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Iiguez 2nd Grade

Classroom Management Plan
Dear Parent(s) or Guardian (s),
I am very excited to start this new school year. My name is Araceli Iiguez and I will be your childs
second grade teacher. Included in this letter are my classroom rules and procedures, along with important
information to keep in mind this year. It is important that you read thoroughly and understand the management
plan. Encouraging this plan will make my classroom a place of excellent learning, along as preventing any un
necessary misbehavior. At the end of the manual I have included my contact information. If it is necessary you
can email, call, or text. Please have you and your child sign and date this document and return it to me within
the first week of school.

Classroom Rules:

Be on time.
Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
Be respectful, responsible, and polite.
Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
Listen when others are talking.
I will follow directions at all times.

These procedures are an outline of what is expected of my classroom. Student will review
in classroom to know what is expected.
Drop-Off Routine
o The day begins at 7:45 am. Student are expected to arrive on time to class every day. If student
arrives before 7:45 am, student is expected to go to the gym and wait to be picked up for class. If
the student arrives to school after 7:45 am, student must report to front office. Student will be
issued a tardy slip giving him permission to go to class.
Pick-Up Routine
o The day ends at 2:45 pm. All children will then be dismissed to their pick-up method station. If
child is to be picked-up by a person, the student will be in the cafeteria. If child is to be pickedup in a car, the child will be send to the gym. CHILD WILL ONLY BE RELEASED TO
included on the welcome packet). If you need to change your pick-up method for the day, please
contact me as soon as possible. You can write a note and send in with child, e-mail me, or call the
front office.
o If your child is absent, the student is expected to bring an excused note. Note will be turned in to
Attendance office.
o When student walks in, student is responsible to place completed homework in the green bin. I
will not ask student for homework. If homework is not in the bin, it will not be graded.
o Student will have homework every day.
o If student is absent the missed homework will be placed in their classroom folder. Student will
have an additional day to complete the homework.
o Student should arrive to class with all their supplies.
o If student needs a pencil, student will need to write their name on the board.

Take-Home Folders:
o Folders will be sent home every day. Inside the folder will be a monthly calendar. Please make
sure you initial after reviewing your child behavior for that day. Face on the folder reflects
behavior for the day.
Hallway procedures:
o Student should always walk; no running is allowed at any time.
o Student should walk on the right side of the hall.
o Student should use inside voice, no screaming, or talking too loud.
o Failure of any of the above rules/procedures can result in consequences:
1. Color Change
2. Given a verbal warning and remind them to make good choices.
3. Time taken from recess (no more than 5 minutes)
4. Talk one-on-one with principal/ Note home
5. Parent Conference
The following chart will be used for behavior:
Slow down! Child was
given a verbal warning
but continued to
Beware: Child has
continued to misbehave,
will miss 5 minutes of
Stop: A note will be sent
home regarding your
childs behavior!

If student continues to act inappropriately, they will be sent to the principals office to discuss the students
behavior. At that moment I will send a note home with the student.

The behavior discipline chart will affect the student report card.
o 0-3 color changes during the six week is an E
o 4-6 color changes during the six week is an S
o 7-9 color changes during the six week is an N
o 10 or more color changes during the six week is an U
Rewards: (for good behavior)
o Sticker
o Treasure box
o Free choice center, first in line, personal helper.
o No homework pass
o No uniform pass
o Special privilege
o As a class they can earn extra recess time on Fridays.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me through any method of your choice

(E-mail, Note, Call, Text). I am looking forward to a great year with your child!
E-mail : Araceli.Iniguez@fwisd.org
Phone: (817) 209-9040


Mrs. Iniguezs
2 Grade Classroom Management Plan
Parent Acknowledgement and Agreement Form

Student name:
Parent (s) name (s):
Parent (s) phone number:
Parent (s) E-mail address:
Any allergies or medication:

Any other information:

My child will go home by: (circle one)

Ride Bus

Ride Daycare Bus

After-school Program

Parent Pick-Up

Walk Home

I have read the Classroom Management Plan and have discussed it with my child. I understand it and will
support it.

Parents Signature


I have read and understood these rules, I agree to keep them or abide by the consequences.

Student Signature


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