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Penurunan kadar HCN dengan metode pengasaman

Umbi gadung segar dipilih, dibersihkan, dicuci, dikupas, kemudian







mempermudah proses pemisahan. Pengaturan pH bahan dilakukan dengan

menambahkan larutan asam sitrat 50% (b/v) sampai dicapai pH 4,5; 5; 5,5.
Proses pemanasan dilakukan dengan memasukkan puree gadung kedalam
penangas air pada suhu 450C selama 5 jam. Proses penetralan dilakukan
dengan menambahkan Natrium bikarbonat sampai pH menjadi 7,5.
Pemisahan Proses pemisahan dilakukan dengan menyaring puree umbi
gadung dengan menggunakan kain saring sehingga diperoleh bahan yang
terpisah dengan air. Pengeringan dalam oven dengan suhu 600C selama 6 jam.
Penggilingan dilakukan menggunakan alat penepung (SyafiI dkk, 2009)
2. Pengujian kadar proksimat
Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis kadar air metode termogravimetri
(AOAC dalam Sudarmadji dkk., 1989), asam sianida (HCN) metode
Alkali-Pikrat (Haque dan Bradbury, 2003), total gula (metode Anthrone
dalam Sudarmadji, dkk, 1989), kadar serat (AOAC dalam Sudarmadji dkk,
1989), kadar pati (AOAC dalam Sudarmadji dkk, 1989). kadar abu
(AOAC dalam Sudarmadji dkk, 1989), rendemen, analisis warna, dan
pemilihan perlakuan terbaik metode Multiple Atribute (Zeleny, 1982).

3. Penentuan kadar HCN

A simple picrate paper kit developed by Egan et al (1997) and
improved by Bradbury et al (1999) was used for the determination
of all forms of cyanogens in cassava products. Protocol B1 was
followed for th determination of total cyanogens and acetone
cyanohydrin + HCN/ CN .

100 mg of sample was placed on top of 21 mm diameter

Whatman 3 MM filter paper disc containing 1 M phosphate buffer at
pH 8 and linamarase in a flat bottomed plastic bottle (supplied in
the kit). Millipore filtered deionised water (0.5 mL) was added and a
yellow picrate paper attached to a plastic strip was immediately
inserted into the vial that was closed immediately with a screw lid
and allowed to stand at room temperature for 24 h. The plastic
backing sheet was removed carefully from the picrate paper. This
latter paper was immersed in 5.0 ml of deionised water for about 30
min. The absorbance of the solution was measured at 510 nm, using
cuvettes of 1 cm light path against a blank, which contained a
yellow solution produced by a picrate paper not exposed to HCN/
CN-. The total cyanogens content (expressed in ppm) was calculated
by the simple equation:
Total cyanogens content = 396 x Absorbance
Other samples were prepared as above but without cassava
flour, using square linamarin papers equivalent to 50 and 400 ppm,
to serve as controls.
1. Pengasaman
a. Bahan
Asam sitrat
Natrium bikarbonat
b. Alat
pH meter / kertas pH universal
penangas air
kain saring
alat penepung

2. Uji HCN
a. Bahan
Prangkat kertas pikrat
Buffer fosfat
b. Alat
Spektro Uvvisible
3. Proksimat

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