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Film makers will produce a short, no longer than 2 minutes, video

highlighting their proficiency in continuity.
The required elements are as follows:
Minimum of two talents
Recorded dialogue (not just cut to music)
Three matched action sequences MAS (of the three MAS only one
may be a door or stair sequence)
Packaging: titles and music
And don't forget there are two kinds of continuity: temporal and
Temporal = does the edit make sense in time.
Spatial = does the edit make sense in placement/arrangement of
objects, clothing, etc.
Projects will be assessed based on the following:
1. Did the student care? Did the student create a quality project to
be proud of?
2. Were all of the required elements included?
3. Was the project submitted on time?
4. Was the project technically well produced? Well composed, well
lit, properly white balanced and directed scenes are obvious, and
will be assessed accordingly. Sloppy, poorly shot footage is just
as obvious and will also be assessed accordingly.
5. And was an attempt made at telling a story? Is there a logic to
the shots leading to an understandable conclusion?

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