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Group 3: Soumodeep Das | Rohit Kumar | Rohit Kawade | Himanshi Shivhare | Anshoo Saini |

Abhishek Tigga | Kumar Abhishek

Integrated Marketing Communication: White Paper

Effective marketing communication requires an integrated marketing strategy in
order to successfully foster consumers awareness about the product, knowledge,
generation of interest in the product and its features and finally converting them
into purchases. Hence it is essential to deliver all the different communication
messages in different forms but in a consistent and complementary way.
Different types of communications are used for different purposes because some
types are better than the rest in some way or the other. Television advertising is
good for delivering the message to a wide variety of audience while limited time
promotions are good for generating immediate actions from the consumers.
Communication Vehicles:
There are two dimensions used to contrast communication:
a. One-way vs Two-way
b. Mass vs customized

A television advertisement is mass media and one way communication while a

salesperson is two-way interaction and more customized in terms of the message
Characteristics of leading media:

Televisions: expensive but appeals to a large segment and is useful in creating

brand awareness. Challenge lies in delivering the message and gaining the
attention of the consumer ahead of its competitors.
Newspapers: They are more informative and consumers have a more positive
feeling towards it. But the life of the ads is very limited.
Radio: They are very effective if the TG is very specific and more so for local
advertising. It is low cost option too.
Magazines: They are used to deliver a specific message to a well defined TG and
has a high referral and pass-along readership rate. It also enjoys the longest life.
Direct Marketing: Direct marketing techniques include-infomercials (long video
presentations of an information heavy message), catalogs(multi-paged pieces
showing merchandise for sale), telemarketing(selling-by-phone). The most recent
development is the web that enables exchange of customized messages in an
instantaneous manner.
Role of promotions in IMC:
A complementary part of the communications mix is promotions. Promotions are
useful in inducing an urgency to buy hence helping to generate actual sales.
Consumer promotions: These include programs like free samples, price oriented
programs, premiums, tie-ins, continuity programs and contests.
Trade promotions: Trade promotions are used for inducing trade to a) carry an item
b)increase inventory held c) display/advertise the item d) lower the price of the
item. Common trade promotion vehicles include slotting allowances, cooperative
advertising, floor planning, temporary price-cuts, volume discounts, contests.
Rolling out the communication mix:
There are two types of communication channels; personal and non personal
Sponsorship for events can be a mechanism to gain desirable brand associations.
The majority of event marketing sponsorships are involved in sports. These are
used to enhance the corporate reputation.
Publicity and public relations help consumers in forming an image about the firm
and its products.
Formulating the IMC Program:
The 6Ms model for communications planning : market, mission, message, media,
money, media, money, measurement. The market/message/mission part is used to

figure out the strategic and tactical objectives of the campaign. The hierarchy of
effects model:
Awareness -> knowledge -> comprehension -> liking -> preference -> conviction ->
The first three belong to the cognitive stage, the next three to the affective stage
and the last to the conative phase.

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