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e glorious power of faith

Read today's message of the book "Our Daily Bread for 365 days"
posted on 07/11/2016 at 00:30.
Of Writing (*) / Photo: Thinkstock

Tags: Our Daily Bread for 365 days power of faith Christians

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift

of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23
Sin brings forth death, because first creates doubt;and doubt gives birth to death. Faith,
which is the belief that comes from God's Word generates life.The faith that God has
given us is that we have the behavior and character according to His Word.But there
are rules that establish the power of faith.
Once doubt is highlighted, your faith is fallen, prostrate, dejected. This is the problem of
most Christians, who believe in God are faithful to God, but within them a
question. When Adam and Eve sinned, they immediately came the accusation in their
consciousness and they hid from God (Genesis 3.8-10). They hid, trapped by fear,
because the bad conscience was the question installed within them. Doubt is the
mother of fear is the mother's concern. Doubt is the mother of the children of this world.
Doubts bring fear, worry, depression, anxiety; doubts generate unrest, lack of peace,
sadness.Above all, doubts bring failure. You cease to believe in yourself, because it is in
doubt. And if you do not believe in yourself, who you see, how you believe in God, who
does not see?

Faith is the antidote to doubts aga

Plant now what you want to reap

Read today's message of the book "Our Daily Bread for 365 days"
posted on 10/11/2016 at 00:30.
Of Writing (*) / Photo: Thinkstock

Tags: Our Daily Bread for 365 days harvesting fruits of the Spirit

"So prudently see how you walk, not as

unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians
We are already in the month of November.Another year is coming to an end. Maybe
you've given up this year, planning the next. However, the wise and enjoys time, not
waste. Do not despise the last weeks of the year as if the year were over.
The wise does not think that will be world time, not live undisciplined not waste time with
nitpicking. The wise man does not waste time. Do not throw away precious minutes with
questions, complaints, depression or anxiety.
The wise man understands that his priority is the salvation of your soul is the spiritual
life. He knows that the days are evil and that every passing day, the world gets
worse. He watches your steps and your thoughts so that your time is well spent.
Be wise in the days remaining before the year end. Plant now what you want to reap
tomorrow.Plant seeds that will bear fruit for eternity. Enjoy every minute of the time you

received from God.But do not think that "enjoy" is what the world preaches. "Leverage"
is not to give vent to their desires and do whatever comes to mind. A thousand times
no! Take the time to cherish the opportunity that you have received you can make the
right choice: walk circumspectly, in the discipline of God's Word.

Click here to see the previous message

Be wise in the days remaining before the year end. Plant now what you want to reap
If you to learn more about this topic, join the Salvation Night, which takes place every
Wednesday at Universal. Click here to find the address of a church near you.
(*) Source: book "The Bread Our 365 Days" , the Bishop Macedo

We remember that this space is only for comments regarding the matter in question. Only relevant comments will be
allowed.Prayer and guidance applications may be made in Pastor Online
page: www.universal.org/pastoronline . Suggestions and complaints can be sent to redacao@universal.org.br .

inst death. Clear consciousness, believe in yourself and strengthen your faith fight all
the deadly symptoms of doubt. Faith is not simple tool to achieve a personal
dream. Faith is the power of God that we come to conquer the kingdom of heaven, that
is, so that we have access to all that God is and all that God has. You can use it today
and turn any situation which has risen up against you.

Click here to see the previous message

Neglect doubt, insecurity and fear. Strengthen your faith, so you can have true life.
If you to learn more about this topic, join the Salvation Night, which takes place every
Wednesday at Universal. Click here to find the address of a church near you.
(*) Source: book "The Bread Our 365 Days" , the Bishop Macedo

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