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Mrs.Yasmine & Ms.

KG 1
Super Stars

Dear Parents :
Hope you had a relaxing weekend.
Thank you so much for all of our
amazing volunteers! Because of
you the field trip to Kidzana was a
huge success! It was really a
pleasure meeting you all

Library day
Monday Nov.7th

Star of the Week


Show and tell this

Thursday will be for:
Letter Ss items

Sneak Peek on this Week

In Literacy Inquiry:
We are going to learn all about letter Ss.
We will review the sight words we, at, is, the, and
"it and introduce to .
We will continue learning our letter sounds.
We will be reading lots of great books.

Math Inquiry:
We will relate and find 2D shapes in our environment and
we will be focusing on the rectangle as the shape of the
We will work on our yellow journals : a rectangle can be...
And continue assessing our math concepts for this term.

Unit of Inquiry:
Important Reminders
November 17th : Sports day
Nov. 22nd and 23rd : Conferences
Nov.24th : No school

Central Idea: Relationships reflect who we are and enrich

our lives.
We will discuss the role of family and its importance in
our lives.
Learner Profile: We will discuss how we can be caring to
our friends and classmates and how we can treat them
with respect..
Home Connection:

Please have your child count toys, crayons, books, snacks,... The more they practice counting, the better they will become.
Also look for numbers around the environment and help them to recite them ( at grocery stores, license plates, etc.)
Thank you for all your support and hard work with the children !

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