason / rationale of the image sequence.
6. From the reason or order of the picture, the teacher began to instill the concept or materials, in
accordance with the competence to be achieved.
7. conclusion or summary

There are some advantages using picture and picture method, such as teacher can know
more about students ability, training student thinks logically and systematically, and also
increasing students interest becomes better.
There are several researches talking about picture and picture method and one of them
from Rahayu (2010) who already research using this method. From Rahayus research, before
she used this method most of students have a less motivation when they learned the material in
speaking class without variation.
However, after she used this method, students have more motivation when they learned
the material in speaking class using picture and picture method, and they are more active in
classroom than before using that method. Picture and picture can increase their ability in
speaking class.
picture and picture method is one of the best solutions to increase students ability in
many courses, as picture and picture is an active learning process, and it can increase students
motivation in learning activities.

Although it is one of the best method, it has some weaknesses as many as the advantages
of using this method, such as it spends a lot of time, some of the students be passive, teacher
worries that will be confusion in classroom, it needs supporting facilities, tools, and enough cost.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that Picture and Picture is one of the best
learning models which can be used to increase students ability in speaking class.
Absolutely, to make it effective and useful all of the requirements must be fulfilled to
support learning process, such as the facilities and teachers knowledge about this method. If one
of the requirements cannot be fulfilled, the implication of Picture and Picture method cannot be
used properly.

References :

Richard C Yorkey. (1990). Study skill for students of English as a second language. New
York: MC. Grow Hill
M. Dobson. (January 1, 1989). Teaching for skill, Teaching English Forum, XXIV, p.30
R.E.B. Santoso. (2011). Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture, raseko.blogspot.com/2011//05/model-pembelajaran-picture-and-picture.html
Rahayu. (2010). Penerapan metode pembelajaran picture and picture untuk
meningkatkan motivasi dan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 8 Surakarta
pada pembelajaran biologi T.A 2009/2010. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret, p.7

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