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Prevention of Shale Instability by Optimizing Drilling Fluid Performance

R. Mkpoikana, A. Dosunmu, and C. Eme, University of Port Harcourt

Copyright 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition held in Lagos, Nigeria, 4 6 August 2015.
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This research work outlines the main results of the shale instability study with respect to shale/ fluid
interaction mechanisms, and also analyses the shale strength properties. An approach was undertaken to
develop a better understanding of the effects of using polymer drilling fluid on the shale mechanical
properties and how to optimize its performance. Wellbore stability in shale is very much influenced by
the type of drilling fluid used, here the problems observed were, borehole fluid invasion into the shale,
increase in potential pipe sticking, swelling/hydration of shale which results in high level of nonproduction time (NPT). Different drilling fluids were analyzed for their effects on shale strength.
Emphasis here was on the mechanical properties of the shale samples after exposed to different drilling
fluids for 24hours. The mud which maintains high compressive strength of the shale is the most preferred
(optimum) selection. The shale sample exposed to the polymer drilling fluid shows the lowest strength,
from the stress-strain curve. The use of KCl brine in drilling fluids is based on its shale inhibition
characteristics as it is thought that the k ion provides additional attraction among the clay platelets due
to its size and charge. However the shale loses most part of its strength when exposed to the modified
polymer drilling muds combined with 5% KCl, 7%, 10% KCl respectively. One of the possible reasons
is Kaolinite in the shale. The shale samples will keep more of its original strength when exposed to the
modified polymer drilling muds combined with chemical agents with plugging ability to pore throat and
micro-fracture. The shale sample exposed to polymer drilling fluid with 10%Nacl, 5% Physical sealing
agent and 10% Chemical agent A1 (rich in silica) exhibit the highest strength. From the result of the
experiment the drilling fluid density has been reduced immensely, thus the new mud system improves the
wellbore stability and keeps the shale formation stable.

Wellbore instability undoubtedly is one of the most common underlying causes of non productive time
during drilling. It has been accounted for, that 75% of all formations drilled by the oil and gas industry
are shales. The mud density and its chemistry play a major role in the wellbore stability. In many cases
the optimum mud weights are centered on the geomechanics wellbore stability modeling studies by
geomechanics engineers, while the mud types and its chemistry are chosen due to the fluids performance,
environmental compliance and lab testing considerations by the mud engineers. The problems closely
connected with the use of drilling fluids type and chemistry, are usually caused by incompatibilities


between the drilling fluids and the shale formations reached. These incompatibilities can lead to washouts,
poor penetration rates, rig time, dilution requirements, high drilling cost due to solids handling, shale
sloughing, borehole encroachment and different other wellbore instability occurrence. Drilling fluids can
cause shale instability by altering pore pressure or effective stress-state and the shale strength through
shale/fluid interaction. Shale instability is a time-dependent problem, which changes the stress-state and
strength that usually take place over a period of time. This requires better understanding of the
mechanisms causing shale instability to select proper drilling fluid and prevent shale instability. This
research is focused on the best approach to optimize the appropriate drilling system to prevent shale
This work provides the knowledge of shale stability study, related to the understanding of shale/fluid
mechanism. The use of Mohr Coulomb failure criterion in predicting the mud weight, that will prevent
shear failure in the well and also understanding the mechanism of wellbore failure in the shale fomations.
This work focuses mainly on mechanical failure. It also provides basic information on the causes and
types of instability in shales and the interactions between drilling mud and the formation. An experimental
method was introduced for the comparison of performance by different Polymer drilling fluids on the
chemical and mechanical properties of the shale, by using a high pressure and temperature triaxial test

Wellbore instability is one of the largest sources of trouble, time wastage and over cost during drilling.
Shales (principally clays), which represent 75% of all formations drilled by the oil and gas industry,
(Frank Lain, 2001). The behavior and the physical properties of shale exposed to a drilling fluid depend
on the type and amount of clay in shale. The effect of incompatible drilling fluid system has been one of
the most challenging problems that lead to shale instability in the oil and gas industry. According to
Xiangjun and Pinya Luo (2006), shale shows various strength properties in the presents of incompatible
fluid. This also entails that if the fluid properties changed, also the bearing capacity of the drilling process
will change. Several studies on shale-fluid intereaction establish that various causes are at the origin of
borehole instability: water absorbtion, osmotic swelling and cation exchange. Different approaches to
WBM design are suggested. (Bol et al., 1992; Van Oort 2003).
Some recent researches on shalefluid interactions suggest a new approach to WBM design (Lomba et
al., 2000; Schlemmer et al., 2002; Van Oort 2003). In this study, a careful thought is given to maintain
borehole stabilization in reactive shales by reducing hydration (swelling), increase in potential pipe
sticking, borehole fluid invasion into the shale. KCl is probably the best known inhibitor in the oil and gas
industry. Its popularity derives mainly from its ability to reduce swelling pressures in smectite clays. It has
been applied very effectively in drilling young, reactive gumbo type shales. (M.Yu et al., 2004). The
choice of using Nacl is for shale control, however, does have certain advantages over the use of KCl. Nacl
is more soluble than KCl. Solutions near saturation have elevated base viscosities and have lower water
activities than the concentrated KCl solutions, giving rise to higher osmotic pressures. Therefore, they are
better equipped to reduce filtrate invasion in shales. The challenge experienced in this Nger-Delta (N/D)
field was that, the mud weight reached about 1.37g/cm3, significant wellbore instability is experienced
during drilling through the shale formation. And due to the high mud weight, the drilling rate was quite
slow. To fulfill the mentioned objectives, different mud systems were examined for their effects on shale

