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HORIZON" TEACHERS: TEACHER REFERENCE REQUEST ‘Anna Ros Costals APPLICANT FULL NAME REFEREE FULL NAME Maria Carmen Prats Lloveras SCHOOL / INSTITUTION Escola Josep Pallach YEARS / SUBJECTS TAUGHT _| A school year (Intership) DATES EMPLOYED FROM (10/2013) To (5/2014) [Behaviour Management PLEASE GRADE EACH CATEGORY FROM 10 5 DEPENDING ON COMPETENCE 1= EXCELLENT 2=GOOD 3= SATISFACTORY 4 = BELOW AVERAGE TEACHING SKILLS | National Curriculum Knowledge ; Subject Knowledge | Planning and Preparation General Teaching Ability I 5=POOR GRADE _ PROFESSIONALISM. Punctuality & Attendance Reliability Relationship with Colleagues Overall Contribution nielsle Would you re-employ this person? YES Would you have this person back on supply? YES ‘Are there any safeguarding or disciplinary issues that you know of that would make this person unsuitable to work with children? IF YES please provide details: NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION _ REFEREE SIGNATURE Pare Da oaae PRINTNAME _ Maria Carmen Prats Lloveras POSITION _ Primary English teacher [ADDRESSRoses street 17 Vilanova de la Muga GIRONA SPAIN CONDUCT REGULATIONS STATE WE CAN SHOW THIS REFERENCE TO A FUTURE EMPLOYER Horizon Teachers, 3° Floor, 107 Cannon Street, London ECAN SAD Telephone 0207 444 0009 fax 0844 740 0827 email info@horizonteachers.com

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