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Course unit:
IF94 GCert Advertising, IF95 GDip Advertising, IF96 Master of Advertising
Unit title: Advertising Creative: Electronic and Print Media
Unit Code: KKN022
Discipline Code:
Credit Points: 12cp
Semester(s) of Offer: Autumn (first) semester
Year(s) of Offer: 2003
Co-requisite(s): Advertising Creative: Introduction is recommended, but not a mandatory
co-requisite. Students only interested in electronic and print media should
contact the Creative Advertising strand co-ordinator.

1. Rationale

In this unit students learn about the creative production of advertising for key electronic and
print media: TV, radio, cinema, interactive, paper, print, magazine, and outdoors. Students
examine how people use these media principles for creating effective ads, the media
influence in the creative process, how to present concepts for each medium, plus the roles,
steps and components in their production.
This unit adds to Advertising Creative: Introduction, which concentrates on concept
development and the persuasive argument through the combination of text and imagery.

2. Aims

Students expand their understanding of and skills in developing ads for the key electronic and
print mediums.

3. Objectives.

On completion of this unit, students should have developed:

1) A critical understanding of the nature of conventional media and key principles for
effective TV, radio, cinema, interactive, paper, print, magazine, and outdoor ads.
2) Skills in developing TV storyboards
3) Skills in scripting for TV and radio commercials
4) Skills in rendering print, paper, and outdoor ads
5) Skills in writing and designing web sites.
6) Understanding of the production process for conventional media: pre-production and
production for print, film and editing for TV ads, radio production and recording, basics of
HTML and digital animation.
7) Further developed their conceptual, written and verbal communication skills.
8) Further developed their conceptual, visual communication skills.
9) Skills in the presentation of concepts for TV, radio, cinema, interactive, paper, print,
magazine, and outdoors.
4. Content


 The nature of television. Key principles and techniques for creating effective TV
 The nature of radio. Key principles and techniques for creating effective radio
 Examination of examples of creative TV and radio commercials
 Examination of creative low budget TV commercials
 TV storyboards – writing, and rendering
 Steps in the process of producing a TV commercial
 Roles in TV production and managing the production
 Roles in radio production / managing the production
 TV station in-house writing and production
 Radio station in-house writing and production
 Scripting, creative direction, and presentation of concepts for radio and TV
 Components of a TV and radio production, cost estimate.


 The nature of print. Key principles and techniques for creating effective ads for paper,
magazine, posters, point of purchase, and collateral.
 Examination of examples of creative print
 Examination of creative low budget print campaigns
 Digital rendering
 Steps in the process of producing print
 Roles in photographic production, digital pre-production and managing the production
 Paper and magazine in-house ads and their production
 Creative direction and presentation of concepts for print
 Components of a print production, cost estimate.


 The nature of interactive media – how people use this media

 Types of interactive media – including sites, banners, email
 Writing for interactive media
 Design and layout for interactive media
 Examination of examples of creative interactive promotions
 Steps in the process of producing interactive media
 Roles in producing interactive media / managing the production
 Components of interactive media production estimates
 Introduction to web and interactive software

 The nature of outdoors. Key principles and techniques for creating effective printed and
electronic billboards, bus and bus stop ads, sky banners, installations.
 Examination of examples of creative outdoor ads
 Steps in the process of producing outdoor ads
 Roles in the production and managing the production of outdoors
 Creative direction and presentation of outdoor concepts
 Components of an outdoor ad, production cost estimate
5. Teaching and Learning Approaches

The unit is divided into the modules outlined in the ‘Content’ section. These will be delivered
through a combination of:

 Lectures
 Guest lectures
 Workshops
 Visit to TV post production facilities / shoot
 Visit to radio station / audio production house
 Readings
 Examples of industry best practice
 Practical projects
 In class exercises

Students develop concepts for ads, then write, design and present them (for in-class
exercises and assessment). These activities help develop their conceptual ability, written,
visual and verbal communication skills. Developing strategy at the beginning of the process
requires them to think through, analyse and solve communication problems.
6. Assessment

There are two client-based projects. Each of which will include:

TV storyboard 25%
Radio script 15%
Interactive web site 20%
Print 25%
Outdoors 15%

For each, students generate concepts using a variety of creative tools, craft the writing and
design of their most promising concept.

The TV storyboard assessment addresses unit objectives 1, 2, 3 and 9.

The radio script assessment addresses unit objectives 1, 3 and 9.
The web site assessment addresses unit objectives 1, 5, 6 and 9.
The print assessment addresses unit objectives 4, 7 and 9.
The outdoors assessment addresses unit objectives 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Students work on these projects in class and are given feedback by fellow classmates as well
as the lecturer. Initial concepts are marked by the lecturer at key stages, before a final
submission at the end of each module.

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