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(Greeting the Ikin Prior to divination)

*Place the listed number of Ikin in the left hand
Erun Osi.
Five Ikin (Present to the left side of the tray)
Erun Ora.
Five Ikin (Present to the right side of the tray)
Eta Egutan.
Three Ikin (Present to the top of the tray)
Eji Ereye.
Two Ikin (Present to the bottom of the tray)
Eniti o ba fin idan.
One ikin (Present to the middle of the tray)
(Song for marking Odu)
Call; Ejiogbe a buru a boye akala o.
Response; A akala, a akala o.
Call; Oyeku meji a buru a boye akala o.
Response; A akala, a akala o.
(Call the Odu in sequence until all eight marks are on the tray)

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