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Workout 2.

DT meets Fran

5 rounds for time

12x Deadlifts
9x Hang Power Cleans
6x Thrusters
Rx (115/85 lb)
Scaled (95/65 lb)


Workout 2.3

Round 3

12x Deadlifts
9x Hang Power Cleans
6x Thrusters

12x Deadlifts
9x Hang Power Cleans
6x Thrusters

Round 4


Round 5

Round 2

Round 1



12x Deadlifts
9x Hang Power Cleans
6x Thrusters

12x Deadlifts
9x Hang Power Cleans
6x Thrusters

12x Deadlifts

Rx 115/85 lb

9x Hang Power Cleans

Scaled 95/65 lb

6x Thrusters

Total Time


Workout 2.3

One Barbell
Plates to load to the appropriate weight for
your division

2.3 begins with the athlete standing next to a
Barbell on the ground, that is pre-loaded to the
appropriate weight for their division.

Prior to starting, film the barbell and plates to be

used so the weight of the bar can be seen clearly.
All video submissions should be uncut and unedited
in order to accurately display the performance. A
running clock, a timer from an app, or a second
person with a stopwatch, should be in the frame
throughout the entire workout. Shoot the video
from an angle so all exercises can be clearly seen
meeting the movement standards.

The transition between Deadlifts and Hang Power

Cleans has to be such that after full extension is
reached on the 12th Deadlift the Barbell must
pause and/or travel down the thigh to intiate the
Hang Power Clean.

At the start of the clock the athlete will perform

12x Deadlifts, followed by 9x Hang Power Cleans,
A video is required for every workout to place in and then 6x Thrusters. The athlete will continue
the top 3 for any division.
this pattern until all 5 rounds are complete.

The score for 2.3 will be the total time taken to
perform the 5 rounds.

Note: This video may be longer than previous

workouts. Be sure you have enough battery life,
memory and time to upload your video. You may
need to increase your limit on YouTube to allow a
longer video.


Workout 2.3


This is a traditional Deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo Deadlifts are not allowed. Starting
at the floor, the Barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the
bar. The arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.


This is a standard Hang Power Clean, moving the Barbell from a point below the hips and above the
knee to the shoulders. Whenever the athlete begins a set with the barbell originating on the ground,
they must first, complete a Deadlift, reaching full hip and knee extension, prior to beginning the Hang
Clean repetition. A rep is complete when the barbell finishes in the athletes front rack, in contact with
the shoulders, elbows past the barbell, with the athlete at full hip and knee extension, and their feet
directly beneath the athletes hips. The athletes HIPS MAY NOT BREAK PARALLEL.


This is a standard barbell Thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full
lockout overhead. The bar starts on the ground, no racks allowed. The hip crease must pass below the
knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground. Using a ball, box or
other object to check for proper depth is not allowed.


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