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Asignatura: INGLS

Curso: 1 ESO


1. Write the numbers in words.
(Escribe los nmeros con palabras)
Example: 8 eight
a) 14 f_________
b) 7 s_________
c) 15 f_________
d) 82 e_________-t______
e) 91 n_________-o______
f) 30 t_________
1. Answer the questions with the words in the box.
(Contesta a las preguntas usando las siguientes palabras)
blue / green / grey / red / white / yellow
Example: What colour is the sky? blue
a) What colour is grass? ___________
b) What colour are bananas? ___________
c) What colour is snow? ___________
d) What colour are elephants? ___________
e) What colour are tomatoes? ___________
1. Complete the ordinal numbers.
(Completa con los nmeros ordinales)
Example: seven - seventh
a) two s__________
b) eleven e__________
c) ten t__________
d) one f__________
e) five f__________
f) three t__________
g) eight e__________


1. Complete the days of the week.
(Completa los das de la semana)
Example: M o n d a y
1. Find the months of the year. Write them in order.
(Busca los meses del ao y escribe en el orden correcto)
Example: January

2. Match the pictures to the words in the box.

(Relaciones el dibujo con las palabras siguientes)


1. What is the correct nationality adjective for these countries?
(Cul es la nacionalidad correcta para estos pases?)
Example: Denmark Danish
a) United States
b) Indonesia
c) Korea
d) Mexico
e) Portugal
f) Turkey
g) Netherlands (Holland)
h) Austria
i) Belgium
j) Scotland
k) Australia
l) Brazil
m) Taiwan
n) Canada
o) Nepal
p) Spain
q) Italia
r) Germany
s) Russia
t) France
u) Japan
v) Greece
w) Unit Kingdom
2. Put the nationality adjectives into the correct groups. Look at the endings.
(Pon las nacionalidades en su grupo correcto. Fjate en el final de cada una)



Other nationalities

3. Circle the correct word.

(Redondea la palabra correcta)
Example: Carlos is from Spain/ Spanish.
a) She is France/French.
b) Anja is from Russia/Russian.
c) These are my friends from German/Germany.
d) Hina is from Japan/Japanese.
e) Sofia is Greece/Greek.
1. Choose the correct word.
(Escoge la palabra correcta)
Example: This is wrong. Can I borrow your rubber / chair?
a) Wheres my pencil / pencil case? I need a pen.
b) I cant find my desk / bag. Its big and blue.
c) My desk / ruler is next to the window. I can see the sky.
d) Write these words in your notebook / desk.
e) This pencil / book is very interesting. Its about cats.
2. Write the names of the objects.
(Escribe el nombre de los objetos)

1. Match the words to the definitions.
(Relaciona el nombre con la definicin)
art / English / French / geography / history / math/ music / PE / science / technology
Example: We learn to make things. technology
a) The language people speak in France. _______
b) The language people speak in the UK. _______
c) We work with numbers. ___________________
d) We draw and paint._______________________
e) We learn to play musical instruments. ________
f) We learn about the world and different countries._________
g) We learn about plants, animals and how things work. __________
h) We learn about the past. __________________
i) We do sports. ___________________________
2. Choose the correct word.
(Escoge la palabra correcta)
Example: I dont like art. Its fun / boring.
a) Science is great. Its really boring / interesting.
b) I cant do maths. Its fun / difficult.
c) French is difficult / easy. I can speak it really well.
d) ICT is fun / difficult. We talk on the internet.
e) I dont like geography. Its interesting / boring.


1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
(Completa las frases con las palabras del cuadro)
am / are / are / are / are / is / is
Example: They are good at English.
a) You ________ my friend.
b) She ________ my teacher.
c) He ________ funny.
d) We ________ in class.
e) I ________ thirteen years old.
f) You ________ my friends.
2. Write the sentences in the negative form.
(Escribe las frases en forma negativa)
Example: Im from Spain. Im not from Spain.
a) They are funny. _________________________
b) She is in my class. _______________________
c) Were best friends. _______________________
d) Youre good students. ____________________
e) Im thirteen years old. ____________________
f) He is my brother. ________________________
3. Re-order the words to make questions.
(Reordena las palabras para construir preguntas)
Example: a terrible singer / Am / I / ?
Am I a terrible singer?
a) you / Greek / Are / ?
b) good at English / he / Is / ?
c) it / Is / funny / ?
d) Japanese / you / Are / ?
e) best friends / they / Are ?
f) class / in / your / she / Is / ?