Experimental Details
Some sets of experiments were conducted on the shale samples, which are: X-ray diffaraction test,
Scanning electron microscopy test and shale strength measurement by the use of high pressure and
temperature triaxial test equipment. The primary aim of study was to determine the mud which maintains


high compressive strength of the shale. Core analysis was performed on the samples to obtain the shale
mineralogy and properties. Afterwards, the shale was processed into 3cm by 6cm cylinder sample and was
immersed into different drilling fluid with constant temperature of 60 centigrade for 24 hours, then
conducted a triaxial test with a confining pressure of 15MPa.
Then the sample was immersed into the then polymer fluid and was chacterized, according to its result
as shown in the Figure 3. Due to the polymer fluid performance on the shale strength, optimization of the
drilling fluid system was necessary. In course of the experiment, the samples were selected and soaked
in various salt solutions, which were (Kcl and Nacl), for 24 hours and the triaxial compressive test was
conducted. The result of the stress-strain relationship of the immersed shales in the salt solution is shown
in Figure 4. Later the shale strength test was being conducted on the shale samples after being soaked in
the various drilling fluids for 24 hours, to know which of the drilling fluid system satisfies the optimum
conditions. The result for this test is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 1Electronic Microscopy Photo of the shale


Figure 2Triaxial Strength Result of the Shale

Figure 3Triaxial test result of the immersed shale in polymer mud for 24hours


Figure 4 Effect of KCL salt solution on shale stability

Figure 5Effect of Polymer Drilling Fluid KCL on shale stability


Figure 6 Effect of drilling fluid on shale strength

Results and Discussions

These experiments were based on the mechanical and chemical properties of shale when contacting with
different drilling fluids. It was understood that if the fluid properties changed, the bearing capacity of shale
in drilling process would change. Experiments were conducted repeatedly with different fluid type;
comparative measures were drawn on the analyzed results of the experiments. The shale fractions were
subjected to x-ray analysis and also electronic microscopy test respectively. The outcomes or the results
of the analyses are shown in the table 1b. From this result, it is shown that the shale samples to be quartz,
feldspar, carbonate and pyrite.
Table 1aMohrCoulomb criterion for determination of fracture


Wellbore failure will occur if



Pw(BO) (E c)/N

Table 1bMinerals composition of shale samples by X-ray

analysis (%)








The clay types showed that the clay size fraction of samples consist mainly of Kaolinite (46%),
Smectite (32.4%) and Illite (21.6%) respectively. Through the X-ray analysis of the clay mineral
composition, it was noted that the shale was rich in illite. Illite is known for its swelling abilities and also
has strong tendency of hydrate expansion. For instance, using and incompatible fluid will affect the
wellbore instability problems. From the result of deformation and failure law of shale which was
immersed in the drilling fluid. It indicates that drilling fluid is incompatible with shale, when the shale has
a strong attenuation effect. Therefore, we can calculate or evaluate and optimize the compatibility between
shale and drilling fluids. The shale was processed into 3cm by 6cm cylinder sample, and classified as
described. The shale samples was immersed into drilling fluid with constant temperature of 60centigrade
for 24hours, then conducted triaxial test. When measuring the shale strength at an effective confining
pressure of 15MPa, the strain-stress characteristics reached was, the compressive strength at 28.4MPa,


