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Vocabular: cartonase: lamp, table, teddy bear, grapes, ball, balloon, bee,

book, cake, clock-watch, duck, fox,pig, fish,

pear,tiger,sheep,onion,tomato,frog, rabbit- Whats this? This is a yellow
and black lamp
Adjectiv+substantiv: blue house, yellow lamp( cu stimuli vizuali), What is
Numeral +culoare+substantiv(four brown dogs,five red chickens,six
orange cats,seven yellow frogs,etc)
Numere: 1-20
Partile corpului: face,eyes, nose, ears, mouth, cheeks, eyebrows,
shoulders( cantec), hair: Ive got big blue eyes, brown hair and a little pink
Casa : living-room, kitchen, bedroom,bathroom, balcony,
dining-room. Where is?sau whats this?
Obiecte din casa: lamp, bed, plant, coffee table, kitchen table, chair,
armchair, TV , fridge
Prepozitii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hx8i-Wq_jtc in, on,under, in
front of , behind, next to, between ( le puneti sa repete intai cantecul
dupa care plasati obiecte pe/sub/langa/in, le oferiti un exemplu si apoi le
intrebati : Where is the book? Ar trebui sa raspunda : 1) under the table
sau 2) its under the table sau 3) the book is under the table. Mereu l-au
incurcat pe between cu behind dar daca urmaresc o data cantecelul e in
Mijloace de transport: boat, car, van, plane, bike, train, helicopter( What
colour is the van? Sau Where is the van?)
Incaperi din scoala: gym, library, music room, canteen,restroom,
classroom- le repeta si apoi le localizeaza intr-o imagine Where is the
Exprimarea orei: What time is it? Its 2 oclock
Actiuni: rain,hop, jump,watch TV, smell, clap my hands, stamp my feet, sit
down, stand up, paint,dance, walk,read, sing, fall down, look out of the
window, jump on one foot, drink water, sleep , fly ( le spuneti in engleza
cuvantul si ele trebuie sa mimeze actiunea)

Dimineata: wake up, get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair,
eat breakfast( repeta mai intai cantecelul This is what I do in the morning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXkj6j6Ezw cu mimarea corecta a
actiunilor, apoi puteti sa le intrebati ,, What time do you get up? Daca nu
inteleg repetati cuvantul time)
Can: jump,swim , read, ride a bike, play guitar, sing a song( repeta mai
intai cantecul How about you, what can you do?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MKmbyfhkkE si mimeaza in acelasi
timp actiunile, dupa care le intrebati Can you swim? Can you fly? trebuie
sa raspunda afirmativ si negativ Yes,I can/ No, I cant apoi dialogheaza
Jobs: dentist, teacher, doctor, fisherman, pilot, cook, student, ( nurse si
firefighter le dadeau batai de cap) le intrebati folosind imagini: Is he a
cook? No. He is a dentist.
Feelings : happy, sad, angry, tired, furious, crying( mimeaza una si
cealalta recunoaste emotia)
Haine : skirt, pants, t-shirt , blouse, jacket, dress, pyjamas, striped . (How
much is the yellow and black T-shirt? Sau What colour is it?
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do. I have a cat and her name is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjEJXnItaAA pornind de la acest
cantec le puteti intreba si : Do you have small brown eyes/ a long nose?
Sau do you have a dog? Whats his name? Si apoi sa le lasati sa dialogheze
Do you like.? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvDmGYdQP7Y si
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frN3nvhIHUk Trebuie sa se descurce si
intre ele, sa se intrebe pe rand daca le plac diverse lucruri. Do you like
ice cream/football/ music/ apples/ plums/watching tv/books/summer/
winter- I love . am facut si la persoana a III-a intrebari dar au mers mai
greu insa au capacitatea de a intelege intrebarile
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhW1-YW73Dk . dupa ce repeta
cantecul le puteti intreba : Does your sister play tennis?/ like bananas?
Lunile anului- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v608v42dKeI repeta
cantecelul le intrebati: Whats your favourite ?- I love June!
Anotimpurile : cantec Whats your favourite season?
Zilele saptamanii erau in faza de consolidare- sunt mai dificile dar daca le
spuneti inceputul cuvantului s-ar putea sa si aminteasca inclusive