4. Complete the answers to the questions in exercise 3.
(Responde a las preguntas del ejercicio 3)
Example: Yes, you are.
a) _________________________________ arent.
b) Yes, __________________________________.
c) ____________________________________ is.
d) ________________________________ am not.
e) Yes, __________________________________.
f) __________________________________ isnt.
1. Rewrite each sentence with a possessive s adjectives.
(Reescribe cada frase con un adjetivo posesivo)
Example: The favourite music of my friend is jazz.
My friends favourite music is jazz.
a) The umbrella of Maria is old.
b) The names of the boys are Fred and Jem.
c) The bikes of the girls are red.
d) The car of the teacher is white.
e) The father of Jean is from France.
1. Look at the picture and complete the sentences using the words in the box.
(Mira las imgenes y completa la frase usando una de las
siguientes palabras)
This This That That These Those

Example: This is my book.

a) ________ people are my friends.
b) ________ is my pencil case.

c) ________ is my bag.
d) ________ are my CDs.
e) ________ is my ball.
1. Complete with have got or has got.
(Completa con have got o has got)
Example: He has got fair hair.
a) I ____________________________ blue eyes.
b) We _________________________ a black dog.
c) Alfie __________________________ short hair.
d) You ____________________________ freckles.
e) Ruby _________________________ long hair.
f) They ______________________ a nice teacher.
2. Make negative sentences.
(Transforma las preguntas a su forma negativa)
Example: I have got long hair. I havent got long hair.
a) I have got red hair. _______________________
b) Jack has got two sisters. __________________
c) We have got a blue car. ___________________
d) She has got a new CD.____________________
e) They have got green T-shirts._______________
f) You have got freckles. ____________________
3. Complete the questions.
(Completa las preguntas)
Example: Have you got freckles?
a) ________ Jake ________ blue eyes?
b) ________ we ________ red pencil cases?
c) ________ I ________ a new teacher?
d) ________ it ________ short hair?
e) ________ they ________ glasses?
f) ________ Lucy ________ a black pen?
4. Write questions.
(Escribe las frases en forma de pregunta)
Example: You have got a new bike.
Have you got a new bike?
a) Mike has got a blue bag.

b) The cat has got green eyes.

c) We have got a big classroom.
d) I have got long hair.
e) They have got glasses.
1. Complete the imperatives with the words in the box.
(Completa los imperativos con las palabras siguientes)
down / quiet / the TV / the teacher / the window / up / your books

Example: Close the window, please.

a) Sit _________, please.
b) Be _________, please.
c) Stand _________, please.
d) Open _________, please.
e) Turn off _________.
f) Listen to _________.
2. Complete the negative imperatives with the words in the box.
(Completa los negativos imperaticos con las palabras siguientes)
in class / late / on your desk / with dirty shoes / your mobile phones / on the chairs /
the window
Example: Dont sit on your desk, please.
a) Dont use _______________________ , please.
b) Dont talk _______________________ , please.
c) Dont be _______________________________.
d) Dont open _____________________________.
e) Dont put your feet _______________________.
f) Dont come in ___________________________.

3. Complete the conversation with the words in brackets in the correct form.
(Completa la conversacin con las palabras en parntesis, ponindolas en la forma correcta)
Example: Rob Dont turn (not turn) on the TV now. Im doing my homework!
Lucy (1) _______ (not do) your homework here, (2) _______ (do) it in your bedroom. Ouch!
Mum Rob! (3) _______ (not do) that to your sister!
(4) ______ (get) up and (5) _______ (go) to your room!
Rob Its not fair.
Mum (6) ________ (not come) down until youve
finished. And (7) ______ (close) the door, please


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