elastic modulus was 1,414MPa, and the Poisson ratio was 0.265. From the results gotten, it was concluded
that the sample exhibited higher strength. This strength characteristic is for shale sample not immersed in
drilling fluid. The result is shown in Figure 2.
The result of the triaxial compressive strength of the immersed shale in the used polymer drilling fluid
for 24 hours, with confining pressure at 15MPa, as shown in Fig.3. The test temperature was 60 c, which
is the temperature of the middle formation. The stated result below in Fig.3 shows that the shale strength
was 0.11MPa. Compared to the previous result of the strength of 28.4MPa, it indicates the shale strength
reduces drastically when immersed in the existing drilling fluid. Therefore, the present drilling fluid
system obviously reduces the shale strength which is the main cause of wellbore instability during the
drilling process. So, it is necessary to optimize the drilling fluid system.
In guaranteeing the comparability of the test results, these samples were classified by some parameters,
which are the permeability, porosity, density. Some shale samples were selected and immersed in various
percentage of KCL salt solution for 24 hours, and then carried out the triaxial test. From Figure 4, it is
shown that the shale immersed in KCL solution has a higher strength compared to that of the existing
polymer drilling system. Different composition of KCL ranging from 5%, 7% and 10% was added into
the polymer drilling fluid respectively, and the shale sample was immersed into it for 24 hours, then
triaxial test was conducted. The strength results of these tests are shown below in Figure 5. In comparison
to the polymer drilling fluid system, the different compositions of the KCL improved shale strength
apparently. Note that KCL has shale-inhibition characteristics. From the figure, it does show that inhibitor
cannot solve instability problems completely.
By optimizing the drilling fluid system, 5% latex sealing agent and 10% chemical agent A1 was
introduced to the polymer drilling fluid. Figure 6, depicted that both the chemical and physical stabilizer
improved the formation stability. Osmotic water does also affect shale strength beside hydration water. So
we should prevent hydration due to disequilibrium water activity, and also prevent water phase in the
drilling fluid to penetrate into formation as much as possible. Microfractures which are always rich in
shale formation, these microfractures might become the main seepage channel of drilling fluid when there
is a differential pressure in drilling system process. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively seal the
microfractures to minimize drilling fluid penetrating as far as possible in the drilling operation. The
combination of KCL with the latex sealing agent, simultaneously improves shale stability but relative to
the native rock it still decreases. More study was done on the shale petrophysics. From the test, the shale
average porosity was 19% and the mean permeability was 0.28 * 10 6 m, so hydraulic permeability
exists under the differential pressure. Therefore, effectively preventing drilling fluid penetration is the
solution to improve shale stability. Selected chemical agent A1 that has strong membrane activity,
prepared polymer fluid with different chemical agent ratio, soaked shale in prepared polymer fluid for
24hours, then a triaxial test was conducted and the mechanical parameters are shown in the table 3. We
can see that the combination of polymer drilling fluid with joined 10%Nacl and 5% of both the physical
sealing agent and the chemical agent A1 simultaneously can improve the shale strength greatly as shown
in Figure 6.
Table 2Clay minerals composition of shale samples (%)







Table 3Mechanical properties of the immersed shale in different salt solution and drilling fluid system
Shale (cored)


Salt solution/Drilling
Fluid (%)

Confined compressive
strength (MPa)

Youngs modulus (MPa)

Poisson ratio ()



















Polymer fluid
KCL (5%)
KCL (7%)
KCL (10%)
Polymer fluid Kcl
Polymer fluid Kcl
Polymer fluid Kcl
Pol.mud10% (5%)
physical stabilizer
Pol.mudKcl (10%)
10%chemical agent
Pol.mudNacl (10%)
10%Chem. agent A1

The experiment shows that the use of the combined Nacl in the proportion of 10% and 5% of physical
sealing agent and the chemical agent A1 in the polymer mud gives a better stability in comparison to the
rest of the fluid combinations. We can also see that the new formulated fluid can improve the shale
strength greatly without affecting the petrophysical properties. The triaxial test strength result gotten, was
nearly to that of the native rock strength, which indicates that the drilling fluid system improves wellbore
stability. Note that Nacl is more soluble than KCL. Solutions near have elevated base viscosities and have
lower water activities than concentrated KCL solutions, which gives rise to higher osmotic pressures.
Therefore, they are better equipped to reduce filtration invasion in shales. Nacl works productively in
combination with systems which enhance shale membrane efficiency. Mud weight is an important factor
when dealing with wellbore instability problems. Mud weight should be carefully calculated to prevent the
initiation of tensile and shear failures. In N/D shale, the focus was to determine the mud pressure
preventing shear failure. The mud pressure is estimated or calculated from in-situ stress field and
compressive strength of the formation exposed to specific drilling fluid. Calculated from hydraulic
fracture data and wireline logging information, the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses gradient
are respectively 2.065MPa/100m and 1.734MPa/100m at sample depth and a pore pressure gradient of
1.3MPa/100m and a vertical overburden stress gradient of 2.5MPa/100m According to Mohr-Coulomb
failure criteria, we predicted that the mud weight preventing the shear failure of this formation could be
1.03 g/cm3 by using of the new mud system. In comparison to the previous mud weight of 1.31g/cm3, the
new mud system will improve the wellbore stability, thus the mud weight preventing shear failure of shale
formation drop down by 0.28g/cm3.

Conclusions and Recommendations

An incompatible drilling fluid system is one of the major shale stability problems that may lead to
wellbore failure in the oil and gas industries. The above discussion gives the view on the experimental
approach on maintaining the shale stability (mechanical properties) by optimizing drilling fluid performance. However understanding of shale/fluid interaction mechanisms is not enough to effectively control
the shale stability problem. One of the most important functions of the drilling mud, when drilling through
the shale, is to separate the contact between the shale formation and the drilling mud rather than to inhibit
shale hydration when the drilling mud goes into shale formation.


Mud weight is an important factor when dealing with wellbore instability problems. Mud weight should
be carefully and properly calculated to prevent the initiation of tensile and shear failures. Note that
researches on the increment of collapse pressure caused by drilling fluid are much more important than
that of the value of shale collapse pressure.

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