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Loops and Iterations

name: show_flow
purpose: show some basic flow blocks
args: none
returns: total score
int show_flow()
/* vars */
int score = 0; /* holds num of iterations */
int i; /* our mighty iterator */
char ch; /* input character */

/* for statement */
for (i=0; i<10; i++) score++; /* loop 10 times */

/* while statement, check condition before */

i = 3;
while (i>0) /* loop 2 times */
i = i - 2;

/* do-while statement, check condition after */

do /* loop 1 time */

} while (i>0);
/* continue and break can help decide locally */
while (1) /* loop forever */
ch = get_input_from_user();
if (ch == 'q') break; /* exit the loop */
if (ch == 's') continue; /* continue to the next iteration */

return score;

Structures and Enums

name: show_moredata
purpose: show some more data types
args: none
returns: nothing
void show_moredata()
/* types */
struct gun {
char name[50];
int magazine_size;
float calibre; }; /* structure */
typedef struct gun gun_type; /* simplify the type */
enum days {sun = 1,mon,tue,wed,thr,fri,sat}; /* int values with names */

/* vars */
struct gun glock = {"Glock",17,0.9}; /* init by members */
gun_type m16 = {0}; /* init all to zero */
gun_type *gun_ptr = &m16; /* ptr to the m16 gun */
enum days today = wed;

gun_ptr->magazine_size = glock.magazine_size + 13;
today++; /* today is actually int */

Dynamic Memory

#include <stdlib.h>
#define NULL (0)

name: show_dynamic_mem
purpose: show usage of dynamic memory allocation
args: (in) size - size of buffer to use (in bytes)
(in) elements - num of elements to hold
returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int show_dynamic_mem(int size, int elements)
/* vars */
char *buffer = NULL;
int *dyn_int_array = NULL;

/* allocate buffer of size bytes */

buffer = malloc(size);
if (NULL == buffer) return -1;

/* allocate dynamic array of elements ints */

dyn_int_array = malloc(elements * sizeof(int));
if (NULL == dyn_int_array)
return -1;

do_something(buffer, dyn_int_array);

/* cleanup */
return 0;

Standard IO

#include <stdio.h>
#define NULL (0)

name: show_stdio
purpose: show usage of standard input / output
args: (in) filename - name of file to work with
returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int show_stdio(char *filename)
/* vars */
FILE *input = NULL;
unsigned long dword = 0;
int items_read = 0;

/* open the file in binary mode for read only */

input = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (NULL == input)
printf("cant open %s\n",filename);
return -1;
/* read dwords from the file */
while (!feof(input))
items_read = fread(&dword, sizeof(dword), 1, input);
if (1 == items_read) printf("read from %s the dword %08x\n",filename,dword);
else break;
/* cleanup */
return 0;

Preprocessor and H Files

name: h_file_example
purpose: demonstrate usage of an h file and the preprocessor
#ifndef __H_FILE_EXAMPLE__
#define __H_FILE_EXAMPLE__

#include "another_h_file.h"

/* defines */
#define NULL (0)
#define TRUE (1)
#define FALSE (0)
#define GREETING "hello world"

/* macros */
#define max(A,B) ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))

extern int global_in_c; /* declare a global defined in matching c file */

name: show_types
purpose: show some basic types and type operations
args: (out) result - ptr to the result of this func
returns: nothing
void show_types(int *result);

name: show_flow
purpose: show some basic flow blocks
args: none
returns: total score
int show_flow();

#endif /*__H_FILE_EXAMPLE__*/

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