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his post contains documentation of detailed design of Online Vehicle Showroom.

It explains
different modules used in this system.
Structure of software package :
The various functional components used are:
Functional component 1: Login module
Functional component 2: Vehicle module
Functional component 3: Vehicle selection module
Functional component 4: Booking module
Functional component 5: Admin module
Functional component 6: Dealer module
Modular Decomposition of the System:
Login module:
Design assumptions:The module of this system are design to authenticate a user before he/she
enters into the system. The user must have valid username and password registered. If the user is
not valid than the user must login again with the correct username and password.
Identification of module:
The module identified in this sytem:

Get username

Get password


Structure Chart showing hierarchy of modules:

Vehicle module:
Design assumptions: The module of this system are used to add new vehicles and to update
vehicle details and to delete vehicles.
Identification of module:
The module identified in this sytem:

Add vehicle



Structure Chart showing hierarchy of modules:

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