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Consider 4 imaginary cubic 'cells' with sides 1, 2, 4 and 6 mm.

a. Calculate the volume, surface area and ratio of surface area to volume of each cubic 'cell'.
(4 marks)
b. State the effect of the Surface area : volume ratio of a cell as it increases in size.
(1 mark)
c. Explain the effect of increasing cell size on the efficiency of diffusion in the removal of
waste products from the cell cytoplasm.
(3 marks)


Identify the points you feel are important in the support of and in opposition to the
harvest and use of Embryonic Stem (ES) cells in medical therapies.

(4 marks)


Distinguish between the terms resolution and magnification when applied to an

electron microscope.

(4 marks)


A red blood cell is 8 m in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what
diameter will the drawing be in mm?

0.08 mm

0.8 mm

8 mm

80 mm
(1 mark)


What is an advantage of using an electron microscope?


Living cells can be observed

Virus particles can be observed

Pigments can be observed

Whole cells can be observed

(1 mark)


A photomicrograph of a tissue is accompanied by a scale bar which represents 1 m.

The scale bar is 10 mm long.
What is the magnification of this photomicrograph?

X 10

X 1 000

X 10 000

X 1 000 000
(1 mark)


How does surface area to volume ratio change with an increase in cell size?

(1 mark)

a. List three ideas contained within the cell theory
(3 marks)
b. Distinguish between stem cells and cancer cells.
(4 marks

9. Cells differentiate during development of embryonic tissue cells. What is the likely cause
for this differentiation to occur?
(2 marks)


The drawing below shows the structure of a virus.


Identify structures labelled I and II.

I .....................................................................................................................
(2 marks)

Use the scale bar to calculate the maximum diameter of the virus. Show
your working.

(2 marks)

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