propozitiile legate de subiect: I go to school on Monday. I have maths on

Tuesday si le puteti intreba si When do you have English ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mesIpno8ulU aici este cantecul cu
zilele saptamanii
Cantecele de Halloween : https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Present continuous: http://www.slideshare.net/missingridlagos/presentcontinuous-14189395?next_slideshow=1 si
related=1 pe fisierele acestea au intrebarile si raspunsurile iar atasat la
mail va trimit doar imaginile dupa care ele trebuie sa intrebe si sa
raspunda singure.
he/she is drinking/ playing/dancing/ playing guitar/
reading/eating/sleeping. Le aratati imagini sau mimati actiunile si le
intrebati What is he/she doing?
Is Sammy home?
Yes, he is.
What is he doing?
He is sleeping.
Oh, ok. Thank you anyway.
2) Hello !
Is Suzy there?
Yes, she is. Shes here. But she cant come out to play.
What is she doing?
Shes eating dinner.

Ok. Thanks anyway.

3)Hi, Lony!
Hello ! Can Dony come out to play?
No, Im sorry. Hes busy.
What is he doing?
Hes reading and writing.

4) Knock ! knock!
Who is it?
Its me Jennifer!
Come in Jennifer!
Hello! Nice to see you!
Yuppy! Jennifer is here!
How are you Robin? How are you Kim?
Fine , thanks.
What are you doing?
Kim: Im playing in the garden. Can you come with me?
In a minute. Let me talk to mum. Hi Jjulia! Hi Jack!
Hi Jennifer! What time is it?
It s 12 oclock.
Its time for lunch. Can you help me Jennifer?
Of course, Julia.
Lunch is ready!!! Lets eat!
Its delicious.

Whats happening?( era replica mea)
What is it? Lets see.
Hello . M y name is Cody Ramsey. Im 15.
Hello. My name is Ichy.Im 15, too.
Mum this is Ichy. He lives next door.
Replica mea: Hello Ichy. Nice to meet you.
This is my sister. Her name is Ada. Shes 16.
This is my sister. Her name is Ling. Shes 20.
Where are you from?
Im from China.
Have you got a dog?
Yes, I have.
Ive got a dog and a cat. Lets play.

6)dialoguri cu expresii
What are you doing? / Im making pancakes. / Be careful. / Of course.
Whats the matter? /

I have a test. / Oh, good luck.

Oops! I put on your jacket! / Thats all right. It doesnt matter.

Do your homework! Its late! / Leave me alone. Im tired. / Oh! You
naughty kitten! Im fed up! / I dont care. Im fed up too !

Trecutul verbului a fi: I was/ you were /they were. Le aratati imagini cu
bebelusi sau sa spuna despre ele insusiri . de ex. I was a happy/cute/
funny/clever/noisy baby.
Dialog: (incepe Elena):
Where were you yesterday?

I was at the cinema.

Was it a good film?
No , it wasnt . It was boring. What about you?
I was at the circus. It was funny. Wasnt it cold?
No , it wasnt . It was very hot.

Alte cantece: The alphabet song: ei, bi, si, di..

Eyes and nose,
I am thirsty, very very thirsty https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Whats your favourite fruit/ vegetable/number?

How many dogs/ apples/ hats. are in this picture?
Daca se poticnesc nu le dati raspunsul imediat. Subliniati prin intonatie
cuvintele cheie , mimati sau in ultima instanta le spuneti prima silaba.
Vocabularul il pot repeta cel mai usor cu imagini si cantece.
In plus am mai lucrat de pe manualele digitale de clasa a II-a exercitiile de
auditie si fise pe care le-au luat si acasa.
Am calculate si numarul de ore si nu avem chiar un an . Am inceput
undeva in iunie -nu stiu exact data, in iulie, am fost eu plecata in concediu
o saptamana iar incepand din august avem in jur de 85 de ore. In
decembrie nu am facut deloc pana pe 7 ianuarie. In martie ne-am
concentrate pe scris si intelegerea textului citit pentru interviu. Iar din
martie pana in iunie mai erau aproape 3 luni.
Success !

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